Logitech Mouse - Right Mouse Button Doesn't Work

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Last update: 6th August, 1995


When a Logitech serial Mouseman (the new "ergonomic" model) is used, Warp goes through long periods where it fails to recognise right button action. (Feelx, when installed, continues to recognise these OK.) None of the selective install mice drivers work any better. Old C7 and M-series mice work fine, and the Mouseman itself works fine under DOS, Windows-under-DOS, DOS VDMs, and Win-OS/2.


Logitech serial Mouseman.




A workaround is to click the middle mouse button in the (empty) desktop after starting OS/2. This seems to eliminate the problem (until the next time you start OS/2).

Lars Eriksen (hallstro@oslonett.no) writes (19th July, 1995):

There is now a much better solution, pointed out to me by a person on the OS/2 Hotline. There exists a fix, a replacement mouse.sys, that solves the problem. The replacement is contained in a file called l_ms_os2.zip (click to download) which is available at the LEO OS/2 Archive. A readme file explains how to install it.

But I'm still waiting for a driver that supports the middle button (for fast cut-and-paste, for example.) Logitech readily admits it's their responsibility to write one but made no promises (I called their support line.)

Nathan Walker writes (19th July, 1995):

Another place to find l_ms_os2.zip is at the Dell ftp site.

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