Subject: 98-FAMILY3--Revelations-pg Hi all... A few months ago I wrote and posted the first 2 stories in my FAMILY trilogy, "FAMILY 1: Unblessed Events", & "FAMILY 2: Uncertain Beginnings". I knew there would be a delay with getting FAMILY 3 done, but had I expected it to take as long as it did, I would likely have waited on posting the first 2. Anyway, it is now done and I'll be dropping it here right away. I wanted to remind you that if you are interested in it but have not read (or want to re-read) the first 2, please drop me a note and I'll hapily forward them to you. Much thanks to Janis for all her hard work beta-reading this for me to help make it presentable - I gave her a hard task!! Also special thanks to Lee for help with one section (part 4?), and to Silver for attempting to make me sound like I've some idea about where they finally end up moving to! Ahn thankth ta THUE fa tipth on w'iting fa lithpin' patht fangth... Thanks to all of you; your corrections & suggestions have been invaluable! hugs to you all! Permission for Mel or Michael to archive... (98/07/19 Addendum: Any T+Vpacker or DP may also archive.) Hugs! -Micki ____________________________________________________________ We all know the drill - they aren't mine, wish they were, I'd have treated them a lot nicer than TPTB did! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAMILY 3: Revelations By "Micki" Lynn McCormick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was May 19, about half an hour before sunset. Richard Vetter was making 'motorboat' sounds with his mouth, while Bonita clapped her hands and giggled. Richard finally succeeded in getting the little girl to try it, with the result that she was now making 'raspberries' at everyone and giggling madly. Richard sat on the lawn with his granddaughter and turned to Tracy. "I understand that Richie has that disease. But come on, Tracy, it's nearly dusk, and it's certainly not the hottest sun of the year. I'm quite sure that a little bit of sunlight, enough to drive over here with, wouldn't hurt him. Then we could have had their party during the daytime, like any normal children's first birthday. Sure, they'd have had to stay in the shade, granted, but it would be more normal." "Dad, we've talked about this before. It's a very serious condition that he has. Even the smallest amount of sunlight is painful for him, and even sitting in the shade of the tree he'd still get more sun that he can handle. Besides, and I know this makes you mad, but it is a fact Dad. Whether you think we were right or not to do so, we had Nick and Natalie adopt him. I think it's very sweet that they want the kids to have as much contact as possible and stuff. But if they decided to, they could take off with Richie and have no further contact with us, and they'd be within their rights. Most adopted kids don't get to have the kind of contact with their birth family as he does. But it is Nick and Natalie that are allowing it. They are, legally, his parents now." Tracy walked over to where her daughter was kneeling down examining a blade of grass intently, just inches from her face. She picked Bonita up, and as she did, the child grabbed a fistful of grass, which came away with her. "NOOOO!" Bonita tried hard to throw the fistful of grassblades at Tracy, but they blew back into her own face instead. Bonita rubbed one off of her face and caught it, pushing it into her mouth and chewing at it fiercely. Then she pointed at the grassy lawn she had just left and began to cry. "Bonita, you tell grandpa to come and wait inside in the livingroom, and we'll go get all dressed up pretty for your party, okay." Tracy knew full well that Bonita couldn't talk yet, other than a couple of words above her favorite 'no'. She had discovered, however, that by presenting requests to her dad as something for Bonita to 'say' to grandpa, that her father would usually comply without arguing. Shortly after a bathed and dressed up little girl got brought downstairs, the doorbell rang. Richard went to go open it, and it was Screed and Urs. Tracy had seen it often enough to know that both men bristled at the sight of each other. She appreciated that they had settled on an agreement not to argue in front of her or Bonita. Of course that was after she had threatened both of them with never allowing either one of them contact with the child if they ever fought like that again in her presence, and both realized she meant it. Tracy smiled at the memory of that as she looked out the window to see if there was any indication of Nick and Natalie with Richie yet. She nearly jumped out of her skin, however, when she saw them already walking up the walk, with Richie between them. ~No caddy in sight, they must have flown with him!~ she thought as the doorbell again rang, and she went to go open it. After they had 'helped' the babies open all of their birthday gifts, they proceeded to get ready to go out. Bonita, who was currently teething, wouldn't stop chewing on the tail of a small squeeky rubber rat, her gift from Screed. Richie chewed his finger a little, but mostly just cuddled a stuffed dalmation puppy, one of his gifts from 'Grandma Vetter'. Tracy's dad and Urs rode in the car with Tracy and Vachon, sitting on either side of Bonita's car seat. Screed and Tracy's mom rode in the back of the caddy, which was parked at the end of the block, out of sight from the house. Natalie just smiled as she listened to Tracy's mom chatting amicably with Screed. Natalie was amused to learn that Tracy's mom had spent some time in England as a child, and that while there she took ill and had a nanny with a strong Cockney accent. She slipped easily into it herself when talking with Screed. Unlike most people Natalie knew who had met Screed, not only did Mrs. Vetter not find him odd, she also seemed to rather like 'the young man'. They were sitting outside, since it was a warm spring evening, at a quiet Dairy Queen location, with an ice cream cake decorated up for the kids. Nick had mentioned to Tracy one time how he could actually hold down a few fries and had also mentioned that something else he could hold down in small quantites was milk. Since then Tracy had gotten Vachon, Urs, Natalie, and Screed to try milk, and each could keep it down, even though none liked it. Tracy was pleased, as this meant that the local D.Q. was a place they could go if there were mortals around and seem to be eating, at least a bit. Nick and Natalie had to make sure Richie didn't get into the ice cream, though. He absolutely loved it, and given a chance would practically inhale it. If he was allowed only a few small tastes during a 'meal' out, he'd be ok. While they were there, Bonita took it upon herself to take her first solo steps. Everyone was making a fuss over the little girl with more ice cream in her hair and on her face than in her. When Screed looked up, he saw Richard had pulled Richie onto his knee and had let him get into grandpa's portion of ice cream cake as much as the boy wanted. "Wot did ya go an' do 'at fer? 