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     Ordination to Priesthood - May 19, 2001
  Todd Budde, Javier Bustos, and Oriol Regales will be ordained as priests for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee on Saturday, May 19, 2001, at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist. The public is invited to attend the Ordination, which begins at 11:00 a.m.

Ordination sacramentally enables a man to serve as a priest in Christ's name and in the name of the Catholic Church. Tradition and symbolism surround the Ordination Rite.

The Most Reverend Rembert G. Weakland, OSB, Archbishop of Milwaukee, will preside at the Ordination on May 19.

Just after the Gospel, the seminary rector will present Todd, Javier, and Oriol to the Archbishop as candidates for ordination, affirming their spiritual, human, educational, and pastoral readiness to serve as priests.

In Roman Catholic Theology, the call to priesthood is a vocation from God discerned by an individual and by the Church community. The people gathered for the Ordination will assent as part of the rite.

Following the homily, which will address duties of the ordained priest, the Archbishop will ask each priesthood candidate a series of questions. In their answers, the candidates will publicly declare their intention to exercise the ministry of priesthood. They will also promise obedience to the Archbishop and his successors.

During the Litany of Saints, the candidates will lie prostrate, symbolizing their dependence upon God and upon the prayers of the Christian community. The Church and the Saints will be called upon to intercede for the ordinands.

The Archbishop will lay his hands on each candidate's head in an ancient Biblical gesture, asking God to empower Todd, Javier, and Oriol by the Holy Spirit, setting them apart for the sacred ministry of priesthood. Then, one by one, the priests present for the Ordination Rite will lay hands on the newly ordained priests as a sign of acceptance and welcome into the presbyterate.

In the Prayer of Consecration, the Archbishop will ask God to grant Todd, Javier, and Oriol the dignity and grace of priesthood. Laying on of hands and the Prayer of Consecration constitute the heart of the Ordination Rite.

A priest chosen by the ordinand clothes the newly ordained priest with a stole and chasuble. The stole symbolizes both the authority and responsibility to serve in imitation of Jesus Christ. The chasuble is the garment of the priest celebrating the Eucharist.

Anointing of the hands of the new priest with Chrism oil, a tradition found in the Old Testament, symbolizes being set apart for a sacred task. This ritual acknowledges that the priest will participate in the ministry of Christ by offering the bread and wine, anointing the sick, blessing, and fulfilling other sacred duties.

The Archbishop will hand over the gifts of bread, wine, and water brought forward by the people and tell the newly ordained priests to "know what you are doing, and imitate the mystery you celebrate: model your lives on the mystery of the Lord's cross." This part of the Ordination Rite highlights the central importance of presiding at Holy Eucharist.

To signify a bond of unity, the Archbishop will give each newly ordained priest a kiss of peace. The celebration will then proceed as other Eucharistic Liturgies.


A reception for Todd, Javier, and Oriol will follow the Ordination. The address for the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist is 802 N. Jackson Street, Milwaukee.

Meet the new priests for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee on May 19, and read about their interests and vocation stories at (web site of Saint Francis Seminary).

Masses of Thanksgiving

The newly ordained priests will celebrate their first Masses on Sunday, May 20, 2001. Todd will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at 11:00 a.m., at St. Peter's Catholic Church, 503 S. Spring Street, Beaver Dam. Javier will preside at a 9:15 a.m. Mass at Saint Gregory the Great Parish, 3160 S. 63rd Street, in Milwaukee. Oriol will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at Prince of Peace/Principe de Paz Parish, 1126 S. 25th Street, Milwaukee.
