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In Our Own Words

As a follow-up to Vinh's notes about the SF conference that explored
issues of ethnic and sexual identity, I thought this might be of use
of folks interested in continuing those discussions.
"In Our Own Words:  Asian American Students Give Voice to the
Challenges of Living in Two Cultures" appears in the Fall 1996 issue
of TEACHING TOLERANCE.  It is based on interviews with 10 Asian
American students in the Fall of 1995, students who range in age from
16 to 24.
The article itself is meant to spark group discussion about the
conflicts, opportunities, and ambiguities that confront people of
mixed/changing cultural heritage and to extend the discussion to
include America's own diversity.
I myself don't like the specific activity the article recommends,
though it might be useful for young adults - but the article is easily
adapted to several other activities, and I do think the questions used
are likely to elicit thoughtful reactions and discussion.  I also
thought just reading the student interviews themselves was worthwhile.
TEACHING TOLERANCE is published by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The article is not available online, but you can request a free copy
of the issue.  Request a copy from TEACHING TOLERANCE, 400 Washington
Avenue, Montgomery, AL  36104, Fax (334) 264-3121.  Tell them you're
an educator.
