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Speculations : The Rumor Mill : Celia Marsh : Celia Marsh

Topic 1386 was started on 2002-12-30. There are 13 messages available to read.

It's *all* about me.

The cheat sheet: Assistant Editor for The Fortean Bureau and a 2002 graduate of Clarion East. Story forthcoming in Polyphony 3.

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Message 13 was left by Hannah * on 2003-11-11 23:48:41. Feedback: 0/0

Clearly, she's intimidated.

If I can do all this with no brain at all, just think what I'd do if I had it back!

Message 12 was left by Marsha * on 2003-11-11 23:40:58. Feedback: 0/0

And the right half obviously doesn't know what the left half is up to.


Give it back. Poor Hannah might want to knock her own fruit out of the trees.

Message 11 was left by Celia * on 2003-11-11 19:30:41. Feedback: 0/0

That's because it's just Hannah's brain. I mostly use it for a stool and to knock fruit out of the trees.

Message 11 was left by Celia * on 2003-11-11 19:30:42. Feedback: 0/0

That's because it's just Hannah's brain. I mostly use it for a stool and to knock fruit out of the trees.

Message 10 was left by Marsha Sisolak on 2003-11-06 14:47:08. Feedback: 0/0

I'd think about returning that extra brain, Celia. I don't believe it's helped you remember where your topic was at all.


Message 9 was left by Celia Marsh on 2003-11-06 14:12:28. Feedback: 0/0

But I'm keeping the extra brain!

Message 8 was left by Hannah * on 2003-09-26 01:28:55. Feedback: 0/0

Had three. She had to give the extra back -- the owner wasn't quite done with it yet.

Message 7 was left by Marsha Sisolak on 2003-09-25 09:33:04. Feedback: 0/0

Actually, she has three. But who's counting?


::is smackproof and any other kind of proof I need to be
where Celia is involved.::

Message 6 was left by Jamie Rosen on 2003-09-25 09:09:03. Feedback: 0/0

Actually -- and I can say this because I've met her -- she has two.

Message 5 was left by eric * on 2003-09-25 08:49:19. Feedback: 0/0

fantastic pictures, I have a simillar collection and funny enough, we
probably stood at the same spots in greece 'cause I have the same
ones. any way you have an eye!

Message 4 was left by Celia Marsh on 2003-07-01 21:00:06. Feedback: 0/0

The July issue of the Fortean Bureau is live at http://www.forteanbureau.com/.

Table of contents for issue 12:
The Good Man and the Sword by Greg Beatty
One Step Forward by Martin McGrath
Swirl of Green by Gene Stewart
The Chatterslee Circle by Jaine Fenn

Feedback is appreciated.

Message 3 was left by Celia Marsh on 2003-06-28 11:44:16. Feedback: 0/0

*confiscates Kat's catnip*

Message 2 was left by Kat Allen * on 2003-06-27 19:38:04. Feedback: 0/0

Of course it's all about you, Celia, it has your name on it.

Message 1 was left by chance * on 2003-02-26 20:28:05. Feedback: 0/0

celia has a topic and nobody's squashing it? how odd.

*squish squash squash*

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* Posted by non-registered author.

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