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Speculations : The Rumor Mill : Anonymous : Shameless Self Promotion Corner

Topic 215 was started on 1999-01-11. There are 2548 messages available to read.

Why not? After all, we all write, ultimately, to be read, don't we? So, tell us where your stuff is in print, lobby for those Nebula Reccomendations, or Best of Jackhammer nominations, and feel free to exercise your bragging rights!

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Your name: Your e-mail:


Message 2548 was left by Naomi Kritzer on 2002-10-03 15:05:55. Feedback: 0/0

My book is out!!!!

Fires of the Faithful is now available at Amazon.com, bn.com, and at actual brick-and-mortar bookstores all over (though not all of them, so if you'd be making a special trip to the bookstore just to buy it, you might want to call first). :-)!!!

Message 2547 was left by Mikal Trimm on 2002-10-02 23:26:33. Feedback: 0/0

DistantWorlds.net has put up the winning stories for their contest, including my own little trifle, 'Parchment'.
http://distantworlds.net. Also, my story 'Lily and the Dutchman' is up at Twin Cities (http://www.tcmsff.com).

Message 2546 was left by Allyson M. W. Dyar on 2002-10-02 20:45:01. Feedback: 0/0

My story, "Eternity Road" was published in the October issue of the online webzine, Scifantastic!


Message 2545 was left by Julie Shiel on 2002-10-02 16:51:43. Feedback: 0/0

My poem 'Vodoun-Mounting the Horse' is up at Champagne Shivers, at http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/champagne/Voudon.html

Message 2544 was left by Leah Bobet on 2002-10-02 05:13:42. Feedback: 0/0

My short story "Playing the Dozens" is in the October 2002 issue of Ideomancer, alongside fiction from other wonderful writers such as the lovely and charming Marsha Sisolak (yay Marsha!). Just hop over to http://www.ideomancer.com


Message 2543 was left by Bruce Boston on 2002-10-01 06:31:22. Feedback: 0/0

I have poems just out in The Fifth Dimension http://samsdotpublishing.com/contents.htm and in Chiaroscuro http://chizine.com/fiction.htm.

I also have another story just up at Fictionwise, http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/BruceBostoneBooks.htm, where I am currently #4 on their recent best-selling author list.

The December Asimov's has two poems by me, and also short positive reviews of my collections Quanta (Miniature Sun), White Space (Dark Regions), and my broadside In Far Pale Clarity (Quixsilver).

Message 2542 was left by Jon Hodges on 2002-09-30 17:21:42. Feedback: 0/0

Shame on me, I jumped the gun one day. Wicked Hollow #4 is actually available today.

This issue, October 2002, the last issue in the first year of Wicked Hollow, contains fiction from Kendall Evans, Darren Speegle, Michael Greenhut, Stephen D. Rogers, Kealan-Patrick Burke, Richard Dysinger, and Spencer Allen, as well as poetry by Christina Sng (2), Lee Clark Zumpe, Michael A. Arnzen, Michael Chant, and William P. Robertson. Cover art by Nathan Combs and interior illustrations by Russell Dickerson, Nick Rose, Marcia A. Borell, Rick Hudson, Roxell Edward Karr, and David Grilla. Same ol' ridiculously inexpensive price of $3 in the U.S., $4 to Canada, and $5 elsewhere.

For those who don't remember or this is their first time hearing of Wicked Hollow, it is a pocket-sized (literally -- not digest) horror magazine focusing more on the atmospheric than the visceral. It is 84 pages with a textured card stock cover and 24 lb., 97 brightness interior pages with grayscale illustrations (not line drawings).

For anyone who would like to pick up a copy, you can from the Wicked Hollow website with PayPal, ProjectPulp.com with credit card or PayPal, or Shocklines.com with credit card. If you'd prefer a check or money order, you can send those to me directly at the prices above payable to:

Blindside Publishing
Wicked Hollow
1959 N. Peace Haven Rd., #217
Winston-Salem, NC 27106-4850


And as for those of you who are contributors to this issue, they will be shipping throughout this week. Hitting a mailbox near you late this week or early next.

Message 2541 was left by Michael Greenhut on 2002-09-30 11:47:09. Feedback: 0/0

Dangit. <Michael;'s Ego> was supposed to come before that last line.

Message 2540 was left by Michael Greenhut on 2002-09-30 11:46:22. Feedback: 0/0

My first published fiction, "The Samhain Incident", comes out tomorrow in Wicked Hollow #4!

Feed me, Seymore! FEED ME!

Message 2539 was left by John D. Harvey on 2002-09-30 10:45:21. Feedback: 0/0

First Novel Released! – “The Cleansing”

Greetings everyone,

Over the weekend, Arkham House Publishers (http://www.arkhamhouse.com/) released my first horror novel in hardcover. I'm holding it in my hands (okay...I'm sleeping with it, too), and still can't believe it's here.

