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     May 16, 2002 Listening Session Report - St. Mary Parish - Burlington

Summary Report on Listening Sessions Related to Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests
held at St. Mary Parish in Burlington, Wis., May 16, 2002

There were about 200 people present and many felt the tone of the meeting was good, though some were hurting and wanted answers in order to restore their faith in the hierarchy. There were about 170 people who appeared 50 years old or older and about 30 who appeared to be under 50 years old. Two thirds of the participants were women. Nine people spoke during “open mic” time. There was one table of people whose native language was Spanish. Their table report was done in both English and Spanish.

Six major themes surfaced in the small group reports and individual responses.

1. Credibility of the Church, trust of the hierarchy
The following summarizes many comments:

Much of the lack of credibility of the Church rests on the secrecy surrounding the six priests still in active ministry who have allegations of sexual abuse of minors. Another contributing factor is the silence over so many years about sexual abuse of minors by priests. Some questioned why the hierarchy is above the law. Many alluded to a cover-up by the hierarchy of the problem of sexual abuse by priests of minors.

If Project Benjamin has been around for 15 years, why was the archdiocese so slow to supply information about abusers? Many asked for information about Project Benjamin.

There are a number of people who are victims/survivors who will not come forward to a priest; they need lay people available as counselors.

Rome should be setting world guidelines.

The bishops of the world need to address this problem.

We need to be open and honest about everything. Young people feel particularly deceived.

If priests who are sex abusers have been moved from parish to parish, the bishop is guilty.

2. Seminary Screening, Training and Recruitment
There has to be better training, screening and education in sexuality in the seminary.

3. Optional Celibacy, Women in the Priesthood
Many suggested that celibacy be optional and that married men and women be ordained to the priesthood. It was suggested that if that does not happen, then just say the Eucharist is not important.

4. Financing the care of victims/survivors
The Questions & Answers do not address the victims/survivors’ issues and concerns. The money used for victims/survivors is our money and all this is a “snow job” with our money. We need to know where the money for victims/survivors is coming from. It is necessary to listen to victims/survivors and their families to see what they need.

5. Role of the Laity
For protection of our children there should be two adults at all times with children. Involve the laity in decision making. Laity need to heard and taken seriously. Empower the laity to teach their children about “good touch—bad touch.”

6. Special Commission Report and Zero Tolerance Policy
Many felt the Special Commission's recommendations were good and needed to be implemented. Some noted that there is a need for a good definition of "zero tolerance." Currently it seems that a person is guilty until proven innocent. We have to protect the innocent. Some felt strongly that zero tolerance under all circumstances is the only way to go, others felt there should be some flexibility. Some felt that priests accused of sexual abuse should be given office jobs. Some felt it was important to go to the police first then the Church. Many commented on the need to involve civil authorities and outside investigators.

Many commented that priests need to be punished for crimes they commit.

General comments about priests

  1. We need to support priests who are faithfully doing a good job.
  2. We hope priests will not become distant from women and children given today’s climate.
  3. Priests are being blamed, but bishops are guilty of the cover-up.
  4. If priests are guilty of abusing minors they should leave the priesthood. Misuse of priestly authority is a major issue in the Church that needs to be addressed.
  5. Shouldn’t the Archdiocese have “limited liability” for priests as is the case in corporate America?

Suggestions for the future

  1. Do a better job promoting Project Benjamin and clarify its purpose and policies.
  2. Have trained table facilitators.
  3. Provide a forum to discuss the crises of faith of “everyday Catholics.”
  4. Be clearer about the policy for victims/survivors, for pastors, for families.
  5. Address the impact on families of the abused.
  6. Help parents educate their children about sex abuse.
  7. Protect our children.
  8. Encourage anyone who has knowledge of sexual abuse of children to come forward.
  9. Expand the notion of victim/survivor to include parents of victims/survivors.
  10. Provide Project Benjamin with an outside third party to investigate.
  11. Have a Listening Session in Racine/Kenosha.
  12. Pray for priests in parishes
  13. Do not give priests who abuse a new assignment as children are marred forever.
  14. Define: defrocked, ‘stripped of their ministry,’ excommunicated, laicized, please.

Some comments and questions not included in what has been previously stated:

  1. We feel manipulated by the Question & Answer Sheet
  2. Why are we meeting in Burlington, not Kenosha where abuse happened.
  3. We wish these had been on different nights with the bishops present.
  4. We do not feel things will change even with the listening session.
  5. Found the Question & Answer Sheets enlightening and a good starting point.
  6. What created this problem?
  7. Define "active" ministry
  8. We need more effective ways to account for money from the collection.
  9. Milwaukee seems to have a handle on things, but there is certainly inconsistency across dioceses.
  10. Pedophiles should apologize face to face to victims/survivors.
  11. Expand on Question # 21.
  12. There is hope in the fact that we are all talking about this issue.
  13. Perhaps this tragedy is a purification or cleansing of the Church.
  14. Where are the younger people?
  15. Do priests convicted of a crime receive salaries? Pensions?
  16. These Listening Sessions should be held throughout the country.
  17. The archdiocese is now facing the situation, squarely, honestly and aggressively.
  18. There should be adequate protection against false accusations with a strong follow-up for true violations.
  19. Law firms seem to be in conflict with the Church hierarchy since they are paid by the Church.
  20. Is there a connection between homosexuality and child abuse?
  21. The Church’s response to child sexual abuse by Catholic priests is sad and crippling.
  22. I strongly disagree with the statement that sexual abuse is a disease. It is a disorder or paraphilia. The word disease implies that the offender has no responsibility for the action.
  23. Let the person without sin cast the first stone. (John 8, 1-11)
  24. Sex between priests and adult women is a more serious sin.
  25. What is your source for the statistic that the incidence of pedophilia is the same or less as in other positions of trust?
  26. Clarify and use dates in the Question & Answer Sheet.
  27. Catherine of Siena told the pope 700 years ago that the Church needed reform. Sounds like a good idea today.
  28. What about physical and verbal abuse by priests?
  29. My daughter was abused 40 years ago and my heart still hurts.
  30. Victims/survivors and their families need our prayers.
  31. If I give my money on Sunday, is it going to help the cover up of Cardinals Law, Egan and George?
  32. Wish this were a town hall meeting.
  33. A religious vocation does not have a sexual orientation so why is “heterosexual vs. homosexual” being discussed.
  34. Listening sessions are a positive step. Keep going.
  35. Press coverage has actually helped the Church.
  36. People were here to vent, not read Question & Answer Sheets.
  37. Our pastor did not give us the Question & Answer Sheets on Sunday as some pastors did.
  38. Have victims/survivors share at these meetings.
  39. This was a great night, but we needed more time.
  40. Cardinal Law should resign.
  41. I object that this meeting was conducted by the Office for Women, rather than the Family Life Office or Project Benjamin.
  42. Have sexual abuse therapists here with victims/survivors.
  43. The pastor of St. Lucy is out front in trying to address the sexual abuse problem.
  44. Parish members from St. Mary, Burlington, would like an apology from the pulpit.