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Yahoo PlanetOut Headlines
Available since mid-1995 on the Microsoft Network, PlanetOut this week
moves to the Web (as well as onto America Online, a major sponsor of the
site). Calling itself a "worldwide community of gay, lesbian, bi, and trans
people," the site offers a new home for the longstanding Queer Resources
Directory (QRD), which since 1991 has been the Internet starting point for
researchers and others interested in issues of marginal sexualities. In
addition, there is netQueery, a guide to "everything queer on the Net," as
well as arts and entertainment features, political and community pages, and
chat and message areas. The news section is updated daily, and is also
available in the PlanetOut section of the Yahoo Headlines service. Though
the site is new to the Web, it shows considerable polish that is the result
of a year's presence on MSN. Registration is free and optional.