If you pre-ordered the book (thank you, thank you, thank you) then it should arrive in the next week or so. I have one book signing scheduled right now and I'm on the cusp of putting together a few more. Visit http://www.johndharvey.com for updates on where I'll be.

In future updates, I hope to also have lists of booksellers (both online as well as brick-and-mortar) carrying the book.

I hope you're all doing great! Take care and happy reading!

John Harvey

PS - if you have family or friends who enjoy reading horror / dark fantasy, feel free to let them know about "The Cleansing".

Message 2538 was left by Christina on 2002-09-30 05:45:39. Feedback: 0/0

My chapbook The Darkside of Eden received a great review at The Swamp! :D

Message 2537 was left by Atk. Butterfly on 2002-09-28 19:28:20. Feedback: 0/0

Today Wal-Mart online, tomorrow the produce aisle! ;)

Message 2536 was left by Sguidry on 2002-09-28 18:59:04. Feedback: 0/0

My story, "Unwanted Guests" is out in the current The First Line. (A cute little publication I hadn't seen before. Some neat stories in it, particularly considering they all start exactly the same and end up completely different).


Message 2535 was left by Terry on 2002-09-27 15:49:59. Feedback: 0/0

That works all right, Atk. Beautiful cover!

WalMart! Exciting for you! Will you still speak to us when you're rich and famous?

Message 2534 was left by Atk. Butterfly on 2002-09-27 15:04:39. Feedback: 0/0

Gasp! A co-worker pointed out to me that my book, Beasts Are Us, is available at Wal-Mart Online! I think this URL will get to it: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/search-ng.gsp?cat=18786&search;_query=Atk.+Butterfly&CATEGORY;_ID=18786&dept;=3920

Message 2533 was left by Clara Burnst on 2002-09-27 12:39:41. Feedback: 0/0

Are all of you authors?!? Oh wait...never mind...this is the shameless advertising..right.

Message 2532 was left by James A. Hetley on 2002-09-27 08:40:50. Feedback: 0/0

My first novel, THE SUMMER COUNTRY, is now available from Ace. Reviews (favorable, of course) would be welcomed with great rejoicing and potential bribes such as reciprocal back-scratching.

Message 2531 was left by Jon Hodges on 2002-09-26 15:15:56. Feedback: 0/0

For those of you outside Australia who submit to Aurealis or had just wanted to read it for the sake of it, it's now available through Project Pulp with your credit card for $9.95 (shipping included). Check out the new listing.

Message 2530 was left by Richard Parks on 2002-09-26 12:50:48. Feedback: 0/0

My first collection, THE OGRE'S WIFE: Fairy Tales for Grownups, is now out, available from the usual online sources or directly from the publisher, www.wunzpub.com

Shameless enough? ;)

Message 2529 was left by Joe Mahoney on 2002-09-26 10:14:25. Feedback: 0/0

Incidentally, the price includes GST, PST, and shipping and handling internationally.

Message 2528 was left by Joe Mahoney on 2002-09-25 17:20:44. Feedback: 0/0

If on the offchance anyone wants to order a copy of the CBC science fiction radio show Faster Than Light, here's how:

It's $21 per copy, and you can order by phoning 416-205-5966 or e-mailing radiodramaoncd@toronto.cbc.ca

You can also mail a cheque (payable to CBC) to: Radio Drama on CD, Box 500, Station A, Toronto M5W 1E6

C'est tout

Message 2527 was left by Ahmed A. Khan on 2002-09-24 18:11:35. Feedback: 0/0

Cross posted from "Not So Urgent Announcements":

Today begins a new chapter in the history of my continuing efforts to improve the Index of Online Fiction. A few months ago, I had started a message board. It worked for some time. There were some thought-provoking discussions and we had luminaries like Ellen Datlow drop in for some time. But then the message board started floating tummy up.

So scratch one message board. Replace with one guestbook.

Go, visit the Index. Click on the "Sign My Guestbook" link. Preserve your valuable thoughts for posterity. Leave the imprints of your thoughts on the sands of time. In simple words, GO, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! (Phew!)


Message 2526 was left by Jon Hodges on 2002-09-24 17:07:55. Feedback: 0/0

ProjectPulp.com has updated its catalogues. No more separation between books and magazines. It is now split up into genres. How convenient. Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/Suspense, Erotica/Romance, Literary, Poetry, Non-fiction, and soon to come "other" or "misc." You'll find the books and magazines listed together within these catalogues. Humor me after all the work it took to do this and visit the new catalogues at http://blindside.net/smallpress/read. You may just find I carry something you didn't even realize with the way the catalogues were previous broken up.