'e's goin' to be sick 'e is." Nick looked up as Screed lifted the now crying boy from his perch and began to cuddle him. "He likes it. A little ice cream won't affect his special diet for just one day. It's his birthday. Let him enjoy it. Listen to him, he wants more." Richard Vetter looked angrily at Screed. Before anyone else could say anything, Richie's stomach began to spasm visibly and then to convulse as Richie began to cry. "Mama!" He cried, and as Natalie took him, he began to heave. Natalie got him away from the rest of the group and around the side of the building before his stomach gave up all of it's contents, managing to keep most of it off of herself and her son. She could also hear Mrs. Vetter tearing a strip off of her ex-husband about how stupid he was to try a stunt like that and to just look at how sick the poor boy was because of him. While Natalie agreed, she also couldn't help but think that it might have a little good come out of it, as it sounded like Richard was actually apologizing and honestly meant it. Once she got Richie and herself cleaned up, Natalie used the small penknife she now always kept with her to pierce her breast and allowed Richie to 'nurse' to regain some of his strength. As this had been explained away before as hormones to induce lactation, she pulled her jacket off and put it over herself so that she could return to the table with him. The spirit of the party had been broken, however, and they soon all returned to Tracy and Vachon's home, where Nick and Natalie dropped off their passengers, picked up their son's gifts and headed home. ---- It was Christmas-time, and Tracy was spending a quiet christmas with her husband and daughter. She had originally planned to have a small family get together sometime over the holidays, but that had been decided against after discussion with Natalie. While Bonita had most of her baby teeth, she still loved to cuddle and sometimes chew on her rubber rat. This of course was something that Screed encouraged whenever he visited. But Richie, on the other hand, had all of his baby teeth now and had recently begun to attempt to bite people. While his eye teeth were only minimally longer than normal for humans, they were noticably sharper if you were the recipient of his current chewing passion. While they were not long enough to draw blood on most people, they were sharp enough to break the skin and leave some rather uncomfortable scratches. Richie was going through a spell of using his sharp little teeth to emphasize whenever he said 'NO' to something. Natalie fully expected him to outgrow this, but she thought it would be better for Tracy not to tempt fate by having Richie get tired and crabby in front of family who need not know the child had little fangs. And so it was that Tracy's family were all going to her brother's home for christmas, while Tracy turned it down and had a quieter time of it with her vampire 'family'. Shortly before dawn, the morning of Christmas eve, their vampiric family arrived. They were all spending the day. Nick and Nat would bring Richie over a little later. During the day, Tracy got up in time to go and pick up Santa's special gift and to keep it amused until dusk, when everyone got up. Vachon woke his little girl up, changed her, and carried her downstairs, where the voices and lights from the sparkling Christmas tree began to really wake the sleepy child. Bonita looked around the room, rubbing her eyes as she looked at her parents, Auntie Urs, and Uncle Screed. She smiled at Screed and said that which made him smile brightly. "Wat." She held up her well chewed birthday gift which was still her favorite toy. He always smiled hugely and called her his girl, which she loved. "Bonita, come look what Santa brought you." Tracy sat on the floor beside the twinkling tree. "Mummy!" A small pair of arms suddenly encircled her as best they could as she fell into Tracy's arms from running faster than she was yet capable of. A sudden whimper from under the tree made the girl look over curiously. A large brown basket wrapped with a red and green plaid ribbon met her gaze, and a fluffy white dog with bright blue eyes looked up at her. A thin red collar with a bell on it circled his neck. A big tag hung from the side of the basket. As the girl looked at the curly-tailed dog with saucer eyes, Tracy picked up the tag. "What does this say?" She asked for benefit of her daughter. She opened the tag and read aloud to her daughter perched on her lap. "To Bonita. From Santa. Merry Christmas. The puppy's name is Curly, and he needs you to give him lots of love." "Mine." Bonita put out her hand and received a slobbery lick, which made her giggle. "My muppy." She wiggled out of her mother's lap and sat on the floor, pulling the malamute pup into her arms. "Muppy muppy muppy muppy muppy." She looked at her mom. "My muppy. Love muppy." She gave the dog a hug and got her face licked. Screed looked at Vachon and Tracy and smiled. "'e's a good choice, mate." ---- Natalie had recently come back to work at the Coroner's Building, now that a straight night shift had opened back up since she had taken a leave of absence when she and Nick had adopted Richie. She had arranged with Urs to babysit Richie if a position came up, but the first position that came available was a dayshift and the second had been a rotational. She blamed it on wanting to work the same shifts as Nick, of course. When this one had opened up, it was offered to her, and she jumped at it. It meant that she and Nick had one night off together with their son, and each had one night off alone with their son on either side of that. And Urs babysat Richie 4 nights a week, often spending a couple of hours with Vachon and Bonita on those nights. This night was a little different, however. Urs had phoned to see what Vachon was doing, but there was no answer. This was because he and Bonita had gone to meet Natalie on her dinner break. So Urs sat in Natalie and Nick's loft watching taped re-runs of Mr. Dressup and Sesame Street with her charge. "Nat, do you and Nick have plans for Valentines day, of any sort?" Vachon and Natalie sat in a Dairy Queen that was a test market for 24hr operations. Natalie sipped slowly at her coffee flavored shake while Vachon split a small sunday with his daughter. "No. Not to my knowledge. Why?" Natalie grinned, thinking of all the possibilities she could think of. "You got something romantic planned with Trace?" Vachon smiled. "Maybe. I hope she'll take it as romantic, anyway." "mal-im-time." Bonita was repeating every new word she heard lately, and this was one of the hardest. She smiled sweetly at Natalie with her big doe eyes. There was no mistaking who her dad was. "Eat you ice cream, Bonita." Natalie smiled at her 'niece' then turned the conversation back to the child's dad. "What have you got planned, Vachon?" "Well, if you and Nick could babysit a couple days, it would be really helpful." He looked at his daughter who was watching the two adults intently, and smiled. "Someones listening..." Vachon then whispered his plans so quietly that even with her vampiric senses, Natalie had a hard time catching it. Natalie nodded. "Okay, done. But you *know* when you can return the favour..." She smiled mischieviously at Vachon. ---- It was the day before Valentines Day, and Tracy and Vachon had brought Bonita over to stay with Auntie Nat and Uncle Nick. Muppy and Bonita were busily playing with Richie when Tracy and Vachon slipped out quietly. Tracy wasn't too sure about this, since it was the first time she and her daughter had been separated for any longer than just a shift at work. Once they were downstairs, Vachon took her hand and led her back to the car. "Where are we going, Hon?" Tracy asked as Vachon slid over to cuddle against her while she drove. "Home. For now." "For now? Vachon..." "It's a Valentines surprise. You have to wait." He cuddled her and rode with one hand sitting as high up on the inside of her thigh as Tracy would allow while she was behind the wheel. When they got home, Tracy pulled into the garage and climbed out. "Now what?" Tracy wrapped her arms around her husband and let her hands slide down his back til her fingers slid into the back pockets of his jeans. "Ummm." Vachon ran his fingers through Tracy's hair. "I still love the smell of your hair. Always have and always will I guess." He kissed her gently, then pushed her away. "Wait