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The Virtual Interactive Network Navigation Interface.

F O R   Y O U R   P C

(a Macintosh version is currently under development)

It's Cool... It's Fast.... And It Doesn't take Up Drive Space!

VINNI is the first interface that works on a PC and allows you to navigate through any VINNI-configured World Wide Web Domain in a custom 3-D environment. VINNI is NOT VRML or JAVA. It is a custom made program, developed by the team of Vladimir Elberg and Timothy Stone at On Ramp, Inc. VINNI brings the Domain alive, allowing you to cruise corridors and rooms simply by using your mouse or arrow keys. If the domain you enter is configured for VINNI, be prepared to enter an entire new dimension... the 3rd Dimension! The current version of VINNI, version 1.1B1 is configured to work cleanly and install easily on your PC. Because VINNI files are so small, we can change a configuration and download it to you automatically when you enter a site. In that way you can always be sure your VINNI 3-D World is fresh and exciting. If your favorite website is not configured for VINNI (poor guys!), email the webboss at the site and tell them...

"I want my 3-D PC!"

Wanna Know More?

What is VINNI?

VINNI is a NETSCAPE helper application for your PC that allows you to wander through a website in a 3-D environment. VINNI comes in two parts.... the VINNI 3-D Browser, and the VINNI Worldfile. Once the VINNI 3-D Browser is downloaded and configured properly on your PC, all you have to do is go to any website that is configured for VINNI and you can download an entire new Worldfile in seconds! Each VINNI 3-D World is completely different, and each Worldfile is typically UNDER 100k!. No long download times and huge files. VINNI let's you get going in a hurry.

How do I Get VINNI?

Here's another piece of good news.... VINNI is FREE! All you have to do is go to any VINNI-configured site. You will be able to obtain the VINNI 3-D Browser there. Once the browser is configured, all you have to do is find a Website that is configured for VINNI. When you enter a VINNI configured site, simply click on the VINNI icon and a file (with the extension .vwi) will be automaticaly downloaded to your VINNI 3-D Browser. After a few seconds, the VINNI browser will then launch, presenting you with a 3D VINNI World configured to that site.

How Do I Get Around?

Once you have entered your VINNI 3-D World, getting around is easy... and fun! You can navigate the site in two ways.... either by mouse or by arrow keys. Arrow keys will take you in the direction the arrow points.... forward, left, right, or back. The mouse works similarly... just point and click in the screen direction you want to go. As you start using the arrow keys or mouse, you will immeidately be treated to a 3-D ride. Don't worry... if you hit a wall, you won't crash. Just point the mouse in another direction or choose a different arrow key. VINNI will respond accordingly.

As you move through your VINNI 3-D World, you will arrive at certain "junctions". Surrounding the junctions are screens. Each screen represents a URL location in the domain. When you find a location you want to Browse, simply press the "SPACE BAR" or click on the screen with your mouse. You will then be whisked to the chosen URL address through NETSCAPE.

VINNI can be a wild ride or a casual stroll. Its up to you. You will find you are having fun just roaming around. But if you want to fly, be sure to wear your seat belt! VINNI will rock right on your 14.4 modem. If you get lost, don't worry... Just hit the "Home" button on your keyboard and VINNI will take you back to the 3-D World Entrance. Also, you will see signs on the left or right side of the VINNI corridors telling you what lays in that direction. Each room you enter has a sign overhead to tell you where you are going. Its easy, fun, and fast!

System Requirements

  • PC Compatible 486DX 50 or better
  • Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95
  • Netscape 1.1N or later (16-bit or 32-bit)
  • A 14.4 kbps or better Internet connection
  • 8 Megabytes of RAM
  • 3 Megabytes of Hard Drive space
  • VGA Monitor

  • Downloading and installing VINNI 1.1V

    First you must go to a VINNI configured site to download the software. Remember, its free, free, free! Then make sure you have the system requirements. Since you are here, we will assume you found us! Now that you are here, follow these steps. Most of the installation happens automatically, so enjoy.

      Download the file
      v11b16.exe (711,408 Bytes) if you are using the 16 BIT VERSION of NETSCAPE (Windows 3.1 Users download this file)


      Download the file v11b32.exe (716,227 Bytes) if you are using the 32 BIT VERSION of NETSCAPE.

      Download the file vinniexp.exe (710,452 Bytes) if you are using the Microsoft Internet Explorer
      Run the file v11b16.exe (or v11b32.exe if you are using the 32 Bit version of Netscape with Windows 95) from the directory that you have downloaded it into. Click on "Unzip" once the VINNI install dialog box appears.
      Follow the links to the domain's VINNI world.
      Click the link and watch VINNI load. Then GO GO GO!
    Should you have any difficulties configuring or installing VINNI, you can read the FAQ or e-mail vinni@metaverse.com

    (Make sure to close any terminal/stay ready applications running in the background).

    NOTE : An Apple Macintosh version is not available at this time.

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    C R E A T E D B Y

    Chief Designer and Programmer: Vladimir Elberg

    Co-Designer: Timothy Stone

    For General Info: email to budmaster@budweiser.com