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Chinese Cannibals and ....

From: "Linda Muller" <linda@buchanan.org>
To: brigade@brigade.wwol.com
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 10:04:06 -0500
Subject: [BRIGADE] Chinese Cannibals and ....

Dear Brigade,

I'm increasingly finding myself guilty of the same things that anger us concerning the Establishment Media -- covering up the news.

When we are shocked, angered, or disgusted by a news report, many of us in the conservative movement, might tell a few friends or talk to our fam ilies about it. Unlike the Left, we rarely shout from the rooftops.

The end result is, our side is helping to keep these dirty little secrets hidden from the general public, while the other side continues promoting their agenda.

The two columns below are on fetal tissue research. Daily, the average citizen is told how this type of research will benefit them and their fam ilies -- they are never given the repulsive and sickening details about this new "industry".

I will no longer be guilty of helping the Left by keeping silent. Whethe r its a story on abortion, "hate" crimes, or any other issue that some might find offensive -- I will be on the rooftop with my bullhorn. The American peo ple need shock therapy, and I hope you will help me snap them out of their apathy.

For the Cause - Linda


From: "kenneth smith" <kennethasmith@hotmail.com>
To: linda@buchanan.org
Subject: Chinese Cannibals
Date sent: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 18:17:18 EST

Linda, I know this is sick, but I think it might be of interest to those out there that think abortion is based solely on the woman's right to choice.
For the Cause, Ken


From: "Chuck Baldwin" <cblive@gulf1.com>

Baby Body Parts for Sale - March 10, 2000

Several months ago I commented that our country has sunk to its lowest moral depth yet by harvesting and selling body parts from aborted babies.

That's right. An entire industry has grown out of killing unborn childr en. Not only are the baby butchers collecting millions of dollars from this hideo us practice, so are baby parts wholesalers.

According to Wendy Griffith at CBN news, "Wholesalers, like the Anatomic Gift Foundation, headquartered in Laurel, Maryland, place workers or technicians inside abortion clinics to "harvest" fetal tissue and org ans for researchers such as universities and pharmaceutical companies. The wholesalers or middleman pays the abortion clinic for access to the abort ed babies. They call it a "site fee." The researcher then pays the whole saler for the parts, and since it's illegal to sell baby parts, they call it a " fee for services," technically skirting the law."

A sampling of actual catalogs reveals advertised prices for various body parts, not excluding whole cadavers. Examples:

*Livers (8 weeks)-30% discount if significantly fragmented (meaning
severely mutilated during the abortion procedure) $150
*Spleens (8 weeks) $75
*Pancreas (8 weeks) $100
*Kidney (8 weeks) $125
*Brain- $999
*Ears- $50
*Eyes- $75
*Skin (12 weeks) $100
*Lungs & Heart Block- $150
*Intact Cadaver (8 weeks) $400
*Spinal Cord- $325

Adding insult to injury is the fact that you and I are paying for much of this with our tax dollars via the National Institutes of Health. The justifica tion used for this Nazi-like practice is "medical research." Under this guise, abor ted babies are used as guinea pigs in public university and pharmaceutical laboratories. At least one governor is steaming mad about it, too.

Governor Mike Johanns sent a letter to the University of Nebraska officia ls asking them to stop using baby body parts for research at the NU Medical Center. University officials have indicated they will "discuss it." One m ember of the NU Board of Regents, Chuck Hasselbrook, is quoted as saying he doesn"t have a problem with the research. Other board members agreed wi th Hasselbrook or refused to answer reporters" questions, according to a s tory in the Omaha World-Herald.

Some on Capitol Hill also profess to be concerned. Yesterday, the House Commerce Committee conducted (un-televised) hearings to investigate this pernicious practice. (Then again, Congress has conducted copious hearings to investigate the atrocities at Waco. That has accomplished a whole bunch, hasn't it?)

I can think of nothing that insults and degrades the conscience and soul of America like this does. Allowing such a practice to legally transpire (with tax monies, no less) attacks our morals and culture in an unprecedented manner. Yet, where is the outrage? Where is the public outcry?

A caller to my talk show yesterday might have it right. He suggested the problem is America no longer has a conscience. You can"t offend a seared conscience, he opined. Maybe he's right. Maybe we, as a nation, have lost our conscience. If this doesn"t offend us (and it obviously doesn"t) nothing will.

I suppose the next step is to follow China's example. According to the London Telegraph, "Aborted human fetuses intended for human consumption are being sold in the Chinese city of Shenzhen."