here a minute. I have to get something." Tracy sat on the hood of her car and watched as Vachon went out the open garage door and out into the alley from which they had just entered. A few minutes later, she could hear the muffled sounds of Vachon's voice as he spoke to someone, and then the sound of another garage opening down the alley. Another minute later, and her husband poked his head around into their yard. "Eyes closed?" He called quietly enough not to disturb the neighbours while still loud enough for her to hear him from the garage. "Closed." Tracy still had the tendency to screw up her nose when she closed her eyes like that, something she had never outgrown from her childhood. If asked, she was quite capable of closing them without squinting as well, but unless she deliberately remembered to not squint, she always did, and it was something Vachon found very endearing. She could hear sounds that she couldn't distinguish. Then his voice spoke. "Okay. You can look now." Tracy opened her eyes and was looking at a bright new motorcycle that was either identical, except for the colour, to the one Vachon had got her to pick out if she were ever to buy a motorbike, or the same one repainted. The paint job was in Tracy's favorite two colour combo; a deep purple that was dark, midnight amythest she'd once heard it called, and a particular shade of golden yellow that complimented her hair made a lightningbolt design across the purple. The helmet matched the bike and was hung on the handlebar. Balanced on the seat was a large wrapped box. Vachon handed it to his wide-eyed wife, then took her other hand and led her into the house. Once they were inside and seated in the livingroom, Tracy opened the box, pulling the wrapping from it, and dropping it on the floor. Vachon grinned from ear to ear as she lifted the lid of the box. Inside, in her colours matching her new bike, was a ladies heavy leather bike jacket and a pair of leather pants. "Try them on." Tracy looked at the windows, ensuring they were secured so as not to be visible to their neighbours, and began to shed her clothes. Vachon watched, then smiled and darted upstairs briefly, returning in short order with another garment. At Vachon's prompting, Tracy shed everything and then without a bra pulled on one of Vachon's thin white t-shirts. Since she'd had Bonita, and had breastfed her, her chest was a little more ample than it had been when they first met. But as Vachon loved to point out to her whenever the opportunity presented itself, she still looked great without a bra, and this was no exception. Then he helped her into the leather pants, convincing her not to wear underwear with them. "I don't believe I'm doing this," Tracy had commented, shaking her head. They had a zipper that ran completely around, continuing instead of stopping where a normal zipper would so that it went all the way up the back to her waist. Vachon kissed her hand then walked around her admiring the view. "You know, Hon, you really are gorgous!" He refrained from touching her for now and pulled from inside the jacket a matching leather vest that Tracy had missed seeing. He slid it over her shoulders, and then stood behind her, slowly doing up each snap, gently and seemingly innocently caressing her body in the doing. He'd picked out the style of the vest carefully. It was one that when done up, if the woman wearing it was so inclined, it could be worn with nothing under it and still cover everything - barely, and yet with anything worn under it, even something as minimal as the thin white tee, it suddenly looked seductive and classy, in a rebellious sort of way. Vachon touseled Tracy's hair, and then undid the top snap on the vest. He admired his handiwork, and then undid one more, which without the tee would have exposed all of her assets instead of just most. Then Vachon put the matching jacket on her, kissed her, and led her to the garage. "I'd love to take the bikes, Hon, but it would be a little too cold for you at this time of year on them, and I don't want you to get sick. We'll take the car and cruise on the bikes when it gets a little warmer, in the spring." Vachon opened the passenger door for Tracy, and then went and climbed into the drivers seat himself. "Where are we going now?" "I want to stop at the Raven and show you off... You'll be the prettiest girl there, Trace. Then we have reservations, and they know to expect us during the night." "Where?" "Actually, it's a place I know across the border, just a short drive beyond Detroit. The owner is one of us, and there are rooms that are safe for us. He's cool. I won't have to take any bottles with us, which will be better going through a border crossing." He leaned over and kissed Tracy passionately. "Happy Valentines day, Love." Vachon pulled Tracy's keys from her purse and handed the bag to her. "Now, I've made sure I've got a licence for these," he gestured to encompass the car, "but that doesn't mean I've driven them in a long time. Last time I drove one of these, I had to get out and crank the engine first to get it to start. Watch me and tell me if I'm doing this wrong." Tracy rolled her eyes and slid close so she could instruct as necessary. Life with a vampire was far from boring! ---- Nick and Natalie, Tracy and Vachon, and Urs celebrated the children's second birthday with a midnight party out in a bit of park where they could see the waterfront and watch the twinkling reflections of light play across the ripples in the lake. As Bonita got covered in icecream, Muppy, as everyone now called the dog, came over beside her and began licking her face, eliciting a series of squeals and giggles from the girl. Then she threw her arms around the growing dog and hugged him, proclaiming "Me loves Muppy," which got her nose licked again and started her giggling anew. Richie looked at Natalie. "Mommy, me gots doggie too?" Natalie and Nick exchanged glances. "Well, sweetie, I don't know right now. We'll think about it, and we'll see if we can. But no promises." Tracy looked at Natalie quizzically. "Bonita, you and Richie stay here with your daddies and Auntie Urs and play with Muppy. Mommy and Auntie Nat are going to go for a little walk. But we'll be back in just a few minutes." Bonita wasn't one to cry when Mommy went to work or anything. She looked up at Tracy, smiled, and nodded. Then she held her arms up and said, "Hug!" Tracy went over, picked her up and hugged her, then set her down beside Richie. The two women turned and and walked off a little ways. Once Tracy figured they were out of earshot, even for the men's vampiric hearing, Tracy asked, "So why the look when Richie asked about a dog?" Natalie nodded at a bench a little ways back from the path, and they went over and sat down. "Nick and I talked about getting a pet for Richie. We'd like to. But... we don't think this is the best time to do so." "Why not, Nat?" Tracy frowned, trying to think of any possible reason. "You think it might not get along with Sidney?" Natalie laughed. "I wish it were that simple. Sidney's old now, for a cat. I've been a vampire since before you and Vachon got married, and you guys have been married now closer to 6 years than 5. And I knew Nick for over 6 years before I joined him... And Sidney was almost 4 years old when I met Nick. So that's... between 15 and 16 years old. If it were just that, we'd just wait til he goes, because it probably won't be long. "Nick and I have discussed it, and we know we're going to have to move on soon. He's been here and involved with mortals for about 13 years. As long as it was just him who didn't age, we figured we could play it as him being one of those people who look a non-specific 30ish from about 25 to 45, and seem to