Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(1): Long Beach East Village: a tiny rant
From: (Richard Foss)
Posted:      July 16, 2001 at 19:25:51
In Reply To: Long Beach East Village: a tiny rant
             Posted by Heather on July 16, 2001 at 15:44:42
I suggest that you don't write an anonymous letter; instead, write a letter you believe states the case clearly and calmly, sign it, and send it. Be specific about what aspect of the service alienated you - was it slow, ignorant, rude, or all three? Use names if you know them, but do speak up. Restaurant managers need to know when their staff is driving people away, and your sending a letter is a service to them. You should sign it because in doing so you stand behind your words and establish the possibility of a dialogue with the management. Anonymous letters aren't taken as seriously as signed ones, because there is an assumption that anyone who won't allow themselves to be identified doesn't want to correct a problem, they want to vent anger.
Do send the letter - if you are silent in the face of bad service, you do nothing to improve it. I have written letters to restaurant managers and seen a subsequent improvement in service, and it's not just because if they don't act I can publish the letter... Any intelligent manager knows that for every person who writes to complain, ten people don't but also don't come back. They need to know that they have problems so they can try to correct them, and if they don't they deserve the loss of business. Speak out and you do something to improve the situation.
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