WORLD CALENDAR Link to World Calendar
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Banner Link to World Calendar Home Page

You may copy any World Calendar banner below. Name the .gif file wc.gif, then use this code to link it to World Calendar:
<A HREF=""><img src="wc.gif"></A>

To copy any banner, point your mouse to it, right click, then select "Save Image As...".

Link to World Calendar

Link to World Calendar

Link to World Calendar

Put a Customized Events Calendar on Your Web Site

Don't be scared off by those lengthy URL strings you see in your browser's LOCATION field when you connect to a Web site. In less than five minutes, by reading below, you will be able to understand what those symbols (?, &, =, %, etc.) represent, and you will be able to create your own customized link to World Calendar events. You will be able to have your own calendar of events on your Web site without having to do the data collection or maintenance. Your users and our sponsors will all love you! Just follow these six simple steps.

Step 1: The Domain Name

This is the name of our unique Web site, registered with Internic. World Calendar's domain name is or (Calendar may be spelled with either and "ar" or an "er"). Each and every link to any page on World Calendar must begin with:

Step 2: The Computer Program Name

World Calendar's computer program that searches for and selects the events is named:

You must add this program name after the domain name so that your URL looks like this:

Step 3: The Search Criteria

When the user fills in the search form, each selection criteria is submitted to the program that performs the search. Each variable has a name, such as "city" and a value to search for such as "Los Angeles". Together, this is a called a "name-value" pair.

For example, here is the name-value pair to search for events in the city of Los Angeles:

Notice the plus sign in Los Angeles. The plus sign MUST be substituted for spaces between words or your search will not work.

For the list of variable names which you may include in your URL string, see Step 6, below.

Step 4: Put the URL String Together

The name-value pairs MUST be separated by an ampersand symbol (&), but NO spaces. For example:

The name-value pairs may be placed in any order but they must be separated by the ampersand symbol. For example: city=Los+Angeles&cat2;=music&ctry;=US

The program name must be followed by a question mark (?) then the list of name-value pairs. For example, the following URL link will display a list of music events in Los Angeles, United States:;=Los+Angeles&cat2;=music

Step 5: Put the Link in Your HTML Page

Use standard HTML tags (hyper text markup language): <A HREF = ".....">
Put the URL string between quotation marks within the HTML tags.
Follow the link with the text that the user clicks on.
Close the link with </A>

Example: Link to Los Angeles Events Calendar:
<A HREF="">Los Angeles Events Calendar</A>

Step 6: Variable Names and Values

You do not have to use all of the variable names, but you must use at least one name-value pair. Only use the variables you wish to search with. Spell the variable names exactly as spelled below, in the first column. The URL is not case sensitive. Upper or lower case letters will work.
cont continent cont=nam Use 3-letter abbreviation as follows or leave blank:
NAM (North America)
LAT (Latin America)
EUR (Europe, Middle East)
PAC (Pacific, Asia)
AFR (Africa)
CAR (Caribbean)
ctry country ctry=us Use 2-letter abbreviation or spell out
st state/province st=ca Use 2-letter or 3-letter abbreviation or spell out; only for US, Canada, Australia, UK, Mexico. Refer to World Calendar's search screen for codes.
city city city=los+angeles Spell out. You only need to use "st" and/or "ctry" variables if city is not unique.
cat2 keyword cat2=music Keyword or phrase. Put a plus sign (+) between words for Boolean "and", ie, all words must match the search. Example: jazz+festival. Put a vertical line (pipe) between words for Boolean "or," ie, any one word must match the search. Example: run|marathon. The order of words does not matter. No spaces allowed.
cat1 category cat1=leisure To search ALL events, do not use this variable.
Otherwise use "leisure" or "business".
from beginning date from=01%2F01%2F99 mm/dd/yy format
The slash must be coded as: %2F
If you use "from" you must use "to" also.
to ending date to=12%2F31%2F99 mm/dd/yy format
The slash must be coded as: %2F
If you use "to" you must use "from" also.
srt sort order srt=date fastest is unsorted (do not use this variable).
dest (sort by destination)
date (sort by date)
tit banner title tit=California+Events Your Web site name to appear in banner. Put a plus sign (+) between words.
url URL Location of your Web site. Do not include "http://"

