The new server menu. Allows you to edit the server options instead of editing .ini files.


The new MP Player screen. You are now able to select more players for DXMP DeathMatch.


The new SP Menu screen. You now now able to change the skin of JC Denton in SP.


The new Join Game menu screen. It now shows you the players that are currently playing on the selected server.


The new Mutators screen. DXCBP now has mutator support for Deus Ex!


The new MapList editor that allows you to edit the DXMP maplist inside Deus Ex.


The new Team selection menu that allows you to select the teams in a Team DM Game.



Deus Ex Community Based Patch - DXCBP
Site Design by Albert "slicer" Tsang - Graphics work contributed by Trystero

Copyright (c) 2001 - 2002