Annular Solar Eclipse of May 10 '94

GIF Anim.

ARVAL animation made out of 18 full-disk images of the Sun taken in H-alpha light, received at NOAA Space Environment Laboratory on 94/05/10 from Holloman AFB, New Mexico. The images were taken with the Solar Optical Observing Network (SOON) telescope operated by the U.S. Air Force.

The originals, and larger versions of this and many other photographs of Solar Eclipses are available at the NOAA Space Environment Laboratory at Boulder, Colorado WWW server.

Updated: April 13 '97

Best seen with Netscape Navigator and MS Internet Explorer.

For background text, link to the RGO Leaflets in ARVAL - The Sun

Observe the Sun's Corona (48KB GIF Animation, 256 colors)

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