Case in point, I'm now carrying James Van Pelt's story collection mentioned below, STRANGERS AND BEGGARS from Fairwood Press.

Message 2525 was left by Jim Van Pelt on 2002-09-24 08:57:33. Feedback: 0/0

http://www.purplepens.com/ gave STRANGERS AND BEGGARS a very nice review.

Message 2524 was left by Jen on 2002-09-23 10:03:17. Feedback: 0/0

Thanks, Rebekah! (Hey, you spell your name just like my sister does.) Well, it was a hard decision, but I decided peace of mind financially-wise was more important than the stuff. And, I figured, if I found it once, I'll find it again, and probably have just as much fun finding it the second time around.


Message 2523 was left by Karen R. on 2002-09-23 04:51:57. Feedback: 0/0

Like Tim in #2519, I have a poem in the current FUHU. Mine's called "Boulevard Ghosts." Other RMers appear, including Charlie Finlay. Issue #2 looks sharp.

Message 2522 was left by Connie Wilkins on 2002-09-22 23:56:42. Feedback: 0/0

If anyone ever wanted to say they were reading Penthouse just for the fiction, well, the November issue is out now with my WWII story "To Remember You By" (It's actually a 2000 word excerpt from a 5000 word story.)

Message 2521 was left by Paul Pence on 2002-09-21 22:50:25. Feedback: 0/0

Congrats to you, too, Eugie!

Maybe we'll share a table of contents!

Message 2520 was left by Eugie Foster on 2002-09-21 11:03:30. Feedback: 0/0

Congratulations, Paul! I'm a finalist too! It's gonna be a rough wait to get to October 15th. Good luck!

Message 2519 was left by Tim Esaias on 2002-09-20 14:44:25. Feedback: 0/0

Got my contributor's copy of FUHU #2 today, containing my poem "The Rocks". Looks very nice. 8-)

Message 2518 was left by Annette Gisby on 2002-09-20 11:31:07. Feedback: 0/0

My dark fantasy/horror short story collection, SHADOWS OF THE ROSE has just been published by Double-Dragon E-Books and it is available now.

So far it is available through www.fictionwise.com,
www.double-dragon-ebooks.com and www.ebookad.com.

My novel, SILENT SCREAMS is being re-relased, and you can reserve a signed copy from my website below:

Write your own dream,

Message 2517 was left by Paul Pence on 2002-09-19 15:44:54. Feedback: 0/0

Hurray!!!!! I'm a finalist in the Phobos fiction contest!!!!
In the top 20. They're cutting back the list more by October 15 to the top 12.

I haven't entered any contests in ages, or even done much writing. It's nice to get the affirmation that I've written something the people like.

(Oh, and the local library has accepted my proposal to teach "The Craft of Writing".... more good news.)

Message 2516 was left by Jim Van Pelt on 2002-09-19 08:29:11. Feedback: 0/0

Here's a bid for shameless self promotion. My collection, STRANGERS AND BEGGARS, is available through Amazon.com. There's a review there from Booklist and one from Publishers Weekly, but there aren't any from readers. If you've read the book and have some thoughts about it, could you post them at Amazon? I don't know that it makes much of a difference, but it would look nicer.

I see they have used copies of it for sale, and one of the advanced review copies as well. How weird to see the book being traded that way.

Message 2515 was left by Fran on 2002-09-18 22:05:19. Feedback: 0/0


This a collection of short stories written by an original(1920's era) Weird Tales author and member of H.P. Lovecraft's circle.
The subjects of the stories touch upon the themes of teleportation, ghosts, mystery and vampirism told in the classic style.
It's available wherever books are sold.

Message 2514 was left by Rebekah on 2002-09-18 15:55:22. Feedback: 0/0

Jen, I admire you for being able to let go some books and gorgeous pottery. I think that you would see them hauling me off to debtor's prison still clutching my books. ;) Put a small bid in for a small piece of pottery.

Message 2513 was left by Simon Wood on 2002-09-18 14:57:51. Feedback: 0/0

Last Night, I got a 5pm bootie (or bookie) call from Barnes & Noble. They asked if I could talk to their book club tonight. I said yes. I thought it might be good practice before my big book signing tomorrow night. There was only four people, normally there's twelve. Well, I talked for about an hour and everyone seemed to be impressed and chatty. Well, all four members bought the book. The B&N; community relations manager was pleased and she asked me to appear on a local author panel she's organizing in October and they've picked my book as "book of the month" next month. So it was a good night.

I found out that my book signing on Thursday is going to be formal. I have to give a speech, question and answer session, then the book signing. In theory, 50+ people should be there on Thursday. So it should be good and intimidating.

