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North Carolina: The Hand of God Gave Us Victory!

From: "Linda Muller"
Date sent: Tue, 23 May 2000
Subject: [BRIGADE] NC: The Hand of God Gave Us Victory!

Dear Brigade,

We completed our petition drive in one of the most anti-third party states in the country -- North Carolina. Despite the enormous roadblocks put in our way by the GOP-DEM Establishment we turned in 60% more signatures than we needed!

The hand of God must be upon us. Read on.



Date sent: Thu, 18 May 2000
From: Teresa Damasauskas -talkwithteresa@home.com
To: linda@buchanan.org
Subject: Thank you for all of your help!!!

I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to you for helping me contact the campaign, and in getting to North Carolina. I arrived 29 April and just returned yesterday. We had several snags as well we know that Satan won't relinquish his WILL easily.

I met wonderful people there and will never forget our Brigadeer's and Reformer's. We were united in spirit and got the job done against all odds. We are a patriotic and passionate group and when the going gets tough the TOUGH GET GOING!!! Thank God for all those who remember our cause in the Prayer Brigade's. We must place HIM at the Front.

John Steven's is a terrific organizer and Elizabeth Christman and Diana Haas and all the team leaders across the state worked extremely hard and slept little. Joe Caffaso was helpful in the last days before the deadline hit, in keeping communications open.

Bay Buchanan arrived with her son and motivated all of us. We knew that victory was near and nothing could stop us but ourselves.

We had people from Missouri, Indiana, Staten Island, North Dakota, Minnesota, Arkansas, North Carolina and of course, my home state of Nebraska! The other teams from all over the state had people from across the states. We found the people residing in North Carolina are extremely warm, polite and hearty people, who are REFORM minded. God Bless them all!!!

God Bless you!!!
Teresa Damasauskas


To: IBPRAY@topica.com
From: joan@holman.com
Subject: [IBPRAY] Led by Prayer, A Victory in North Carolina
Date sent: Sat, 20 May 2000 16:07:52 -0700

Prayer Brigade

I am forwarding an e-mail message about North Carolina. North Carolina Chair Diana Haas opened the signature effort with prayer, and there has been a great victory there for Pat. Praise God! Keep the faith because God can work miracles!


A Week To Remember

Well, we made it! This week Buchanan Brigadiers from all corners answered the rallying cry to North Carolina and converged for a massive signature drive. State chairs flew in from all over the country-- bringing their sons and daughters and friends. Squads of young people flew in, a Mormon contingent from Miami, a Scots-Irish gang from Minnesota, three women from Missouri whom we nicknamed "the Viking ladies." Several staffers (including yours truly) came down from national headquarters in Virginia, adding their cars and cell phones, and, in my case, quite mediocre signature-gathering skills.

And we hit the malls and the festivals, the ball games, stock car races and flea markets, planted ourselves outside parking lots at 5 pm and in the line at McDonald's at noon. And we collected 81,965 signatures of registered North Carolina voters -- 60 percent more than the required number. On Wednesday afternoon we turned them into the counties for certification.

Republicans of course were eager to keep PJB off the ballot; they know that George W. Bush represents no more than tepid country club conservatism, and that folks worried about working class issues, national sovereignty issues, or moral issues will go elsewhere if given the opportunity. GOP men would rarely sign, --"I'm not interested" is the way the invariably polite North Carolinians put it. But everyone else would-- blacks, working class whites, young moms in tee shirts and jeans with two kids in tow, and just about everyone under thirty. I remember one man at a gas station ripping off his work gloves and saying "GIVE ME THE PEN!" He wanted, he said, to be part of history.

We all have our stories, the cat and mouse games with the mall police - the Walmart which let us camp out permanently by the door after Buchananites help them nab a shoplifter. For me, I'll remember the prayer NC chair Diana Haas led us in Friday morning, as we gathered at 8 AM with our clipboards and prepared to cover the state. We didn't pray for good weather (two rainy days would have killed us at that point) but the Lord listened anyway.

Scott McConnell


I watched the National Rifle Association annual meeting on C-SPAN today. Charlton Heston gave a stirring and rousing speech. However, I feel concerned that the NRA is focused probably on supporting George Bush. They talked about defeating Gore and getting the Clinton-Gore crowd out of office. The implication was support for George W.

Doesn't the NRA leadership get it? - like Pat says - that the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates are opposing wings of the same bird of prey? That George W will lead us to our loss of freedom and national sovereignty just like Gore. That the Global New World Order Agenda (which is a One World Totalitarian State which enslaves mankind) will be advanced by either man, each just a puppet of the power elite who created and advances this agenda.

The NRA is an important organization and they need to get behind Pat.We need to pray that the NRA leadership give Pat some support and a voice in their organization so the membership can choose Pat and not Bush.

Unfortunately, probably every major conservative and religious organization has been infiltrated by power elite "tools" whose mission is to steer those organizations astray. Some of these "tools" are conscious of their evil-doing (which they rationalize is not evil), and some are not. Others may be good people who think that they are doing right, but who are governed by human ego considerations that make them vulnerable to following the direction of Satan, and not following the direction of God.

We must pray for people to see the truth and to make the right choices in the NRA and in all conservative and religious groups, and for false leaders--wolves in sheeps' clothing--to be exposed and routed from their seats of power and for true God-appointed leaders to rise to power in these organizations.

In America we have to raise our vision above the political parties and use discrimination to discern the correct leaders. Political party consciousness is a divide and conquer tactic. We need to pray that American will follow the true leader, wherever they find him or her and that they will pledge their allegiance not to a political party, but to the truth and to freedom.

Let us pray for discrimination, for exposure, and for Godly people to rise to positions of leadership and power.

Joan Holman

T H E    I N T E R N E T    B R I G A D E
Established April 1995
Post Office Box 650266 - Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
Linda Muller - WebMaster
