Canon BJ Printer stops printing when paper size changed

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Last update: 6th August, 1995


The Canon developed printer driver for the Bubble Jet printers defaults to a paper size of A4. Changing the printer object will prevent printing from many Warp applications, including the help viewer and IBM Works.


Canon BJ-200e (and probably all the BJ series printers).


Beats me why this works.


  1. Open the printer settings notebook.
  2. Select the "printer driver" tab.
  3. Double click on the icon for the Canon printer to bring up another notebook.
  4. Click on "device defaults" and change the paper size to what you want to use.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Change the paper tray to show the size you want to use.
  7. Click OK to close the second notebook.
  8. Close the printer settings notebook.

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