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Magical Tetris Challenge

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Magical Tetris Challenge

It's Tetris, but it's also so much more!
Daisy, we'd play ANYTHING with you!
What could be better than Tetris and Mickey and the gang all in one game? Not too much. This is a fun, simple and addictive title that has players controlling Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy as they adventure through the land challenging other players in Tetris battles. In the Quest mode, the Tetris games include the standard head-to-head mode, but others are trickier puzzles that require forethought and quick reflexes to solve. Each of the characters has a little ministory in the Quest mode, but if you're looking for some quick Tetris action, you can just play it without having to hunt down magical coins. The game has seven different intriguing versions of Tetris -- Magical, Up-Down, Towering, Harmony, Task, Signal and Fill-the-Gap. While the Tetris modes are pretty standard, putting them in a single-player Quest mode adds new life to one of the most addictive games ever created, and the addition of two-player modes via a Game Link Cable certainly doesn't hurt. If you're a Tetris lover, this is definitely a title to pick up.
- Michael Wolf

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Daffy's On the Hunt
Place the Block Like So...

"While the Tetris modes are pretty standard, putting them in a single-player Quest mode adds new life to one of the most addictive games ever created."


Tetris and Mickey Mouse -- does it get any better than this?

Yep, it's Tetris!

Just about all of the main Disney characters are included somewhere.

Developer Disney Interactive
Publisher Capcom
Genre Puzzle
Players 2

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