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Articles, Letters, and Great Speeches by Patrick J. Buchanan


A Jeffersonian Rebellion in the West
by Patrick J. Buchanan
March 10, 1997

The Supreme Court has been allowed by the Congress to turn the states of the union into judicial fiefdoms. It is time our Republican "revolutionaries" emerged from the warmth and security of their rabbit warren and showed at least the moxie of a fifth-grade teacher named Kathy Lambert...

If Americans were a self-governing people, ours would be a different country. There would be voluntary prayer in the schools and term limits on members of Congress. Pornography would be restricted. There would be legislated limits on "abortion rights." The Citadel and VMI would still have their all-male cadet corps. America's cities would never have been torn apart by the lunacy of forced busing for racial balance. And, at Christmas, we could drive through town and see a beautiful display of the Nativity scene, with carolers singing "Silent Night."

Why do we no longer live in such a republic? Because the U.S. Supreme Court has usurped decision-making power over political, economic and social policy, and Congress lacks the courage, or desire, to take it back. Judicial supremacy -- the doctrine that the Supreme Court is the final authority of what the Constitution commands -- is the vehicle the court has used to make itself the ruling branch of government.

That may be about to change. There is a whiff of rebellion in the air. The lawlessness of the federal courts has begun to breed a Jeffersonian defiance. Alabama's governor has threatened to call out the National Guard to resist any judicial order to take down the Ten Commandments posted on the wall of an Etowah County courtroom.

In Olympia, Wash., state representative Kathy Lambert has won the endorsement of half the Republican majority for a law to give the legislature power to review, and overturn, state supreme court decisions that invalidate acts of the legislature.

For example, if the Washington Supreme Court, like the court in Hawaii, should declare that homosexual marriages must be recognized as valid, the legislature could, by majority vote, could simply overrule the court and affirm the constitutionality of the law. The governor could follow whichever opinion he wished, until the people made the final ruling in a referendum. To the people, and to their elected representatives, would be restored the power to override a mistaken, foolish or arrogant court.

Rep. Lambert's bill, "The Balance of Powers Restoration Act," is a direct assault on the principle, first asserted by Chief Justice John Marshall in Marbury vs. Madison (1803), that the court is the final authority of what a constitution says. Thomas Jefferson was enraged by Marshall's power grab.

"I have long wished for a proper occasion to have the gratuitous opinion in Marbury vs. Madison brought before the public and denounced as not law," he wrote in 1807. Earlier, Jefferson wrote that to allow the court to interpret the Constitution for Congress and president would make the judiciary "a despotic branch."

Not until the modern era have we understood the full implication of Jefferson's warning. The issue is no small matter. For it is the Supreme Court that has frustrated the will of a conservative American majority from creating the kind of country we want to live in -- rather than the kind of country the court insists that we live in. Why has not Congress, which has clear constitutional power to restrict the jurisdiction of the court, and even to abolish all lower federal courts, refused to take a stand for majority rule? Timidity and cowardice are one explanation.

Should Congress reassert its authority over explosive questions like women's rights, affirmative action, abortion, pornography and religious expression in public institutions, members would have to take responsibility at election time. Congress prefers to let this cup pass away.

There is another reason. As Jefferson wrote in 1825 in a letter to William Giles, all three branches of the U.S. government are engaged in a "combination to strip their colleagues, the state authorities, of the powers reserved to them, and to exercise themselves all functions, foreign and domestic."

The Supreme Court has been allowed by the Congress to turn the states of the union into judicial fiefdoms. It is time our Republican "revolutionaries" emerged from the warmth and security of their rabbit warren and showed at least the moxie of a fifth-grade teacher named Kathy Lambert.

Here is a simple test to determine if the Republican Congress has the courage to stand up to the Supreme Court, and if it truly believes, as it claims, in imposing term limits on itself. Let Congress pass, by majority vote, a law stating:

  • The 50 states have the right to impose term limits on their congressional delegations, and

  • The Supreme Court shall have no "appellate review jurisdiction" of this federal term limits law, under Article III of the Constitution.

Would the Supreme Court have the courage to confront a determined Congress that has inherent power to stuff the court back into the box the framers intended? I doubt it. But let us see.

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