Sample Links to World Calendar

Example URL Links to Events in World Calendar's Database
URLEvents Results List Portland Museum of Art
Events Calendar Europe & Middle East Sacramento Events California Events Marathon Events;=marathon California Marathons (continued next line)
August Events Calendar

URL Links to World Calendar Static Pages
URLPage Name World Calendar Home Page World Calendar Search Engine Page Submit Links and Banners to World Calendar Add, Edit, Delete Events Online Freelance Jobs with World Calendar

Put an Events Search Form on Your Web Site

We maintain the database of events and you may search it for free. The results page has your name in the banner. Save yourself thousands of dollars in programming costs and data collection costs. In exchange for allowing visitors to your Web site to search our database of events for free, we display our sponsors' banners along with the selected events.

Contact us if you need assistance in creating a customized search form for your Web site.

You may create a search form, using our samples, to search for events using any of the criteria listed above: continent, country, state, city, beginning date, ending date, category, keyword. You may sort your results list by destination or date.

The links below are samples of search forms using different search criteria. After you click on a link and see the form, you may copy the HTML code, modify it, then put it on your own web site. To copy the code, click on VIEW, then PAGE SOURCE. Block and copy the code, then paste it into your own file. If you click the SEARCH button for these examples, and get LOST (!), just return to World Calendar Home Page, then click on the banner to put a free link on your web site.

A note about searching by date range: You will see that in many of our examples we hardcoded the beginning date (from) as 01/01/91. That is because we have 3000 demonstration annual events from 1991, from 85 countries, that we use for demonstration purposes. As new events are added, we will delete the events in 1991.

1. World Calendar of Events QUICK SEARCH - This quick search by either keyword OR city uses a different, faster program that searches on only one selection criteria. Do not change the html code in each FORM. Using the quick search for city will show all cities with the selected name, regardless of state or country. For example: Paris, Texas as well as Paris, France.

2. Events Search by Keyword and City - This search uses the regular search program, not the quick search as in the above example. Therefore your users can search simultaneously on both keyword AND city.

3. World Calendar of Events ADVANCED SEARCH - Search and sort on 11 fields. Remove from the code any row (field) on which you do not want to search or sort. However, if you search on the beginning date (from), you must also supply the ending date (to). Change the values of hidden fields "url" and "tit" to reflect the URL of your Web site location and the title to display in the banner in place of "Events Results List."

4. Events Calendar for Your Organization By hardcoding the keyword or phrase, your events search can select only events specific to your own organization or business, such as the "Portland Museum of Art". When you add your events to World Calendar's database, you must be sure to include the keyword or phrase in either the eventname, event description, or hidden keyword list. You may even use meaningless codes, such as "zz876cats" in your hidden keyword list. If your hardcoded calendar search then searches for the same keyword "zz876cats" then only your events will match the keyword search.

5. Events in One Category by City, State, or Country - Hard code the keyword(s) such as "festival." To search for more than one keyword use the Boolean operator for "or" which is the vertical line on your keyboard above the backslash (|). (In UNIX we call this a pipe.) Example: "festival|fair|carnival". Search for your keyword either by city, or state, or country. Users type in the destination, such as country, instead of looking it up in a selection list. This makes your HTML file load faster because it is much shorter. State and province searches can only be done for the United States, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. World Calendar's program can accept the full spelling of country names or the two-letter abbreviation.

6. Events in One Category by Continent - Hard code the keyword(s) of your choice such as "marathon". Allow users to search for your keyword by continent and sort events by destination or date.

7. Events in One State by Keyword Selection List - Hard code the state of your choice such as California. Hard code certain keywords and list them in a selection list. For example: Festivals, Performing Arts, Music, Sports, Arts & Crafts. Change the selection list of keywords in the example to whatever you want. (We prefer an open-ended keyword search field as in the next example, but novice users may prefer to point and choose from a predefined list.)

8. Events in One State by Keyword Search - Hard code the state of your choice such as California. Allow the user to search by any keyword(s). Click here for a list of country codes then select either US, Canada, Australia, Mexico, or United Kingdom for a list of states and provinces you can use.

9. Events in One State by City - Hard code the state and country of your choice. Allow users to select a city from a selection list. Change the cities in the example to the ones in your state and add as many as you want.

10. Events in One Country by City - Hard code the country of your choice such as Germany. Allow users to select a city from a selection list. Change the cities in the example to the cities in your country and add as many as you want. Click here for a list of country codes.