Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(2): Good dinner near Wiltern Theater?
From: (jay)
Posted:      October 22, 2001 at 22:37:50
In Reply To: Re(1): Good dinner near Wiltern Theater?
             Posted by TE on October 22, 2001 at 22:29:24
There used to be a fantastically good Soon Tofu place on Western just North of the Wiltern. It was called Myung Dong. Fucking out of this world. If anyone knows whether they reopened somewhere please let me know.
A little ways East on Wilshire, however, you can still have reasonable Soon Tofu at the BCD Tofu house. There's also the former brown derby which is now a Korean mini-mall. Careful observers will have noted a very tiny brown derby on the top floor. This is a Korean restaurant that specializes in Pho. I haven't tried it, but I have tried (and can highly recommend) the curry place on the ground floor of the same mini - mall. Most people will be familiar with this style of curry from Japanese restaurants, but apparently it's a Korean thing, too, tasty brown curry sauce over pork, chicken, hamburger(!) or anything else, always accompanied by a neat mound of rice and some shredded ginger and onions.
Around the corner for there is the HMS Bounty which is a great bar that also serves great steaks and serviceable fish dishes and sandwiches.
Also right by the Brown Derby is the Brass Monkey karaoke bar. The food isn't worth mentioning, but you can enjoy it in the presence of an amazingly diverse crowd singing their fool heads off. Don't count on getting a song in if you plan to make it to your show at the Wiltern, though.
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