LEO - Link Everything Online, Software Archives - Fulltext Search

LEO - OS/2 Archive

directories in alphabetical order

apps (directory) - applications
archiver (directory) - archiving (and compression) utilities
atmfonts (directory) - Adobe Type 1 fonts for OS/2
bbs (directory) - bulletin board system software
comm (directory) - communication packages
crypt (directory) - encryption software
demos (directory) - demonstration versions of products
devtools (directory) - development tools
doc (directory) - informational documents
drivers (directory) - device drivers
editors (directory) - file editors
emTeX (directory) - the famous TeX implementation ...
games (directory) - a few games
gnu (directory) - a lot of GNU software for OS/2
graphics (directory) - graphics programs
lanserver (directory) - IBM LAN Server related stuff
mail+news (directory) - e-mail and Usenet news packages
mirrors (directory) - mirrored files from other FTP servers
netware (directory) - Novell NetWare related stuff
new (directory) - files uploaded recently, not yet sorted in
pmtools (directory) - Presentation Manager utilities
rexx (directory) - REXX related stuff
shells (directory) - alternate command line interpreters
sound (directory) - sound utilities
systools (directory) - system level tools
tcpip (directory) - IBM TCP/IP related stuff
unix (directory) - ported Unix software (see also gnu directory)
updates (directory) - various product updates and bug fixes
windows (directory) - Windows and WIN-OS/2 related things
wpstools (directory) - WorkPlace Shell utilities
01-runtime.doc - notes for runtime libraries
02-emx-runtime.zip (contents; MD5) - emx runtime library
02-vxrexx-runtime.zip (contents; MD5) - VX-REXX runtime library
ls-lR.Z (uncompressed; MD5) - index of all files, as generated by /bin/ls -lR
00-files (MD5) - index of all files in this section
00-history (MD5) - history of additions
00-last-50-uploads (MD5) - last 50 added files
00-readme (MD5) - introduction


quick archive access by directories (/pub/comp/os/os2)
enhanced archive access grouped by contents
TUM OS/2 User Group
This is the OS/2 archive at ftp.leo.org (ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de).

Maintainer: Kai Uwe Rommel, rommel@leo.org

Send complaints, suggestions and upload notifications etc.
via e-mail to:  os2@leo.org

See 00-Readme for further details. Upload directory is /incoming/os2.
Read the 00-Readme file before you upload files.

Feedback: The maintainers (os2@leo.org) would be grateful if you could spare a couple of seconds to let us know what you think about this directory within the archive.
If you have any problems with the archives in general please contact ftpadmin@leo.org.
Florian Hawlitzek, 1996-01-17