Business Climate


Manufacturing activities are not new to Durango. The area has always been a center for mining and mine-related construction. In fact, the historic Telluride Iron Works are still in operation here.

In recent years, however, more consumer-oriented production has begun in the area. The Durango Threadworks and Sequel Software make clothing and backpacks which sell in many of the exclusive sporting goods stores around the nation. Colorado Critters manufactures a large array of different cake decorations which are marketed in almost every state of the union. A unique clothing accessory line named Fiji Wear is manufactured in Durango. One of their lines, Bula Loops, has led the fashion world for young adults as part of their skiing and sportswear attire: the Loops hold sunglasses in place. The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory corporate headquarters and candy manufacturing plant are located in Durango. This candy operation has retail outlets throughout the United States.

There are others. Comstock Creations, located in Bodo Industrial Park, manufactures jewelry sold by stores across the nation. Glass Technology, Inc. manufactures and markets windshield-repair equipment which uses vacuum pressure technology and VIN glass etching equipment for vehicle theft prevention.


We are not new to industry. We have primarily a tourist-oriented economy but welcome ways to strengthen our community by diversifying our economy. We hope you are interested in locating your business here. Please come to see us. We might just let you in on our own secret - Durango .

Source: La Plata County Business Opportunities 1995
Sponsored by Durango Industrial Development Foundation
Research - Fort Lewis College Office of Business Analysis

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