just wake up one day aged to their real age. I know you don't see them often, but I've known a couple of people like that. But now since I'm not aging either, we figure we'll have to move on before the kids are school age. We won't have a choice. And we don't want to get him a pet only to have to leave it behind or spend months in quarantine. So we'd rather wait til after we've moved on before getting him a pet." Tracy smiled. "So, get him a pet, and when you go through customs, just make sure that Nick lets them know the animal has already gone through quarantine..." "Tracy! But it won't have. It wouldn't be safe." "So you make sure you get every possible inoculation for it before you go, and then the last few months you make sure you don't let it anywhere near other animals, other than Sidney if you still have him by then." Tracy lost her smile now. "Really, you're going to have to move on?" "Yeah. I knew Nick for a number of years before you met him. People are already beginning to get suspicious. We're already thinking about different places. Nothing definite and nothing immediate. But we're already planning for it." They began to walk back to their families. "What about Bonita and Richie? I think it's been so great that we've been able to let them be together as much as possible. But if you move on..." "Well, Trace, don't forget that Vachon is one of us too. It'll only be a matter of time before he has to move on too. If you want to come with us, that would let us keep the kids together. But it'd mean having to make a clean break from your family. So it's something you'll need to think about seriously before the time comes so that when the time comes, you're not trying to make that sort of decision without enough time to do so." Natalie put her hand on Tracy's arm. "Even if you decide not to come with us, we'll find some way to keep you informed of what is happening with Richie." They were just about back to the clearing where they had had the birthday party. Tracy wiped a stray tear away. On impulse she reached out and grasped Natalie's hand, pulling her towards herself and into a hug. "Thanks, Natalie. I don't know what we'll do yet, but thanks for giving me the time to figure it out... And thank you for that promise." As the two women walked back into the clearing a moment later, Nick and Vachon looked up from where they were playing 'airplane' with the two children as Urs looked on. Nick smiled and put Richie on the ground. "Go see mommy." The little boy tried to run towards her and staggered sideways, plunking down on his butt. "More dizzy, Daddy." He laughed and held his hands up to Nick to spin him again. "No more, Richie. Not tonight. Daddy's an old man. Daddy's tired." Urs tried to stifle a snicker, almost succesfully. "Being a parent is good for him, Nat." As Natalie scooped up her son from the ground and got a big hug for her efforts, Urs added, "Oh, the boys made a decision. They want to make sure you all get together at least once a month for the kids to be able to all do some sort of family activity together with both sets of parents." She smiled sadly. "It sounds like a really good idea to me." ---- It was almost a month later, and Tracy had just left for work. Vachon made a phone call as soon as he was sure Tracy was gone for the evening, and then he dressed his daughter to go out. It was about 2am when a phone call came in for Tracy. Since she was in the washroom, Nick took the call and took a message. When Tracy returned a few minutes later with a coffee in hand, Nick smiled and beckoned her over. "Your husband called, Trace. He left a message for you." A frown played across Tracy's face. "Is Bonita okay? Vachon almost never calls me at work." Nick smiled. "She's fine. He asked me to tell you that he took Bonita shopping and wants to bring her by to show off her new outfit to you." Nick was smirking now. Vachon had told him what he'd bought. "What? You know something!" "He wants Bonita to show you. She's wearing it. They should be here shortly." Nick went back to his computer and the case he was researching background info on a suspect for, leaving Tracy fidgeting. It was about 2:20 when an officer showed Vachon and the little girl he held by the hand to Nick and Tracy's desks. Nick looked up, sensing another of his kind, and smiled at Vachon. Tracy was talking to Captain Reese in his office. Nick picked up the phone and called Reese's intercom number. When he spoke up, Nick told him Tracy's daughter was here for a quick visit. It was just a moment later when both Captain Joe Reese and Detective Tracy Vachon came out from the office. Standing on top of Nick's desk, telling 'Unco Nick' a long story of some sort, stood the tiniest 'biker chick' that Reese had ever seen. She was outfitted in a set of biker leathers that matched her dad's exactly, right down to the biker's boots. The little girl had a bigger audience than just her 'Unco Nick' however, and most of the people within proximity were looking at and listening to the captivating little girl with the beautiful long hair and big doe eyes. Until she saw Tracy. Then her story ended, and she called, "Mommy!" Nick lifted her off of the desk, and she scampered straight over to Tracy and threw her arms up in the air indicating she wanted up. "Wow. You look just like Daddy!" Tracy picked up her daughter and hugged her. "Daddy to spris you. We comed here. Me gots a... a... a hard head too like daddy. It goes here." Tracy and Joe watched as the girl mimed putting on a helmet and the strap from it. "Daddy bought you a motorcycle helmet? I don't think you're big enough to ride a bike yet without falling off though, sweetie." Tracy looked at Vachon. "She looks really cute, Hon, but she's not old enough to be safe for her to ride behind you. She'll fall asleep or something and fall off." "It's okay Tracy. You can get baby and toddler seats that attach to the bikes. They are not common, but they do exist. It's on my bike outside. Come take a look, you'll see she's safe in it." Many of the other officers around the precinct came to take a look too, since most had never seen the child seats for motorcycles either. Tracy and Captain Reese went out to look at it, while Nick and Vachon waited inside for them to return. Once they had alleviated their concerns as to the little girl's safety, they returned back into the building. One of the booking officers came over with a camera, and took a couple of photos of Bonita with her new leathers. The fellow gave one photo to Tracy, and one to Nick. "I know Natalie would want to see this, Nick. This ones for her," he said, and handed Nick the photo. Tracy held her photo down to show Bonita. Bonita squealed. "Dat baby a biker tzick like me!" As the rest of the precinct got back to work, there was a lot of amused laughter about the last comment made by Detective Tracy Vachon's little girl, before she fell asleep in her mother's arms, was handed to her dad and was carried out by him to go home. ---- Natalie lay in his arms, asleep, as Nick caressed her. Natalie wiggled slightly in his arms, and a slight sound escaped her mouth that sounded rather like a quiet purr. Nick smiled and kissed her cheek, which woke her up. "Nick?" Natalie's voice was sleepy, just crossing that threshold between wakefulness and sleep. "I thought I heard Richie." "Shhh. He's with Trace and Vachon, remember? For a couple of nights..." He smiled and pulled her close as she fully woke and realized their son was not home this day. Nick allowed his hands to caress Nat, and it was not long before she reciprocated. "So how long are they keeping him for?" Natalie pulled her hand up and looked at the matching bands on her finger. "Long enough for us to have plenty of time for