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The Brigade Mail Bag!


Unholy Alliance: Celebrity Christians and the GOP

From: "Linda Muller" <linda@buchanan.org>
To: brigade@brigade.wwol.com
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 23:41:34 -0500
Subject: [BRIGADE] c

Dear Brigade,

"The turning point for Bob Dole was the announcement of Christian Coalition's support followed by Jerry Falwell and James Dobson's Family Research Council. Again, Pat Buchanan was silenced in what was one of the most manipulated Republican Conventions ever held. Some Buchanan delegates were not allowed to vote on the floor, and several states did not even announce the Buchanan votes. Buchanan's pro-life speech was again never permitted even though he was the only serious challenger to Dole ..."

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!


From: cecarl - publish@theprovider.com
To: linda@buchanan.org
Subject: Echoes of Silent Assent, Part 2.
Date sent: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 18:15:03 -0500 (EST)

Unholy Alliance, the Celebrity Christians and the Republican Party

The Celebrity Christian Right, led by Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, which backs Bush, and Gary Bauer's Family Research Council, which backs Senator John McCain, now have center stage in the Republican Party power struggle. The Bush-McCain controversy over Christianity has exploded during the course of this 3 part series. It provides the necessary background to an understanding of why Christians, in spite of their acknowledged numerical strength, fail to elect our own kind to office.

The Echo syndrome, that we accept whomever the Republican Party leaders' offering because "He is better than what you have now" resounded in San Diego in 1992 at the Republican National Convention. This time the compromised Republican leader was Bob Dole, who gave a weak affirmation to the pro-lifers but made no real commitment to the unborn. Again the phantom echo voices pleaded from the clouds: "Dole is not great, but do you want Clinton again?... Don't rock the GOP boat."

The turning point for Bob Dole was the announcement of Christian Coalition's support followed by Jerry Falwell and James Dobson's Family Research Council. Again, Pat Buchanan was silenced in what was one of the most manipulated Republican Conventions ever held. Some Buchanan delegates were not allowed to vote on the floor, and several states did not even announce the Buchanan votes. Buchanan's pro-life speech was again never permitted even though he was the only serious challenger to Dole.

In San Diego, as in Houston, the committed pro-life advocates, though largely excluded from the convention process, marched in the streets and picketed the convention. Operation Rescue volunteers hurried from clinic to clinic in buses, sitting in at abortion clinic doors under constant threat of the new, harsh federal FACE Act. At that very hour Dole was receiving his party's blessing, the Rescuers conducted a solemn funeral for a three pound aborted child found in a garbage can, and also mourned the Republicans' pathetic choice. None of these events were covered in the news.

Throughout the campaign to follow, Bob Dole was silent about abortion. It was later revealed that Dole was guilty of a personal, hidden abortion experience outside of his marriage, and was effectively blackmailed by Clinton's campaign to avoid the topic or to face exposure. So Clinton's abortion record was never made an issue. Pro-abortion William Jefferson Clinton won another four years and again received less than half of the popular vote, as a sign of vulnerability that was never exploited.

It was widely rumored and undenied that the Christian Coalition received a $2 million contribution from the National Republican Committee, to help support the Dole candidacy. Christian Coalition did not deny it, and pro-life members suspected a sell out.

Who should the committed pro-life advocates blame for the procession of pro-abortion Presidents? Should the American people blame the "Always Republican and never wrong" commercial broadcasters, Ollie North or Rush Limbaugh? Should we blame Tom Brokow, Peter Jennings, the "20-20" producers or the opinion molders of the establishment press that strive to appear balanced while promoting the internationalists' agenda? Certainly, the propagandists are not to blame, for we know what they are, and we must expect their conduct.

Should we blame the party leaders, the local state chairman, the local elected officials and legislators who go to the conventions as delegates, and who cast the votes on the convention floors? No, because there are politicians who blow with the wind and are expected to be influenced by state power brokers within the parties. None of these are responsible for the compromise of the Republican Party toward the pro-abortion forces . They should be influenced at the local level by pro-life activists.

Who is responsible for compromising the overwhelming pro-life sentiment of the rank and file Christian voter? It is the ever present power traders of the Celebrity Christian Right and who over and over again accept the compromised Republican party agenda. They elect the candidates who have time and time again betrayed the pro-life cause, as did Robert Dole and George Herbert Walker Bush. A closer look shows that it is the Celebrity leaders of the Christian Right who have, in every recent election, swung the decision from conflict with honor, to compromise by shamefully weak candidates.

In this series of "Heads Up!" we will examine some of these political Celebrity Christians, several of whom have themselves been candidates. We will talk about their little understood role as the Echoes of Silent Assent, the men who always give in. The question to be answered is why Celebrity leaders accept compromise, and how the rank and file can set their own political destiny. Heads Up! Life is Worth Living, no matter how small.

To see part 1 of the series goto:

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Established April 1995
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Linda Muller - WebMaster