At the state-run Shenzhen Health Center to Women and Children, a female doctor "handed a reporter a fist-sized glass bottle stuffed with thumb-sized fetuses. The doctor was quoted as saying, "There are 10 fetuses here, a ll aborted this morning. Normally we doctors take them home to eat-all free. Since you don"t look well, you can take them.""

"Zou Qin, a doctor working at the Luo Hu Clinic in Shenzhen, said the fetuses were "nutritious" and claimed to have eaten 100 herself in the past six months. She said the "best" were first-born males from young women. We don't carry out abortions just to eat the fetuses," she said, but added that the fetuses would be "wasted if not eaten.""

The proponents of extending permanent MFN to China keep telling us that doing so will make China more like America. It seems to me it's the other way around: America is looking more like China all the time.



Date sent: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 09:55:11 -0500 (EST)
To: linda@buchanan.org
From: WDYKNIGHT@aol.com

Linda, Attached is a commentary on the business of fetal tissue harvesting. I place the business in context of an elitist culture which is eroding the middle class with its free trade pursuits. I hope it holds true to the direction that Mr. Buchanan wants to take this country.

Gratefully, Bob Strodtbeck


Among the marks of American culture is a high tech sophistication that has supposedly brought humanity to the point of escaping limits that have hampered progress from the beginning of time.

Advancements in computer communications have transcended the time- space demands of the marketplace as any purchase-from a can of soup to a house-can be made over the Internet. Marriages have been broken because relationships established through the computer seem more appealing than those established through courtships and vows. Disease itself is becoming a less intimidating enemy with the aid of technological advances that allow researchers to open the secrets of cells and the molecules that comprise them.

Only the hurdles of human sentimentality and moral restraint threaten the demands of research in this progressive age of technological achievement. Therefore, moral ambivalence can serve humanity beyond the limits of civilized proprieties.

Take, for instance, theories that suggest that ravages of diseases of the central nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, can be reduced by injecting brain cells into the brains of victims of such maladies. Worn out brain cells from people who have died from disease or natural causes would ill-serve such a high cause. On the other hand, bra in cells which have not been taxed by the demands of modern society with the full potential of growth would be best suited for correcting the flawed direction of nature.

The source of superior, undamaged brain cells is easily found in the conveniently cast-off carcasses of unwanted aborted pregnancies. Using what was once ground up in garbage disposals or hauled away by garbage trucks for the noble pursuit of medical research can turn a difficult private decision to engage a judicially declared surgical right into great scientific accomplishments.

According to Celeste McGovern, a reporter for life Dynamics Inc., the bodies of aborted babies are being dissected for organs and parts for just such research projects. Her report, Secrets of the Dead-Baby Industry, gives eye-witness confessions from workers in a new industry that provides a service to abortion clinics that helps to maximize the profits of abortion through filling orders for the baby parts for medical research labs for a "harvesting" fee. The operators of the enterprise charge only for the work of dismembering and dispatching the, "fetal tissue," as selling human body parts is against the law.

Services providing harvesting of baby parts for research take innocuous names like, "Anatomic Gift Foundation," or, "Opening Lines, A Division of Consultative and Diagnostic Pathology, Inc.," and, according to McGovern's research, fill more than 1500 orders a day. The demands of scientific endeavor require that organs are fully formed and taken shortly after the death of the source, thereby placing a premium on late-term abortions that result in a legally dead baby, but keep the organs functioning until their removal. The procedure commonly known as partial-birth abortion, during which a baby's body is extracted from the womb while the brain is vacuumed from the skull, held in the birth canal, helps provide such highly coveted tissue.

The emergence of this new business designed to support research for cures of various diseases that afflict the elderly is curious in a cultur e that has crossed the bridge from accepting abortion to rid us of inconvenient babies to accepting euthanasia to rid us of inconveniently infirmed adults. The curiosity is intensified in the context that abortion is offered to liberate lower class women from problem pregnancies. Then consider the fact that American elites want to take the country into a global economy where the dwindling American working-middle class is an anomaly and it is not hard to see a wicked pattern of self-service and exploitation of the weak and innocent.

A note should be made that one of the elite's most coveted trading partners, Red China, has been known for years to sell organs for transplantation taken from executed political prisoners. The ghoulish commerce of harvesting organs from babies places America on par with Chinese butchers. Ending this capitalistic endeavor just might assure th at the working-middle-class would continue to be the backbone of an independent America.

Bob Strodtbeck - Orlando, FL

T H E    I N T E R N E T    B R I G A D E
Established April 1995
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