this..." Nick dove under the covers and began to molest his new bride joyfully. "Nick!" She flipped the covers down and pulled his face up. He looked at her with such an innocent expression on his face that he could easily have been mistaken for an angel. Natalie couldn't help but smile. "Tell me, and then we'll play. But not before." "For a week... It seemed right for us to have some sort of a honeymoon, afterall. We've only been living together for about the past... what... 7 years or so?" Nick sat up and pulled Natalie's hand where he could admire the rings too. "You do like them, don't you?" "Yes... They're beautiful, Nick. You know that already. But I love you more..." The rest of Natalie's thought was cut off as Nick kissed her. As their tongues dueled, Nick rolled onto his back, pulling Natalie with him. Nick pulled his mouth away from hers and asked, "Tell me again your reasons Nat.." Natalie spoke quietly, enjoying the feel of their bodies next to each other. "I figured the fall equinox would be a great symbology, especially with it being a full moon this year." She leaned down and kissed Nick before continuing, although his hands still caressed her. "I thought it was a great way to symbolize the equality between night and day, with one not dominant over the other. They're equal, just different. I thought that was something that was really important. At least to me it is." Natalie stopped to nuzzle Nick, then continued. "It can also represent 2 aspects, man and woman, in balance with one another. Neither one dominant over the other." Natalie thought silently to herself how although Nick was usually pretty good about it, he sometimes still tried not to talk to her about things, falling back into the old medieval thinking of 'protecting' her. She knew Nick tried hard not to fall into archaic thought patterns, so Natalie chose not to point this part out any farther. Nor the more obvious symbolism of the human and vampire natures living in harmony within an individual. He'd see that himself someday when he was able to truely accept it. "The full moon was great too, because not only did it help to allow the mortal guests to see better at the outdoor ceremony, but it's very fullness could also represent the full life that we'll have together, Nick." Natalie faded, reliving her hours old memory of their wedding. They had arranged for the ceremony to be held outdoors, in one of the parks, performed by a judge who was the husband of one of Natalie's co-workers. Grace had been the matron of honour, and Tracy and Myra her bridesmaids. LaCroix had reluctantly agreed to be Nick's best man, and Vachon and Captain Reese were his groomsmen. Richie was the ringbearer and Bonita the flowergirl, under the watchful eyes of Urs and Screed. The ceremony had begun about 11:30pm, and at 12:01am September 22, the date of the autumnal equinox, Nick and Natalie Knight were pronounced married. Once again the Raven was closed to the public for the reception, with the same arrangements having been made to ensure the secrecy of the vampires in the midst of so many mortals. Because of being a private function, Bonita and Richie were even allowed to attend the party for a while, about the only time that children would be allowed within the confines of the club. Shortly before 2am, as Urs was preparing to take the toddlers and transport them safely to Tracy and Vachon's where she would wait with them until Trace and Vachon returned home, a rather unexpected guest showed up at the Raven. When she had seen Janette's entry, Natalie had expected a scene. Instead, Janette was very pleasant and had presented Natalie with an envelope in which was a gift certificate for one of the city's more prestiegous hotels for a week in the honeymoon suite. Nick smiled, and once again began to kiss his new bride passionately, drawing her out of her reverie. Natalie responded in kind, and it was not long before the two newlywed vampires were enjoying every pleasure the other's body had to offer. "I want to make you as happy as you've made me, Nat. Let me make love to you tonight." Nick began to caress her body in all the ways he had ever discovered she enjoyed, both as a mortal and as a vampire. After they had made love several times, and he new that his beautiful bride was tiring since she was so much younger a vampire than he, Nick left her lying in their bed and went to get some bottles for them both. He brought in a long stemmed rose with the bottle and presented it to Natalie. He sat beside her as they both drank, and then told her to relax. Nick slipped quietly out of the bedroom in their suite and into the bathroom. Nick drew a warm bath in the double tub, pouring a portion of a fragrant potpourri designed for the bath into the water before placing candles around the bathroom, and bringing in two glasses and a bottle of warmed blood. Then he returned to the bedroom and convinced Natalie to allow him to lead her with her eyes closed. When she opened her eyes in the romantically lit bathroom, her senses were overwhelmed. The candles, the potpourri, the blood... She looked at Nick, stunned. Nick kissed her. "Come, my love." He led her to the deep twin tub and assisted her into it, then he went and flipped the switch starting the whirlpool jets, and climbed in beside her, poured each a glass, and then sat in the relaxing bubbling fragrant water cuddling Natalie, his beautiful wife. He cuddled her and caressed her, and when she finally fell asleep in his arms in the tub, he turned the tub off, blew out the candles, and carried her to their bed. His final waking thought before he joined her in slumber for the remainder of the day was how much he was going to enjoy this week with her in the wonderfully equipped honeymoon suite. ---- It was summer again, and this year Natalie and Tracy were getting a laugh because of how excited 'the boys' were at the idea of taking the kids to the CNE. Soon the big night arrived, and the Vachon and Knight families were joined by Auntie Urs and Uncle Screed. As soon as the sun went down they headed off for noise, lights, and excitement of the fair. Natalie, Tracy, and Urs stood and watched as the three grown men took great delight in introducing the children to bumper cars. Nick had Richie belted in beside him, but Bonita had begun to cry, wanting 'Unco Scweed' to ride with her. So now Vachon was standing guard making sure to keep his little bumper car between theirs with the little kids and those of the older boys, who were out to knock into everyone they could with as much impact as possible. When it came to the end of the time, Richie was pointing at it, asking, "Daddy! We go more? PEEEESE???" Bonita, however much she had seemed to enjoy it at the time, seemed quite content to come running back to Mommy. Natalie looked over at Vachon and pointed towards him. Nick frowned a second, not understanding what Natalie meant, and then smiled. Grinning at Vachon who had now caught up to them, he answered Richie, "Well, Uncle Javier didn't get to ride with anyone before. He was all alone. So if you want to go back on it, why don't you ask him if he'll go back on it with you?" "'kay!" Richie hopped over beside Vachon, reached up to take his hand, and began pulling him back towards the line-up. "Go more!" As the rest of them watched, Bonita pouted and looked at Tracy. "He *MY* daddy! Why he take Richie?" Tracy lifted up her daughter and perched her on the fence facing her. "Because you wanted to ride with your uncle before, so Daddy had no one to ride with him. And Richie wanted to go back on it, so Daddy is going with him so that Daddy get's a turn to ride with someone." She gave her daughter a hug and then lifted her down. Turning to the other adults, Tracy