65816/65C816 Techincal Documents

The 65816 is the processor used in mainly the SNES, so if you are looking for info about that processor, it can be found here.

Name Author Version Last Updated Download Summary
65816 docs N/A N/A ././. Download This is a more complete 65816 docs than the one above, but it might be really hard to find what you want, since it's divided into multiple files.
65816 info ]SiMkIn[ N/A ././. Text This was the most up-to-date 65816 document that I could find. This is ]SiMkIn['s revised 65816 doc, and they seem to be really accurate. Also, this info is gathered in one file, which is a really big advantage.
65C816 reference Jouko Valta N/A ././. Text This is a reference to the 65C816, which is the CMOS version of the 65816. If you're making something that involves this processor you might as well base your coding on the 65C816 since it supports the same opcodes as the 65816 plus a few more, just like the 65C02 and 6502.

There are more coming, so stay tuned! Send me any tech docs you have via mail or IRC. I'd appreciate any feedback you might have.
