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Daily Briefing Roundups and Rights
As Washington rolls to war, Arab and Muslim immigrants become targets of a new profiling regime.
P L U S :
The Last War's Lasting Ills
In Cuba, a Diplomatic Revolution?

Enough Said

"Most of the rights that you enjoy go way beyond what the Constitution requires."
-- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia


War Watch Is This War Legal?
Skeptical European leaders claim Washington's war in Iraq will be illegal. Are they correct?
P L U S :
The 'Coalition'
Embedded, and Unreliable?

Must Reads 'The Arrogance of Power' (Sen. Robert C. Byrd)
US Rounding Up Muslim Asylum-Seekers (The Independent)
What Will Turkey Do? (Sydney Morning Herald)


  F E A T U R E D   T H I S   W E E K

The Bad Guy

Gangbanger, fifth columnist, radical Muslim, poor fatherless Puerto Rican -- is it mere coincidence that in Jose Padilla the government has the perfect fall guy?
March/April 2003 Issue


The Thirty-Year Itch

Three decades ago, Washington's hawks conceived of a strategy for US control of the Persian Gulf's oil. Now, the Bush administration is playing out their script for global dominance. March/April 2003 Issue
P L U S :
Oil and Arms: An In-Depth Look

Kicking the (US) Habit

Despite months of diplomatic arm-twisting, Washington's tobacco-friendly treaty demands have gone up in flames.
March 10, 2003
P L U S :
Secondhand Diplomacy

Why Wait?

Need to pave the way for an unpopular preemptive war? Take a lesson from Washington, and write off the world's skeptics with a little preemptive diplomacy.
March 17, 2003

$The Short, Unhappy Life of Campaign Finance Reform

McCain-Feingold took six years to pass -- and six days to derail. A look at the grave future of campaign finance reform.
March/April 2003 Issue


The Weather Underground

The events are three decades removed, but the timeliness of Sam Green and Bill Siegel's documentary on the Weathermen is uncanny.
March/April 2003 Issue

Is That a President in Your Pocket?
Having a president in the pocket has done wonders for Big Oil and those in the top tax bracket. Now, you too can feel the power.
P L U S :
Watching the Detectives
Want Irrigation With That?
March/April 2003 Issue


Wesley Lanham says:
"Remember, it's a lot easier for Bush to run the country by saying Saddam's a bad man, Saddam has weopons of mass destruction over and over than it is to actually try to do something about the economy and other domestic problems."

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Mother Jones' Jan./Feb. cover art says it all.

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Padilla photo by John Ritter; Oil illustration by Matt Bandsuch; Tobacco photo by Nic Dunlop/Panos; Why Wait? illustration by Mark Fiore; Campaign Finance Reform illustration by Steve Brodner; Ozeki photo by Marion Ettlinger

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