added "Seems someone is jealous... Think it would help if we all take turns with who goes with them on the rides?" Later, many rides and games and several prizes later, they stopped for ice cream at one of the of the ice cream stands. Then they took their cones and sundaes over to a table and sat down. Soon the adults were chatting, watching as Richie and Bonita played and tried to share their ice creams with some of the stuffies that had been won for them. Suddenly, Bonita asked Richie, "You like Daddy. Me see you teeth?" Richie stepped before her and opened his mouth. "Oh. You teeth not pretty like Daddy's. Them's too little." Bonita looked down at her ice cream and licked it. Richie began to cry, threw the last melting bit of his ice cream in Bonita's face, and then ran to Natalie. "She mean!" he gasped out between sobs. Natalie hurriedly picked Richie up and carried him to a poorly lit spot, where the fact that the child's tears were red would be unnoticed. After a few minutes of Richie sobbing to Natalie about how mean Bonita was and Bonita sobbing to Tracy about how bad Richie was, the two women soon got the children calmed down, cleaned up, and distracted from their previous discussion by suggesting everyone go up on the big ferris wheel so they could all see the pretty lights. Natalie made both Richie and Bonita promise to sit still, hang on, and not wiggle. Soon their turn to be seated came. Because this was the big wheel, there was room for all of them if they didn't mind sitting cosy. Instead of the standard type of swinging bench seat most smaller wheels have, this was a circular suspended `car' with 2 half-circle benches facing each other on either side of a central post. Urs, Natalie, and Nick climbed in on one side, while Screed, Vachon, and Tracy sat facing them. Bonita sat on her father's lap, while Richie sat on his mom's. As the wheel stopped with them at the top while other passengers were disembarking and new riders took their place, the two children were looking around at the different things being pointed out to them by various adults. Once the ride started going around, without the stops for passengers, the two kids, who were both sitting forward to hold onto the post, began to hold each other's hands, their earlier fight forgotten in the excitement they were having. As they were getting off the ride, Screed suggested the children might like the petting zoo, so they made that their next stop. While they all enjoyed it, it seemed to the women that all the guys, but especially Screed, had as much fun with the petting zoo as the kids did. Once it was time to go home, they took their prizes and souvenirs and headed out. Screed was carrying most of the stuffies that had been won for the children. He had the tails of a couple tied together and thrown over his shoulder and several multi-coloured snakes wrapped around his neck, in addition to the armload of stuffies he actually carried. Nick expected to do well on the shooting games, but Tracy had surprised him, being a better shot on it that he. After letting Screed rub it in about `Defective Knight, bested by the likes of 'er,' meaning of course a mortal, Tracy had finally explained that the aim was off on them and that she'd had a boyfriend one summer who had worked there previously and showed her the tricks to many of the games. Nick hadn't managed to get a big prize from the shooting games, whereas Tracy had gotten several. Natalie had won a couple at the booth where you have to remove the ring from the spinning coily thing without letting the ring touch it. Urs had won a couple of prizes at the skee-ball game, which she carried. Screed had shocked people with how well he did on the whack-a-mole game, except of course his own party. Somehow they had expected him to excel at that. And Vachon managed to scare Screed with a crossbow. It was for one of the games, but Screed had lagged behind and when he rounded the corner he nearly ran into the thing. Vachon had done quite well, getting a couple more of the giant stuffies for the kids. Nick finally found a game that he did well with - the ones where you have to use a squirtgun to shoot water into the clown's mouth. Screed had laughed heartily at 'Defective Knight being a better shot with 'that thing' and suggesting maybe Nick should take one to work as his weapon. This was how Screed had gotten the task of manhandling the giant load of stuffies. They managed to get themselves and all their goodies on the streetcar, which they took as far as King Street, where they then took the subway, getting off at the Yorkdale stop. From there they found their cars parked in the parking lot of the Yorkdale Shopping Centre, and they diverged from there. Screed and Urs decided to go to the Raven, while Tracy and Vachon belted a now sleeping Bonita into her child seat. Richie waved at the others as they drove off, but before they got home he too had fallen asleep, cuddling a big purple, orange, and green snake. ---- It was Christmas again, and this year Tracy's mortal family were all coming over on Boxing Day. Tracy's brother and his family were coming, which was good, but this would be the first time that Tracy's mom would be spending a day in the company of her ex-husband's new wife, and Tracy was more than a little nervous. Tracy herself knew little about the woman, except that her dad had told her over the phone, "She's younger than your mom is, Tracy." Tracy wanted there to be some nice 'leftovers' from Christmas dinner to be able to serve her family. It wouldn't do to have her dad's occasionally endless curiousity piqued if there seemed to be a lack of holiday delights about. Since Tracy had never been much interested in cooking, having little need for it as a general rule, she had never bothered to learn much beyond the absolute basics. But now... Well, this was the reason that Tracy was spending her Christmas Eve getting some serious cooking lessons from a vampire. Urs, Nick, and Vachon were keeping Bonita and Richie, now 3 1/2, entertained and out of the kitchen, while Natalie taught Tracy how to prepare the things that had been traditional holiday fare she had known as a child, both from her mother's kitchen and later from her grandmother's. The list of 'leftovers' that would be available for her family on Boxing Day, thanks to Natalie's teaching, would include turkey, gravy, dressing, both mashed and baked potatoes, veggies, cottage cheese and cranberry peroghies, and baked apples with carmel sauce on crushed graham crackers. Bonita and Tracy had a meal on the varied fare, and Bonita's favorites were the peroghies and the baked carmel apples. The Knights and Urs stayed for the day on Christmas day and celebrated their Christmas that night. During the evening of Christmas, there was a knock at the door. Vachon went to answer it and soon came back in carrying a very large box, which he sat in the middle of the livingroom floor. "It's from Screed. I recognize his handwriting. He must have paid a fortune to get it delivered on Christmas." Bonita and Richie were scampering about the box with was much larger than they were, trying to pull it open. Urs scooped the kids up, one under each arm. "Come sit on my lap until we can see what's inside it. There might be a letter or something. Besides, we don't know if it's one big present for everyone or if it's a bunch of little stuff or what. You two need to learn to be patient." She kept a firm grip on the two squirming kids while Vachon used a knife to cut open the tape. Inside were presents for everyone, as well as a cassette, which Vachon played. "'ey matey - I know 'o'll be openin' the carton! Merry Christmas! Give the tikes lots o' 'ugs an' kisses from Uncle Screed.. I'm doin' well in Vegas, I am. Don't 'spect to be back until Febuary, but I don't want the kiddies to miss their presents. Bonita and Richie - You two 'ave a 'appy Christmas, ok. 