Pine Tree Legal Assistance is a non-profit corporation providing legal assistance to people in the State of Maine whose income is one hundred twenty-five percent of the federal income poverty guidelines or less.


Pine Tree serves clients throughout the State of Maine from offices in Portland, Augusta, Bangor, Presque Isle and an intake office in Machias. Pine Tree also manages the Volunteer Lawyers Proect which provides assistance to eligible clients in certain cases from private attorneys throughout the state.


Pine Tree Legal Assistance is a 501(c)(3) organization providing legal assistance to low income people throughout the State of Maine. It receives funding from the Legal Services Corporation, the Maine Bar Foundation and from private contributions. If you would like to pledge a financial contribution, or to receive a brochure with more information about Pine Tree, please e-mail us your name and address below.


Pine Tree Legal Assistance cannot possibly provide extensive legal assistance to all financially eligible clients on all legal problems. Pine Tree makes available client education and pro-se assistance materials on a variety of legal topics. These materials are not intended to give legal advice for specific situations. They merely provide general information as to the law and its effect at the time the materials were written. If you have specific questions, or need advice regarding a specific situation, you should see a lawyer if at all possible. If you are not eligible for Pine Tree's services, or if Pine Tree cannot provide assistance because of funding cuts, the Maine State Bar Association maintains a Lawyer Referral Service which makes referrals to attorneys who will provide half an hour of consultation for a nominal fee. The Bar Association also has additional Client Education materials available.



Both Pine Tree Legal Assistance and the Volunteer Lawyers Project rely on volunteers in the provision of services to low income people calling for assistance from throughout Maine. Volunteers are responsible for answering in-coming calls. Volunteers are trained to interview clients, determine the facts of the case, and provide information, referrals and assistance.

LEGAL EXPERIENCE IS NOT NECESSARY. Training, reading materials, and supervision are provided. Quick learners with strong communication skills and a sensitivity to low income issues are encouraged to contact Chuck Henegar at the VLP, either directly or by e-mail.


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