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mochi balls index



Mochi Balls is the newsletter of Queer & Asian.






Issue 1. February 1996.
From the editor. ALBA is born. Who is APIHHEP? Auntie Joy-Luck. Queer API bibliography. Model minority myth.






Issue 2. August 1996.
Visibility posters. Changes for 1996. Lotus Roots. Pride Parade. Historic march. Book review. Oral history exhibit.




This issue has photos.


Issue 3. Fall 1996.
A coming out story. History of Q&A. Queer Vietnamese. Basic Plumbing visited. Boys in Miami. A world before AIDS? Coming out tips. Oral history exhibit. Q&A photo shoot.






Issue 4. Winter 1996-7.
Lotus Roots II. Questioning tradition. Year of the ox.




This issue has photos.


Issue 5. Summer 1997.
Regional gathering. Pride Day 1997. Film festival.




Winter 2000. The Identity Issue
Stories About Us






The symbol indicates an issue or article with photos.




Last updated 06 Mar 2000