'ope you enjoy your gifties. Love ya both!" Vachon pulled out a large box wrapped in silver tinfoil. It was labled "Bonita's". Vachon set it aside until he found another huge parcel labled "Richie's". Then he called the children out to get their gifts. Bonita's was a collection of dolls from around the world. Every one had traditional attire for her country. There were 30 dolls in the set according to the back of the box of one of them, 5 of which were rare, but Screed had all 30, including the rare ones. Richie's was a collection of the lego type blocks but for the younger kids, the medium sized ones. His box contained 8 various playsets of the blocks. After the children were enjoying playing with their toys, Vachon pulled out gifts for the adults. For Vachon there was a huge 18k gold ring with the logo for his motorcycle on it. Nick's was a custom painting, probably made from a description of the car and a photo of the Knights. It was Nick behind the wheel of his caddy with Natalie sitting beside him, Richie on her lap, and the sun shining brightly on them. Tucked into the corner of the frame was a note which read, "I know how much your dream means to you. I don't understand yours, but I know how much they mean. Never give up as long as it's still important to you." Natalie, Urs, and Tracy all received similar pendants. Each was on a 14k chain although the charms differed. Tracy's was a dog with turquoise beads for eyes. Natalie's was a cat with green eyes that looked to be maybe chinese jade, and Urs' was a unicorn with a tiny carved pearl for it's horn and two tiny onxy beads for it's eyes. Vachon sat looking at the gifts his friend had couriered up to them. "I think he means it when he says he is doing well there." ---- It was March when Natalie was called to the scene of a vehicular accident. Since it didn't look anything remotely resembling a homicide, Nick and Tracy were not there. But Natalie blanched when she saw the deceased. She quickly called the officer in charge over and spoke to him, letting him know who the woman was. *** Nick and Tracy were radioed to return to Captain Reese's office. As they entered the building, another officer pulled Nick aside, telling Tracy that Reese wanted to see her in his office. After Tracy left Nick talking with the other officer, he explained, "You'll want to book Tracy off for a few. Do you know any of her family or friends who can spend some time with her?" "I've met her brother, but he doesn't live in town. Her husband is my cousin, distantly. So I guess I'm family. Why?" Nick was really worried. "Natalie recognized one of... her customers... at the scene of an accident she was called out to. She died at the scene. Natalie said it was Tracy's mom. We don't know for sure yet, but it looks at this point like she caused it. Looks like she was driving drunk and rammed into a school bus. No one else died, yet, but there's several kids in pretty serious condition. A highschool sports team of some sort. It looks like she just drove straight into the side of the bus. We won't know for sure until we get all the witness reports and get a tox report back on Mrs. Vetter, but that's how it looks right now." Nick looked pale. "Oh, God. Poor Tracy. She didn't get along too well with her mom, but this'll kill her." "Reese wants you to take the rest of the night off too. Tracy will have to go ID the body. There's always a chance that Natalie mistook the victim for Tracy's mom because of a resemblance. He wants you with her." The office door opened and Reese looked out. Seeing Nick, he gestured him over. Nick could hear Tracy sobbing inside. *** That was the first time that Nick had really spent much time in the presence of Tracy's dad. There was something about him, something Nick could not put a finger on, that made him think of LaCroix. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed determined that everyone around him should fit the mold he had decided they should go in - the control thing? Nick wasn't sure, exactly, but he found it eerie to be in the elder Vetter's presence any longer than necessary. Nick had been there for Tracy, as had Vachon, Nat, Urs, and even Screed. But when Tracy's dad had joined them at the morgue, instead of offering Tracy support in her grief, her father had monologged with an endless supply of callous and ill-timed comments like, "I'm glad we're divorced - I wouldn't want that to affect me," "I knew the way she was going it would end this way," and "She was just a lush, Tracy. Don't waste your tears on her." Natalie had finally taken Tracy's dad aside and told him that regardless of the situation or his own feelings toward his ex, the fact remained that Tracy's mom was dead, and there was no way that Tracy couldn't feel some grief at the loss; so while it wasn't a problem for him, he had better damn well offer his support or get the hell out. He had relented, but it seemed to Nick that the commissioner now harboured a dislike of Natalie. After the funeral, which Tracy's brother and sister-in-law were able to come back for, Tracy finally broke down and asked Natalie if they could talk. "You remember those things my dad said that night? He's right you know. But you're right too. Even with all her problems she's still my mom, and I did love her. I feel the same way my dad does, but then I feel guilty for thinking it, because how can I say I loved someone and then be glad they died even if it's because I know she wouldn't have forgiven herself for hurting those kids? I wish it had never happened, but that can't be changed and I'm glad she didn't make it, and then I think ~how can you profess to love someone and be glad they died?~ - you know what I mean, Nat? I just don't know what to think anymore. I don't think I want to think anymore, because it hurts too much." Natalie held Tracy as she sobbed, knowing that as difficult as the situation was, it was a good thing that Tracy was dealing with it and not holding it all in, hiding her emotions from everyone. Until Tracy had finally opened up to her, Natalie was worrying since she knew that many alcoholics began their abuse by bottling up strong emotional reactions of some sort, and that in some cases it tends to run within a family. So she had been concerned until then that Tracy might have been on the same path her mother had taken. ---- It was a warm summer night and the Vachon and Knight families had spent it in a park having a midnight picnic for one of their "family night"s. Bonita and Tracy had eaten while the others had had their drinks, and the adults sat talking, watching as the 4 year olds played together. "Tracy, have you given any further thought to what we spoke about a while back? It's time for Nick and I to go. We can take maybe a year maximum, but it's now at the point of being sooner-the-better. Basically we're just figuring out where we really want to go, and then we have to leave. Have you given it any thought?" Natalie sat sipping a glass of bloodwine and looked at the younger woman questioningly. "It's really time?" Tracy looked at Natalie, frowning. "People are really getting suspicious. When it was just Nick, well, that can be someone who just doesn't age as fast as most people. But now with me too... I look the same as I did almost 10 years ago, Trace. They don't like it if you stay where you have connections to the mortal world when you are brought across in the first place, and now I've been here going on 10 and Nick for a long time before that. So we have no choice." Natalie sighed, thinking Tracy had not given their talk about this last year any