Five poems by Leonard Gontarek
Jesus, Plants by Tom Hopkins

Study / Ice

Dusk acetylenes the leaves

& what comes after.

The armies slayed

in their drunken sleep.

Evening has come to

the surrounding environs. Ice-blue glow

of insect exterminator, television.

The light wets down the night grass.

I can remember to a time

when the train took you to a place

of wildflowers. People going, coming

from the platform.

She lifted her dress, he unzipped

his fly. She leaned over a chair, began singing

Stardust. Ah,thursdays, & then,

ah, fridays.

The trees cracked in the dark.

Privet pushed through restaurant

exhaust. Birds, chips, dawn

square, ostensibly light.

A little snow,

clumped lilies,

a pretty view, no one around.

Light, soon.

Two Philosophical Models


And I find a note in my meatloaf:

I don't want to be looked at by men,

I want to be felt by their hands.

I look around the restaurant. All of

the women, beautiful and smiling.

I think I have discovered Meaning.

The waitress wakes me from my reverie:

It is starting to rain, maybe

you should bring the baby in.


It was unusual, he had nothing to say.

God it was unusual, it seemed unusual.

After all, he was Wallace Stevens.

His thoughts were unfinished.

Some were just titles:

A Lecture On Philosophy. A Lecture On Poetry.

A Lecture On Seashells.

He wandered around the subjects,

a man with a perfect speech in his head

who through deep psychological fear

never gets around to asking the woman out.

Abruptly, he announced the reading over,

I guess I'll be taking off now.

His words:taking off,

making sounds like a motor starting and engaging,

spreading out his arms,

running down the aisle.

Study / Leaves

Lemons & light in a bowl. Leaves

outside tick down to tar.

Woman unbuttoning a blue top holding

a pitcher. The rest is left out.

The woman fingering cold buttons

as she would herself. Outline of

body, in one stroke, under robe.

Where are we going?

Leaves flake down

to glazed street. We have come

here, streets named for fruit

& trees. Sex is not what he meant

when he finished the painting

& light continued to stream

like insects in & out of windows,

until someone, from sadness, shot out the porch light.

Study / Water

Susan Sontag says, The pages of this book,

pine-scented, blood on hand, green water, a film

of cedar rising nude from a lit lake.

Ms, Sontag, photography? All life begins

with the algae on my arm. I salute them.

I could not choose myself. Landscape

or the human form: nudes, intimate

articles, underthings, unavoidable, shade

of evening, glimpsed on subway.

Ms, Sontag, illness? Do you mind

my wearing this witch's hat? I

like the way I look wearing it.

Do you think I look good in a witch's hat?

The leaves falling like sparks into fire.

This time of year, we have settled in,

ducks on a crumbly shore.


They torture me, go through my things.

First word, dark, circulated.

Asleep, dead deer in my arms, that is the case.

Chair, wall, porch, unusual antenna, this is what creaks.

Put a little make-up on her pubis.

Oyster-colored silt, leaf decay, insane wheat, this is thecase.

Swathed-in is the symbol. Now I am prepared.

Now she is ready. Kneel. Light, primitive.

Objects are closets.

Admit the dark, as in giacometti.

There is no light for you maybe.

Or if, inverted.

Added. From unknown source. This is the case.

Symbols, white shells. Bird fluttered before the branch.

Wish it were not the case.