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The Brigade Mail Bag!


New Hampshire Brigader
in Congress!

From: "Linda Muller" <linda@buchanan.org>
To: brigade@zeus.wwol.com
Date: Fri, 30 Jun
Subject: [BRIGADE] New Hampshire Brigader in Congress!

Dear Brigade,

GREAT News! Our good friend Bob Bevill will be running against the NWO cheerleader Congressman John Sununu (R-NH).

As you know Bob is a fellow Brigader and Reformer from the Granite state. We have an excellent opportunity to put one of our own in the US House of Representatives this November.

Read his speech delivered to the NH Taxpayers Picnic. Then contact Bob and let him know you will give him a hand.

GO BOB GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bevill wins over Taxpayers' Picnic
Bevill blasts Sununu as do-nothing incumbent.

Hopkinton, NH; July 1, 2000 -- Bob Bevill, Independent Candidate for New Hampshire's First Congressional District, delivered a blistering speech at the Taxpayers' Picnic, Saturday July 1st, at the Hopkinton State Fairgrounds. Bevill's speech was interrupted several times by cheers and applause.

Here is the text of his speech:

My name is Bob Bevill, and I am running for the first congressional seat of New Hampshire. New Hampshire voters are "fed up" with the current state of politics. As it stands now, the two major parties are cut from the same cloth. On issues such as American sovereignty, free trade, and spending the federal budget surplus, both parties are exactly the same.

George W. Bush and Al Gore are so much alike, that once again, our vote for President is not a vote for the "lesser of two evils", but is voting for "the evil of two lessers". Voters, it is time to "lock-and-load." It's time to take back our America from the career politicians and their soft-money contributors! It is time for a change!

The Supreme Court has abandoned America's traditional values. It is time to end partial birth abortions, and it's time to put prayer back in our schools. It is time for a change.

Recent votes by our Congressman, voting FOR Permanent Most-Favored-Nation status for China, voting AGAINST our sister democracy Taiwan, and voting to keep the World Trade Organization, demonstrates that Prince John is a Globalist of the First Degree. After four years in Congress, our do-nothing incumbent has not proposed a single piece of legislation to reduce taxes, to reduce government, nor to protect New Hampshire. He has failed to bring back home the taxpayers' money from Washington, to pay for education reform, road and infrastructure improvements, and small business assistance that he promised.

Prince John got into public office because of his name. Now, after four years, he's going to answer to the taxpayers: Mr. Sununu, just what have you been doing for these past four years for New Hampshire?

My campaign will focus on three things: reducing taxes - all of them; reclaiming America's sovereignty from New World Order treaties, like NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO; and education reform.

Americans are now paying more taxes than the Colonists did, when they fought for independence from Great Britain and King George. But because we now look to our 401Ks, we have food in the fridge [sic], and we have cable TV, most Americans are apathetic to real change. It was less than 20% of the population who revolted against unfair taxation in 1776, and it will take a small minority like that to affect a change today from King George II and Prince Albert-in-a-can.

Congress must lower taxes and return the surplus to the American people. As your Congressman, I will not vote for another new tax on your head - not another one. And, I will work to eliminate many of the ones, already in place.

In regaining America's sovereignty, we look back 50 years ago this week, when America began its first "police action" in Korea. It is time to bring the soldiers home from Korea, and Kosovo, and Somalia, and Saudi Arabia, and Europe! I will work to strengthen our national defense, and eliminate the World Police Force, that our soldiers have been forced to undertake. I will vote to extricate America from the WTO, from NAFTA, and finally from the UN itself. Until the world is ready for global government, Americans should not spend another single dime to finance the grand strategies of third world hacks that run the UN today.

Thirdly, I will return local control of education to New Hampshire. First, by immediately shutting down the Department of Education. Recently, a DoE contractor admitted to bilking over a $1 billion. In FY1998, the DoE had an accounting discrepancy of $550 million. At a May 24th congressional hearing, over $150 million in duplicate payments of grant money have been recorded. The DoE has not had a clean audit, since the first time it was done in 1997. It is time to dismantle the Department of Education. We, here in New Hampshire, know what's best for our schools.

I am Bob Bevill, and I am running for New Hampshire's first congressional district, against John Sununu. I need your support. I need your signatures. God Bless America. Let's put America First. Thank you.

BEVILL FOR CONGRESS -- Romelle Winters, Fiscal Agent
P.O. Box 1237, Merrimack, NH 03054
Campaign HQ 603-429-2860 -- Fax 603-429-2795
For Details,
Contact:Bob Bevill (603) 674-6053
Romelle Winters (603) 895-9754

T H E    I N T E R N E T    B R I G A D E
Established April 1995
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Linda Muller - WebMaster
