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Re: TRUCE! Frank Talk on Gay Stereotypes

Dear Brothers,

Please stop this painful bickering.

You have both raised significant issues.  That's
good.  I've learned a lot.  But please do not 
lose sight of the fact that you have much more 
in common than you do in differences.

A healthy debate can be edifying when done with
respect for your opponent.  Without that respect,
though, nobody wins.  Just a lot of scars and
not much accomplished.  I'm not surprised one 
of you said you're going back to just lurking.

If we expect netters to share their inner-most
thoughts about vulnerable issues such as sexuality,
we need to help create an environment where 
people feel comfortable to do that.  When the 
communication is hostile and hyper-critical, 
most people will clam up and withdraw.  Then, instead 
of helping each other cope with critical issues in our lives, 
we're back to discussing Vietnamese linguistics again.
That's okay occasionally, but somehow I think we 
can do better. 

Since you've moved away from the original 
topic anyway, I encourage you to take a break.
You've made your main points.  If you want to continue,
could you do it off-line?

with concern for vn-gblf as a whole,
