Log of Changes to Math 77 Since Release 5.0

In reverse order

5.26 1997-10-09, FTK
Fixed bug on setting NT for case of ragged tables in DILUPM and SILUPM.
5.25 1997-03-28, FTK
Made CDEMO and CDEMOM (Chapter 19.5) available on server. These codes can be used for checking out the installed library.
5.24 1996-09-16, FTK
Fixed DIVA and SIVA to avoid possibility that formatted I/O used to save difference tables might result in reference to an unitialized floating point number. Other changes have been made in connection with automating the conversion to C.
5.23 1996-04-17, WVS
Changed one line in [DS]RANG to avoid SQRT(-0.0), which caused a fault on a Pentium when using Lahey LF90 compiler version 2.00
5.22 1996-02-27, FTK
Fixed DIVA and SIVA to dump solution independently of results obtained for equations with no error control. Change could alter results slightly when the discontinuity feature is used.
5.21 1996-01-29, WVS
Upgraded DFRENL and SFRENL to improve accuracy for large |x|. Includes new low-level routines [DS]SNPXX and [DS]CSPXX.
5.20 1995-12-18, FTK
Fixed special case of string compare in M77CON.
5.19 1995-12-18, FTK
DIVA & SIVA referenced an uninitialized location when the solution was being saved, and the final point of the integration was the same as the initial point. This has been fixed. DILUPM & SILUPM were not returning a correct interpolant when derivatives were being computed. (Don't know when this problem was introduced.) This has been fixed. DILUP & SILUP had a problem connected with option 6, which specifies a value that causes YT values with that value to be avoided in the interpolation. This has been fixed. Subroutines DBINOM & SBINOM have been written to compute binomial coefficients. These routines take integer arguments N .ge. K .ge. 0, and return a double and single precision result respectively. Documentation will be made available online with release 6.0 of the libarary. It can be obtained now by request to Fred Krogh at x4-2663.
5.18 1995-11-21 FTK
Fixed couple of problems in M77CON. When a user specified a keyword with an embedded blank, this fact was not being picked up. Also fixed a problem that arose when converting a code from "Z" to "C".
5.17 1995-11-09 FTK
The DEC Fortran compiler does not treat continued character constants correctly when the constant is continued, the end of the line has blanks, and the trailing blanks on the line have been removed. PMESS has been changed to generate a $ in column 72 in this case and to insert a blank in column 7 at the start of the next line. MESS has been changed so that '$ ' is treated correctly when it is in a heading (other cases worked for this). New messages have been generated for the library codes effected. This has resulted in minor changes in the following routines: DILUP, DILUPM, DINTO, DIVA, DZERO, SILUP, SILUPM, SINTO, SIVA, and SZERO.
5.16 1995-11-09 FTK
Removed an extraneous comment from the following routines: dasum, sasum, saxpy, daxpy, sbacc, dbacc, dbesy1, sbi0k0, sbsol, dbsol, sc2bas, dc2bas, dcdchi, scdchi, scdnml, dcdnml, dcdpoi, scdpoi, scft, dcft, schol, dchol, sckder, and dckder.
5.15 1995-11-03 FTK
Removed blanks inside numbers in the following Fortran codes for conversion to C: dasinh, dbesj0, dbesj1, dbesjn, dbesy0, dbesy1, dbi0k0, dbi1k1, dbmp0, dbmp1, dci, dei, delefi, derf, derfi, dfrenl, dlgama, dsi, sasinh, sbesj0, sbesj1, sbesjn, sbesy0, sbesy1, sbi0k0, sbi1k1, sbmp0, sbmp1, sci, sei, selefi, serf, serfi, sfrenl, slgama, and ssi. Did the same for the following SFTRAN codes: dasinh, dbesjn, delefi, derf, dlgama, sasinh, sbesjn, selefi, serf, and slgama.
5.14 1995-10-30 FTK
Modified DZABS, ZSUM, ZDIF, ZPRO, and ZSQRT so that they are convertable to single precision complex using M77CON. The results of this conversion are intended for use in getting C versions.
5.13 1995-10-27 FTK
Modified ZCOEF so that it was convertable to CCOEF using M77CON for purpose of getting a C version of CCOEF.
5.12 1995-10-23 FTK
Added DRDIVDB, DRSIVDB, DRDIVX, DRSIVX to demo directory so that these routines are available for checking out the library. These names with DR replaced by TE were previously in the TEST directory. Changed DRDRANUS and DRSRANUS to use 8000 points instead of 10000. 10000 was too many to run on the PC with the Lahey F77L compiler.
5.11 1995-10-10 FTK
Commented out call to UMESS in MESS. UMESS is no longer required, and if the user wants this capability these lines in MESS will need to be uncommented.
5.10 1995-09-15 FTK
Removed '0' used for Fortran vertical format control in format statements in ERMSG, and in demonstration drivers DRDACCUM, DRSACCUM, DRDPFIT, and DRSPFIT. Declared all variables in DRDPFIT and DRSPFIT.
5.09 1995-07-07 FTK
More changes to SIVA and DIVA and changes to SIVAG and DIVAG to correct problems connected with the interactions between the code for G-STOPS and weak discontinuities. Also more minor corrections to the documentation for Appendix A. New C codes have been generated for DIVA, DIVAG, SIVA, and SIVAG.
5.08 1995-05-10 FTK
More very minor changes to SIVA and DIVA and changes to SIVAG and DIVAG to correct problems connected with the interactions between the code for G-STOPS and weak discontinuities. Revised code for M77CON so that the input and output files can have the same name. (A scratch file is used.) Made minor corrections to the documentation for Chapters 03-03, 04-03, 11-04, 19-04, and Appendix A. New C codes have been generated for DIVA, DIVADB, DIVAG, SIVA, SIVADB, SIVAG, MESS, and OPTCHK.
5.07 1995-04-29 FTK
Made very minor change to order used in SIVA and DIVA after user has flagged a discontinuity, and order is being reduced. Also changed these routines so that they perform in the same way with state only as with state + variational equations when user has flagged a weak discontinuity and there is no error control on the variational equations. Fixed SIVADB and DIVADB to print V and integration coefficients for order greater than 1 when mod(LPRINT, 10) is 4.
5.06 1995-03-10 FTK
Fixed bug in OPTCHK that apparently has no effect on any of the current library routines that call it.
5.05 1995-03-03 FTK
In SILUP and DILUP, fixed bugs introduced when adding Hermit interpolation. These bugs did not effect the one dimensional routines, but are fatal for the multi-dimensional routines SILUPM, and DILUPM.
5.04 1995-01-20 FTK
In MESS, fixed a bug in recently added capability for printing the transpose of a matrix.
5.03 1995-01-20 FTK
In M77CON, removed "\" from format and comment to avoid problem on Sun Fortran compiler.
5.02 1995-01-05 WVS
Added VAX "D-3" constants to D1MACH etc. for DEC Alpha running VMS.
5.01 1995-01-03 WVS
Added "EXTERNAL ZQUO, ZSQRT" to DCOMQR (used by ZPOLZ). DEC VAX Fortran has an intrinsic function ZSQRT.
5.00 1994-12-01
Initial distribution of Math 77 release 5.0
Fred Krogh, fkrogh@math.jpl.nasa.gov