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Note from Pat: Re: Academic Mush...

From: "Linda Muller"
Date sent: Sun, 19 Dec 1999
Subject: [BRIGADE] Note from Pat: Re: Academic Mush...

Dear Brigade,
Yesterday, Pat sent me this personal note responding the paleolibertarian criticisms of his speech. I asked him if I could pass it on to the Brigade and he said he would be delighted!



Date sent: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 11:20:22 EST
Subject: Re: [BRIGADE] Academic Mush v Pat Buchanan
To: linda@buchanan.org

Guess my old friend, Lew, is conflicted. The basic point on tariffs is: We have to finance government with taxes. What kind of taxes are least intrusive, most visible and honest, and best for the nation as opposed to the world? (Recall: Adam Smith's book was "The Wealth of Nations," not "The Wealth of the World.")

Washington, Hamilton, Madison, with his 1816 tariff, Quincy Adams with The Tariff of Abominations which dwarfed Smoot-Hawley, Andy Jackson, who was ready to go to war rather than let South Carolina opt out; Lincoln, who said, "Give me a tariff and I will make this the greatest country on earth," and presided over 10 Morrill tariff hikes, the great Bill McKinley, and T.R. ("Thank God I am not a free trader"), all believed tariffs were the best form of taxation.

Tariffs are a consumption tax, placed only on foreign-made goods. Tariffs replace, or substitute for, taxes on the incomes of Americans. They are a sales tax that exempts goods made in the USA. Customs officers can collect them.

Who are the early free-trade-uber alles folks? Ricardo, the Mills (pere et fils), Say, Bastiat, Marx, the younger Keynes (a late convert to Buchananism), Wilson and FDR -- not a conservative in the lot. But all four Americans on Mount Rushmore ended their careers and lives as "protectionists."

The alternatives to tariffs include taxes on the incomes of American citizens, on the savings, on their capital gains, on the income of U.S. corporations, etc. Why would anyone prefer those kinds of taxes to tariffs?

Tariffs may be looked upon as the "ante," the entrance fee foreign companies and countries pay to get equal access to our market. As for those who cry that it is the American consumer who pays the tariff, ask them, if that is so, why is it that the foreign merchant are the ones who scream loudest in protest of tariffs?

My difference with the libertarians is that I believe in a national free market, where tax-and-tariff systems are designed by patriots who want their nation to be the most independent and self-sufficent on earth with the highest wages and standard of living for their own people. America First! They believe in a global free market; and if that means that U.S. factories and jobs go overseas, so what!

Also, Linda, get a look at Justin Raimondo's latest commentary on my speech at CSIS; and tell the folks it is out there; and convey to Justin my personal thanks.



[NOTE to the Brigade] Justin's column is on our site at: http://www.buchanan.org/no-99-1217-justin.html PAT BUCHANAN AND THE NEW HUMANISM

T H E    I N T E R N E T    B R I G A D E
Established April 1995
Post Office Box 650266 - Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
Linda Muller - WebMaster
