
A note from Ness...

19-08-02 - Since Stargate SG1 first aired and the first incarnation of the SJD online network appeared, a lot has changed. Alternate universes, TPTB assurances, on-screen confessions of "feelings"... new site designs and layouts, sporadic updates, new site designs and layouts... it's been an interesting six years. One thing, however, has remained constant: our belief that Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill belong together. Or, at the very least, should have illicit feelings about each other. *g*

// Before I go any further, I'd just like to say that without Jez, the archive/directory would probably be in my Recycle Bin right now. Jez not only kept offering to help, but she also accepted any and all fruit-loop idea's and suggestions I had, and fulfilled every request I asked of her - no questions asked. Plus, she didn't even kill me when I turned around months later and changed my mind about nearly everything. Every time I had doubts about keeping the SJD open she would listen to me rant and then offer to help with whatever I wanted done. In fact, if it weren't for Jez, this latest update would be substantially smaller - she's gone above and beyond (out of the galaxy, even) the call of duty. She truly is a fantastic person and I feel extremely honoured to be able to work with her as a co-archivist. She deserves so much more praise then I can ever offer: if you ever have the chance, thank her for all her hard work - the SJD is still alive because of her.//

The SJD, first and foremost, is a fanfiction archive. The original SJD (then called the "SJA") contained only a very small portion of fanfiction and so, in an effort to increase awareness of this wonderful relationship, other sections were gradually added. Episode reviews that contained a "shippy focus", beta readers, song lyrics (for inspiration), picture galleries and character info-pages were just some of the many ways the archive strove to increase the SJ fan following. And it worked. (Well, ok, to be honest - increased awareness more than likely came from wonderful episodes like "Into The Fire", "Point Of View", "Divide And Conquer", "Window Of Opportunity" and "Entity" (etc etc etc). *g*)

So, with a huge fan following, the SJ fanfiction very quickly started flooding in. For an archive that opened with only three fanfictions, "today's" figure of 2,000+ stories is quite staggering. However, with this huge fic-flood, a choice had to be made. For a good 20 months (if not longer) there were very little updates to the SJD, and what updates were made were usually lacking in fanfiction - not because of a lack of stories but because of a lack of time to update fanfiction and all the other area's of the SJD. Because of this, I made a decision to return the SJD to it's original roots - fanfiction.

The SJD of today is a completely (SJ) fanfiction orientated site. In the place of the other sections, "affiliates" have been created. The pleasure of furthering the SJ belief through lyrical inspiration, multimedia, character faq's (etc etc etc) has now been taken on by a plethora of SJ-oriented sites (or will be once we get some affiliates on board *g*).

Also different from previous SJD incarnations is the way the fanfiction is listed. No longer subsectioned into six different area's (only one alphabetical index) and no longer showing a summary and classification guide (only title, author, rating and date added) this decision was also made in an effort to increase update speed. Whilst this may make browsing for a story a little more time consuming and difficult, it does allow the SJD to display a greater quantity of fanfiction and in half the time. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes people as it was a hard decision to make but one I eventually found acceptable. I'm sorry if you disagree.

I had started this "note from Ness" as an explanation as to why I've changed the SJD setup so dramatically, and whilst I'm pretty sure I've accomplished this aim, I'm also pretty darn sure that I've rambled on a lot. *g* So, to conclude this babble-fest, I hope the new-look SJD meets (for the most part) with everyone's approval and here's to another year... or two... or more... *g* of SJ... in episodes AND fanfiction.

And, again, thank Jez. Seriously. The girl ROCKS.
