The ColorWave Sample Project Library

Projects from our users

So, what are you waiting for? Join our contest. If you don't want to join, but wouldn't mind seeing your artwork up, send us your project (as an attachment to

Projects we made!

Here, you can download some of the projects that we have created here at TrueSpectra to explore the capabilities of our software. Many are provided in a directory on the CD-ROM. Download them, take them apart, see how we created them, and make some of your own!

We will soon have a feature whereby you can contribute some of your own projects to inspire other users.

We've broken up our sample GDO's along the following lines. Be careful if you have a slow connection, some of the pages have over 100k of graphics.

  1. Business cards of all types
  2. Greeting cards for every occasion
  3. Advertising - on a Web page or for a backdrop
  4. Fancy frames - just add a picture!
  5. Ordinary -> Extraordinary
  6. Image Processing - Amazing effects
  7. Cool creations - the power of our drawing tools

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