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Treatment of Specific Diseases



The Causes
of Chronic Degenerative Disease





How We Become Acid

The Symptoms
of Being Bcid

Urine and Saliva

The Treatment
of Being Acid


EURO-AMERICAN HEALTH Dennis L. Myers, M.D., Denver, Colorado
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Degenerative disease begins as a relatively acid condition in the tissues of the body. These tissues become oxidized, diseased and old.

Pleomorphic organisms come out of this acid environment, from elements in the blood in order to clean up these old, diseased, tissues. Bacteria are being found in the diseased tissues of all chronic, degenerative diseases. The Atlantic Monthly, A New Germ Theory by Judith Hooper, February 1999.) These bacteria are there as a result, not the cause. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was wrong, these organisms are not caught from the outside, they come from within.

Pleomorphism is a concept discovered in the early 1800s. Pleomorphic organisms are micro-organisms that change form (pleo-change, morph-form), viral into bacterial into fungal forms and back again. All micro-organisms change form. Grown in a hospital laboratory, under exactly the same growing conditions, a streptococcus is always a streptococcus but change something, the pH of the growth medium for example and that strep germ will change form into something else, some other micro-organism.

These germs come from inside the body, from "tiny dots" that you can see in the blood of any living thing, with any microscope. All micro-organisms, all living things come from these "tiny dots" and all living things turn back into these "tiny dots".

These "tiny dots" themselves, never die. The cell is not the smallest living thing, these "little dots" are. These "tiny dots" are called Protits in German and Somatides in French. There isn't even a name for them in the English language. Isn't that strange?

If the environment, the growth medium that surrounds the cells becomes acid, toxic, polluted, these "tiny dots" hook together into long threads and change into the viruses, bacteria and finally the fungi that clean up a corpse, if things get that bad. This is what the bacteria, germs are there for. They clean up old, diseased tissues. The germs are not the problem, the conditions, the environment they grew up in, is. Do you treat the problem or the result?

The small dots are the Protits which are constantly moving, for ever...
The large circles are red blood cells.
This is a picture taken through a Dark-field microscope so the background is black.

To treat the cause of the above is to treat this internal milieu, the internal environment in which these degenerative processes happen. This environment is the ocean that surrounds each and every cell. The main way this environment becomes acid is from the over consumption of protein. Protein is converted into strong acids by the body and these acids leach the minerals out of the body, out of the very bones of the body. Protein is good but all we need is 40 grams a day. The average American diet contains 200 grams! Protein is the problem, not fat and cholesterol!

In the long run, the only way to replace these lost minerals is to eat more fruits and vegetables and less acid producing food. How acid your urine and saliva are tell how far you have to go, how long it will take.

Everything that bothers you will get somewhat better with pH correction. All the myriad systems in the body are very dependent on the maintenance of stable pH. Whatever therapeutic modalities you use in addition to pH correction, will work better. All forms of medicine are helped; work better if pH balance is restored first.

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Dennis L. Myers, M.D.
2050 West Fair AV
Littleton, Colorado USA

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