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Frequently Asked Questions
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 Q.I've received multiple mailings from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal - why is this?
 A. The Catholic Stewardship Appeal generates over 70% of its gifts from the one major mailing in February to all 200,000+ registered households in our Archdiocese. When any person responds to that letter with either a gift or refusal, this response is recorded. If people receive multiple mailings, it is because they have not responded to earlier solicitations. We don’t know which are potential donors and which choose not to give, since not everybody is prepared to respond to a February letter. More than $1 million comes from our follow-up mailings, so they cannot be eliminated.

We no longer request an additional gift from those who have already contributed to the year’s Appeal. We are truly grateful for what is given and don’t expect or ask donors to contribute a second time.


Additional information is available here.