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Submission Guidelines for Dark Rooms


We welcome any and all submissions that come to us, but there are a few basic guidelines and rules we have in considering any fic for publication here.  I know, rules suck, but there has to be some limits.

Rules for Dark Rooms Proper (Everything except The Annex)

1.  To qualify, all submissions must have at least one scene featuring non-consensual sex, and/or at least one sexual scene in which one (or more) participent(s) has been coerced in one way or another into giving consent.

2.  Okay, I'm going to try to make this clear, and that's going to be tough as it's such a fine line.  Stories that deal exclusively in brutal and violent rape, with no elements of non-con will not be posted in this section. Non-con is defined by this site as a sexual act committed without consent, which is conducted in a low-violence and a non-seriously harmful manner, and/or that results in the victim actually ending up enjoying the episode, usually by indicated by sexual climax [coming].  Stories that have the non-con element but also have a serious and violent rape scene will be considered, but rated strongly (probably 5 stars out of 5) on the non-con rating system that is in use here to safeguard prospective readers.  I hope this is a little more clear than the guidelines that were previously posted.  If this is still confusing, or if you have a question regarding a specific situation in a story, we encourage you to email us

3.  No stories that condone hatred and bigotry towards any races, religions, or sexuality.  They can include these elements, if dealt in a sensitive manner, but preferably not agree with them.

4.  Please make sure that your stories are sent in plain text (not html) and that each line in the story is no more than 70 characters long.

5. No fics that feature real people (like David Duchovny or Gillian Anderson) as characters.

6. No vivid or graphic scenes depicting child sexual abuse. A mention of a horrible memory is one thing, but if a fic contains such an episode that is clearly written to titillate the reader, the story will not be accepted.

Rules for The Annex (Extreme fic)

1.  Almost anything goes here, as long as the story is NC-17, and includes some element of non-consensual sex, however brutal or violent.

2.  Two other things: as above, no fics that feature real people (like DD or GA) as the characters, and no stories that include depictions of graphic child sexual abuse. More info is given on this rule above in the Dark Rooms Proper rule list.

That's it for now.  This page may be updated as the need arises.  So happy writing, and we look forward to reading your fic!

