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[UPDATE] Mail Archives

For people who are unfamiliar with list operations.

As Minh stated, _ALL_ message goes through a filter that anonymize the
message. There's no association with sender/origin in message headers. 
What we are discussing is the content of the message themselves.

For this message, as an example, there's an association since I'm stating
my name and email address in the message. In the archives, the email address 
will be masked per the update below.


I've finished a Perl script that will break msg body into words. _Any_
word with the character @ in it will be substituted with <email>. That
should take care of one aspect so that we can move on. We'll run the original
through the filter then the Web archives maker.

The questions are then: (1) is there any objection to creating the archives?
(2) if you have put your name in the message, would you imagine not wanting
the message put in the archives?

Again, please understand that we are dealing with the worst case scenario
when people are breaking the honor system and/or managed to hack in. (Neither
has ever happened, btw :)))

Please don't think the list administrators are uptight. After all, this can come
across as silly -- why on earth would anyone hack vn-gblf archives, etc ..
It's just that delegated duties are taken very seriously :) and concerns, if
any, need to be heard.

In terms of names, I don't have a realistic algorithm to perform blocking 
nor would that be advisable as mentioned. It'd destroy the human aspect of
the messages in the first place.


I can be contacted at either kyanh@saigon.com or  kyanh@ix.netcom.com

PS. The above line will read in the archives as .. 
I can be contacted at either <email> or <email>

> > I personally have no problems in terms of the messages being able to
> > identify me.  However I appreciate that some others, justifiably have
> > more concern than I do.  Perhaps sender names could be stripped off
> > messages before making them available.  
> *ALL* sender names to vn-gblf are already hidden and forward to the list
> under "anon" token.  
> What  you do think about names/address mentioned  on the message body
> itself?  Should we mask the john_doe@mail.com as something else like
> user@nowhere?
> Name mentioned in the body is eternally dificult to remove for the reason
> that we donot have a program to find and remove/replace it. 
> I recomend that we have the archive avai under some passwd protection
> in which passwd will be published for current member.  It is not going to
> be a perfect method but we can limit access to a certain extend.