If anyone is in the El Cerrito/Berkeley area at 7pm Thursday night, don't forget to drop by.

Simon Wood
WE ALL FALL DOWN (Jan 2003) Barclay Books
DRAGGED INTO DARKNESS (spring 2003) Medium Rare Books

Message 2512 was left by Joe Mahoney on 2002-09-18 10:24:29. Feedback: 0/0

And while I'm on the subject, the following is from Robert J. Sawyer's website:

Hello, everyone. SF writer Robert J. Sawyer here.

(This coming Sunday and Monday) CBC Radio will air the pilot for FASTER THAN LIGHT, a proposed series hosted by me. Please listen, if you have the

If you're in Canada, of course you can hear it on the radio!

And if you're anywhere else in the world, you can hear in on
the CBC website: http://www.cbc.ca/audio.html

(CBC is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canada's largest


FASTER THAN LIGHT, hosted by SF writer Robert J. Sawyer, and
produced by Joe Mahoney and Barbara Worthy, is an hour-long
science-fiction series produced by CBC's Radio Drama department.

The pilot will air TWICE on CBC Radio:

* On CBC Radio One (99.1 FM in Toronto)
Sunday evening, September 22, at 10:05 p.m. EST
as part of "Sunday Showcase"
Note: this broadcast will be in mono

* On CBC Radio Two (94.1 FM in Toronto)
Monday evening, September 23, at 9:05 p.m. EST
as part of "Monday Night Playhouse"
Note: this broadcast will be in stereo

The FTL pilot has five main components:

* A full-cast adaptation of Tom Godwin's classic SF story "The
Cold Equations"

* Part One of an original SF serial called "Captain's Away"
written by Joe Mahoney

* A commentary by me on what SF is all about

* An interview with author Nalo Hopkinson conducted by me

* A brief interview with SF poet Carolyn Clink, and a reading
of one of her poems by actress Barbara Worthy

Bonus: Listen for William Davis -- the X-FILES "Cancer Man" --
doing one of the "You are listening to FASTER THAN LIGHT" station breaks!

For FASTER THAN LIGHT, I intro and extro the radio dramas, and
also interviewing authors (in the pilot, novelist Nalo Hopkinson
and SF poet -- and my wife -- Carolyn Clink, whose poetry is also featured in the pilot).

So: check it out! You can also listen on the Internet at the
above times: http://www.cbc.ca/audio.html

I had a blast working on this pilot, and really, really hope that the CBC will pick it up as a series.

If you like FASTER THAN LIGHT, and would like to see it picked up as a series, you can e-mail CBC Audience Relations at:


It might be a good idea to carbon copy to CBC's Sunday Showcase


Or you can call CBC Audience Relations at 416-205-3700.

All best wishes!

Rob Sawyer

Message 2511 was left by Joe Mahoney on 2002-09-18 10:18:42. Feedback: 0/0

From an interview with Robert J Sawyer on SF Site:

SF Site: At the time of this interview, you're involved in making the pilot for "Faster Than Light," a radio series to be broadcast on the CBC. Although I imagine it is too early to say if the series will be picked up, what can you say about the first episode and where you would like to see the series go in the future if it is picked up?

Sawyer: The pilot will be broadcast in September -- but it's already been recorded and it came out very well indeed, so I certainly do hope it will be picked up. I'm the host of "Faster Than Light," which is a series consisting principally of full-cast radio-drama adaptations of classic SF stories. For the first episode, we did Tom Godwin's always-controversial "The Cold Equations." I do the Rod Serling bit, introducing each adaptation. But I also do interviews with SF authors -- for the pilot it was Nalo Hopkinson -- and three- or four-minute commentaries on the state of SF. It was an absolute treat to get to do the pilot, and I would be thrilled if the series ran for five years.

Message 2510 was left by Jen on 2002-09-18 06:37:51. Feedback: 0/0

Yes, well, I never thought I would admit this out loud, but I have far too many books... I know all about not having any money, Lenora! Not a good feeling. (Hence the auctions!)

Message 2509 was left by Lenora Rose on 2002-09-17 17:59:07. Feedback: 0/0

Jen: Curse you! I have no money and saw many things I would have liked to bid on (For those prices, certainly) if I did...

Message 2508 was left by Jen on 2002-09-17 13:02:05. Feedback: 0/0

I am in the process of holding a pre-moving/get out of debt sale on ebay... everything must go (or, at least I hope it does.) I have some nice writing-related books up now (and auctions ending tonight!) Click here to browse. And there are many, many more auctions to come.

Unless otherwise noted, contents of this site are copyright Speculations, 1994-2002.

Please address all correspondence to Kent Brewster at kent@speculations.com.