It is my honor to present to the online world, none other than Jen Thompson, webmistress of Festive Attyre and a darn good friend. One of the crowd pleasers of Jen's site is her weekly feature "Featured Attyre" where she showcases one costumer's handiwork and lauds them with all kinds of compliments and praises for work well done. I'll be the first to admit that her Tuesday morning updates are something I look forward to every week. So, when Jen alerted me to the fact that she was finished with her latest project, a Florentine gown c. 1515, I asked her if it would be cool if I could return the favor that she's bestowed on myself and many others by featuring her work on my site. And she said yes!

Let me just say that I love this gown! :)

Jen has a very detailed diary of the process of making this gown from concept sketches to finishing touches and I highly recommend you check it out here for the detailed analysis of her beautiful creation.



Florentine Gown, 1515 C.E.

By Jennifer Thompson