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The Answer Is: "We Don't Care!"

From: "Linda Muller" <linda@buchanan.org>
To: brigade@brigade.wwol.com
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 12:25:20 -0500
Subject: [BRIGADE] Brigade: The Answer Is: "We Don't Care!"

Dear Brigade - Jim Condit's comments below are right on target.

When we are told: "A vote for Buchanan will only elect Gore"
We should say: "WE DON'T CARE" !

Also see his note on the "Big Three Networks" and stand by -- next email I will send you one of the latest -- and most vile hit pieces on Pat.



From: "Jim Condit Jr" <jconditjr@fuse.net>
To: "Linda Muller" <linda@buchanan.org>
Subject: We must answer this objection
Date sent: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 15:06:31 -0500

Dear Linda,

I am hoping you will find this email worth passing on to the list. It concerns how to handle the no. 1 objection that Brigade supporters - and Pat -- must answer in the upcoming 8 months. I'll list:

1) the primary objection we will hear over and over again;
2) the answer to the objection that will turn it to our advantage;
3) the reason for the wording of the answer to this objection
4) the 2nd objection that will then most likely follow
5) and the answer to that 2nd objection.

1) Objection: "Buchanan will only cause Gore to be elected."

2) Answer: "We DON'T CARE. The Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same party. It DOESN'T MATTER WHICH ONE IS ELECTED. (Note: This must be said immediately, forcefully, and with total certainty whenever that objection to Buchanan's candidacy is raised. Any hesitation will only consolidate the erroneous attitude of those leaning towards Bush as the "lesser of two evils" because they "don't want four more years of Gore."

3) Reason for wording of the answer: It's will lose people to say simply that "The Dems and Repubs are both the same party" because people recognize them as two entities, which in a sense is true. To say they are two wings of the same party will allow them to deal with the perception that the Dems and GOP are separate, but consider that both are controlled by the same forces. This is also a play of words off of Pat Buchanan's phrase from the speech he gave when he switched to the Reform Party calling the two major parties, "... two wings on the same bird of prey."

4. The 2nd objection will often follow at that point: "But surely Buchanan will take more votes from Bush than he'll take from Gore."

5. Answer: "We don't know that at all. Since Buchanan's the only one standing up for working families, he may pull most of the votes from the rank and file of labor -- and therefore cost Gore far more than Bush."

The fact that the Ruling Elite is scared to death of Buchanan getting the Reform nomination -- is underlined by the fact that it is often LIBERAL pro-Clinton/Gore reporters who raise the prospect that Buchanan will take more votes from Bush than from Gore. Why do they care? If they really thought Buchanan would cost Bush the election they would never bring it up and would be encouraging Buchanan to run. What they're petrified about is that Buchanan will take a majority of votes from BOTH of them -- and win (before the computer vote fraud begins, another problem we must address and fix by November). In any case, if Buchanan gets the Reform nomination, he will be verbally tearing the mask off of these frauds for 8 long months.

As a footnote, the Brian Williams CNBC show of March 15, 2000 was a disgusting "Anybody but Buchanan" show, and this show is indicative of what is going on all over the tube and radio.

This show was a frantic frenzy of weasel-man Brian Williams and associates begging Perot OR McCain OR anyone to get into the race against Buchanan.

The first segment was devoted to a "Where's Ross" theme with Williams covering how Perot has not been visible anywhere. He then switched to Reform Party members who want Perot to emerge and run. Then he showed Russ Verney saying that it's unlikely Perot will run. Verney then said that anybody who wanted the Reform nomination would have to enter the race (he paused, and shrugged his shoulders) in a matter of days.

Buchanan throughout the piece -- at this point the clear front runner -- was treated as a virtual non-entity, his name only mentioned two or three times. It was clearly stated that Buchanan could not unite the fragmented party -- now in pieces (against a backdrop of video showing the most raucous parts of the Tennessee meeting ousting Gargan), that Buchanan had inherited a party in shambles, and that only Perot could hope to unite his party. Weasel Williams even intoned (paraphrase): "Why is Perot abandoning his own formation, the party of Reform?"

Then, the next segment was one of the most staged, phony pieces ever.

Hardcore McCain supporters where selected who had undoubtedly been pre- screened to make sure they fell into the range of people who loved McCain so much that they would write him in. Pollster Frank Luntz, who stood at the head of a classroom setting like the teacher, disgraced himself by pretending like his part was spontaneous, and "wowing" himself to death in phony amazement of how much sway McCain had over these 12 pre-selected people. The whole piece only lacked one thing: actor-collaborator Luntz turning to the camera and saying, "So you see, Senator McCain, if you run third party, you might even win! Please, GET IN THERE AND STOP BUCHANAN!"

Another one of these mysterious polls was released yesterday saying McCain was in 2nd place in a three way race. Just as with the rest of the Big Media polls, we were not told exactly who did the poll, what questions were asked, who was polled, etc. etc. etc. -- or, most importantly, how any poll of 600 or 1200 people necessarily reflects the fluid opinion of 250 million people. Like the Big Media, the polls are meant to create public opinion - NOT reflect it. And we have to start saying so. Remember, it's these polls taken by CBS and the Washington Post that the Ruling Elite is planning to use to keep Buchanan out of the Presidential Debates.

Rest assured that Collaborators with the Ruling Elite behind the 5 Networks and the RNC and DNC are making sure McCain sees all these Media productions.

I for one have never seen such a blatant and frantic attempt by the Big Media to make the news rather than report the news.

If McCain doesn't jump into third party politics in the next few weeks, then the Big Media may have to drop hopes of stopping Buchanan, and move into overdrive on subtle and not-so-subtle smears.

It's important that the Brigades make clear to all what is going on with the Big TV Media, and why it has become NOT the reporter of campaign 2000 news, but the MAKER of campaign 2000 news, with a goal to keeping the Presidency in the Ruling Elite "family."

One last point: I talked to my cousin in Illinois area last night. He has been swamped in his work these last 6 months and does not have the cable news channels. He said as far as he's concerned, Buchanan's not even running, because he never hears anything about him. This man is a Buchanan supporter.

So notice what has happened, the Ruling Elite is catering to the political junkies on the Cable News channels where Buchanan gets modest coverage --- undoubtedly because he boosts the ratings of some of these shows. But, excepting the early morning shows where Buchanan is all but openly attacked by perky lady show hosts, the Big Three TV Networks(ABC, CBS, NBC) and their radio station newscasts are ignoring Buchanan. And it is these newscasts upon which the vast majority of Americans rely while driving to and from work, or while eating dinner.

Let's call the Big Three Networks on this point, and embarrass them into some fair coverage. Despite their power, the Big Three Media networks must try to maintain a veneer of credibility and objectivity -- or they will become a laughing stock among the population at large, just like they now are with us.
Go, Brigades, Go!

Jim Condit Jr.
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

T H E    I N T E R N E T    B R I G A D E
Established April 1995
Post Office Box 650266 - Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
Linda Muller - WebMaster
