Calgary Real Estate Board Co-operative Limited

The Calgary Real Estate Board is a professional body of more than 3,200 licensed agents and registered salespeople representing approximately 235 member firms. The Board provides continuing education, Multiple Listing Service, Commercial Listing Service, statistical information, and many other services to its members. The geographical area served by the Board includes: the City of Calgary and surroundings areas. These extend 100 km north to the town of Olds, famous for its agricultural college, 125 km south the farming community of Claresholm, 185 km west to Cochrane, Banff and the majestic Canadian Rockies.

The Calgary Real Estate Board is a member of the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). Therefore, all of its licensed members are REALTORS and as such, are required to adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Practice. The Board does not generate statistics or analysis of any individual member or company's market share.

Calgary Real Estate Board Co-operative Limited
805 - 5th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 0N6
Telephone: (403) 263-0530
Fax: (403) 781-1392

1998 Board President - Alan Tennant
Executive Vice President - Mr. Ron Esch, FRI, CAE
