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PJB Books, NAFTA, Articles...

From: "Linda Muller" <linda@buchanan.org>
To: brigade@brigade.wwol.com
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 11:14:51 -0500
Subject: [BRIGADE] PJB Books, NAFTA, Articles...

Dear Brigade,

See 3 emails below -- One is a great comment about our new PJB articles section; a note about "PJB was Right on NAFTA"; and the other is on helping Pat by writing your review of his books on Amazon and similar sites.

For the Cause, Linda


Date sent: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 09:05:04 -0600 (CST)
From: Rob Teel <rob@defense.ou.edu>
Subject: Absolutely Inspiring
To: linda@buchanan.org
Organization: Oklahoma Indigent Defense System


I used to read Mr. Buchanan's articles every Tuesday and Thursday on "The American Cause" web page, and they never failed to inspire me. The articles that you've posted on our website are fantastic. If an American has even a minuscule portion of patriotism, he would be moved to pick up his weapon and join us in the battle.

I initially went to the archive of articles to vote on the best one, but when I began to read what he wrote, I realized that he was writing how I felt in my heart, but have never been able to put into words. This made it very difficult to vote. As I scrolled down and read each one, I became more inspired and amazed at how eloquently he fights for the faith with his pen. He is really a voice in the wilderness, the only one that speaks on our behalf. Just as John the Baptist was mocked by the religious leaders of his day, Pat Buchanan defies political correctness, and is attacked on every front by the forces of evil because he holds his pen and his voice accountable to a Higher Authority. It is this accountability, that makes what Pat Buchanan says, Absolutely Inspiring.

Thanks Linda, for having the initiative to post such wonderful articles on our site, for they are the True, "orders from headquarters."

Rob Teel - Oklahoma Brigade

PS. I still plan on voting on an article, but it might take me a few days. What Choices!!


From: "wayne paulisick sr" <fmrexcavator@email.msn.com>
Copies to: <rush@eib.net>
Subject: Re: [BRIGADE] NAFTA: PJB Was Right
Date sent: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:16:16 -0500

Hello Linda, good job as usual. I am going to personally Fw: this alert to Rush Limbaugh, and all the other Conservative Talk Show Hosts that will be soon 'Squealing "A Vote for PJB is a Vote for algorey", to the high Heavens'.

Those are the people that could have gotten, not only PJB elected in the past, but in Pa., Peggy Luksik as Governor instead of the 'RINO'* Tom Ridge. Mrs. Luksik is a Conservative in The Constitutional Party, who had the good sense, and 'Guts' to walk away from the 'RINO'S'*!

I guess that we gotta keep workin', and I will personally print this, and hand it out to family, and friends. I will continue to emphasize to people to "Forget the Party Afilliation", and Vote for the Country, a concept that is not in the paramaters of the so called Conservative Talk Folks.

Thank You once again, and keep up the good work, for the cause.
jimmy&becky; too!!!!


From: "David G. VerSluis" <sierra@triton.net>
To: "Linda Muller (E-mail)" <linda@buchanan.org>
Subject: FW: Book reviews
Date sent: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 08:31:36 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: Charlene Truszkowski <chtrus@excelonline.com>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 12:34 AM
To: sierra@triton.net
Subject: Re: Book reviews at Amazon.com and similiar sites

This is excellent Dave, Send this to Linda Muller.

----- Original Message -----
From: David G. VerSluis <sierra@triton.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 7:27 PM

Brigaders need to fight back in reviewing books at sites like Amazon.com and barnes & noble, etc. I spent some time today writing a favorable review defending Pat's book, and also the following review on John McCains recent book. I have read both books. These reviews are read by A LOT of people, and our opponents are really out there attacking PJB, although most of his reviews actually were positive. Please pass this message along.

Dave VerSluis - Casnovia, MI

(I copied the following from the amazon.com review-preview page for McCain's book, before I hit the send button. These are supposed to be published within about 5 days, but they may not publish my review. Who knows? DV)

Review of Faith of My Fathers by John McCain, Mark Salter (Contributor)


Cleverly disguised rationalization and self-aggrandizment

Reviewer: A reader from Michigan, USA

When I read a book supposedly written by a man who wants to be the President, released in the campaign season, I expect to hear about what his plans are for the country, both in foreign and domestic policy. What I got out of this book was ALL THINGS McCAIN. PERIOD. McCain I'm sure has better character than our current traitor-in-chief, but then so do most opposums.

To read his book, he really expounds on the "faith of his fathers" who were probably true heroes in a time of real national crisis for our country; then he presumes to grow into the mantle of that faith through his trials and tribulations as a POW.

Why did McCain come out of that POW camp heavier than when he went in?
Does he have a Vietnamese family over there? Why has he been the Vietnamese Communist's best friend since he has been back here? There have certainly been Americans much more deserving of the chestful of medals that McCain has; many of them never made it out of Vietnam, probably because they DID NOT collaborate, and died for it.

If you want to hear McCain's ghost writer prattle on about McCain in a way that tries to posture McCain into feeling better about McCain so that McCain can have the sympathy of Americans for the purpose of furthering McCain's political career, than read McCain's book. If you want to read a thoughtful and prudent book by a presidential candidate with real substantive ideas on the past, present, and future direction of our country, then read Patrick J. Buchanan's book "A Republic not an Empire" at

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/089526272x/theinternetbriga/104- 4274837-3502066

[note from Linda -- use the above link and our website will get credit for any books you purchase at Amazon!]

McCains recent attempt to steal Buchanan's message as a "reformer" has been incredulous and fraudulent, the heighth of political expediency. If you have any questions about the personal character of this Keating 5 alumni, then you should talk to his first American wife, whom he dumped after she faithfully waited over 5 years for his eventual release from Vietnam, to marry debutante' Cindy Helmsley a month later.

T H E    I N T E R N E T    B R I G A D E
Established April 1995
Post Office Box 650266 - Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
Linda Muller - WebMaster