serious thought. "Well, actually Nat, we did talk about it. Unless you are planning on going somewhere were there's some reason we can't go," Natalie frowned, uncertain what Tracy meant by this, but made herself stay focused on Tracy's voice as she continued, "we'll come too. My only serious tie here is my dad, which isn't really a tie I enjoy; my brother lives out east, so there isn't anything there either. I mean, yeah, I've got friends I'll miss, but look at who I hang out with - Vachon aside, since he's my husband. I hang out with the guy I work with and his wife, whom we both work with somewhat, my husband's... daughter I guess you'd have to call Urs, odd though it sounds, and another of their kind who I guess for all practical purposes you'd have to call my husband's best friend. I really like the arrangement we have for the kids to still get to be together as much as possible, and although I may not like to leave here, I think it would be far harder on the children to suddenly be torn apart from each other." Tracy smiled and continued, "Besides, you haven't heard the news, have you?" She grinned wider as both Nick and Natalie looked at her, confused. "No." Nick and Natalie spoke in unison before Nat added, "What news?" "Oh, you know how my dad has been bugging me much less the last few weeks? I found out why." Tracy paused long enough that Natalie was beginning to wonder if she was going to have to force it from the younger woman's mouth. "Seems his new wife of almost a year now I think, is pregnant. She's only what - 5 years younger than me? Have you heard the rumours going around work about him and then dead silence when I walk in the room because they think they'll offend me with it? If I thought this was more than just midlife crisis or whatever you want to call it when a guy my dad's age goes through it, then I'd be happy for her... But as is, well, I guess I just don't quite know what to think." Tracy sighed. "Really? Nadine is expecting? When?" Natalie was ammused by this turn of events. "Actually, she'll correct you if you call her that. She says it like 'NAD-in'. But yeah, she's due in Febuary I think. And Dad is all excited at this turn of events, and he's not so busy trying to control my life any more. If we're going to go, for me sometime before the novelty wears off is probably the best time, because that way my dad'll have other things here to keep him interested, and he won't want to follow me when he retires next year." Natalie smiled as Richie and Bonita scampered over to the swings, and both children began calling out "Push me, Daddy! Push me!" As Nick and Vachon went over to go play with the kids, Natalie spoke, "Actually, Nick's been in North America mostly for over a hundred years. He's left for short times but most of the last hundred have been in San Francisco, Detroit, Vancouver, Chicago, travelling the south and west, and here. We haven't finalized where we want to go or what we want to do when we get there, but we've been giving it some serious thought. We figured our choices were Canada/US someplace, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, or Australia. We decided not to include Africa, since we decided it'd be too hot for you and Bonita if you decided to come. Plus it's harder to go to poorer parts of the world for me as a new vampire because I don't yet learn languages easily enough, so I'd stand out and be a lot more noticible, which we don't really want either. That's why we decided against South America too. Nick spent enough time in Asia as to be able to probably consider it, but still recommends staying to things a little closer to what I'm used to culturally for the first few moves." Bonita convinced her dad to sit and swing with her on his lap, and Richie soon followed suit, sitting on Nick's lap. The two women laughed, then continued their conversation. "So anyway, Trace, we decided on someplace in Hawaii if we decided to stay on US or Canada soil, the British Isles somewhere for Western Europe, Germany or Poland for Eastern even though they're not exactly what you tend to think of for Eastern Europe. Or someplace in Australia. Nick doesn't think Asia would be a good idea yet, although we figured if we decided to go there that Hong Kong would be the best because although it's part of China again, it's still got a very strong western flavor to it apparently. I don't think I want to go to Germany or Poland, so we're likely looking at the British Isles, Australia, or Hawaii." "Have you ever been to Hawaii, Natalie? It's really lovely, but it gets some nasty rain, at least it did the fall when we were there. I wouldn't want to go there because I'd be afraid that one or more of you guys were caught out in that kind of storm, and I'd be really worried." "Ok. So that leaves Australia or the British Isles. Any observations on either of those?" Tracy frowned. "I'd like to go to Australia sometime, but I don't know if this would be good, because my dad has relatives he talks to out there. If he told them I had gone out there, they'd start looking for me likely, and then I'd have other relatives to watch out for. If I have a say in it, then I think England or one of those other ones there would be better." "There's apparently a larger population of us in London. Because of you and the kids, we don't want to be someplace where there's too many of us, since we don't want to draw attention to ourselves. Having an overly efficient enforcer take notice of us would be all we'd need. But we still want a big enough center that we can live in or nearby and not draw the notice of the mortals particularly too." "What about someplace in Ireland? My dad has some distant relatives there but not ones close enough that he kept in touch with them. He doesn't even know their names or anything. You have to go back into family records about 2 or 3 generations to find names, and his mom had some contact with some when she was a kid, but so far as I know she never kept that up except one." Tracy smiled, watching the kids playing. "I sure wouldn't know them to see them, and I doubt very much they'd know me. But we did go out there for somebody's funeral when I was a little kid, the last of the ones my grandma had contact with died at just over a hundred, and we went out with Grandma for the funeral. I was probably their age," Tracy pointed at the children. "I remember it was really pretty, although some of my relatives spoke funny, at least according to my perceptions then. I think that was the first time I heard anyone speak Gaelic." The two women smiled as their youngsters were suddenly racing for them, their dads convincing them that their moms were lonely without them. Soon they were each listening to their child's stories, the more serious discussion put aside for the time being. As Richie began to tire out, the Knights began to make ready to head home. "Leaving already?" Vachon asked as he saw Natalie directing Nick to assist Richie in collecting his toys and such. "I think so. Someone's getting pretty tired. He's had a rather exciting night. I think he'll go to bed right after he takes a bath." Natalie looked over at Richie as he took Nick's arm and cuddled it, something he only did when he was quite tired, and nodded. Vachon grinned mischievously. "Mind one more for the day?" He looked at Bonita who was nearly asleep in Tracy's arms. Natalie looked at Vachon, puzzled a moment, until she became aware with her other senses of just how aroused the other two were. "Sure." She shook her head, "Don't you two ever get enough?" Nat smiled as Tracy blushed clear to her toes, she was sure, and stepped over to her friend to take the sleepy child. After the Knights had left, taking Bonita with them, Vachon began to walk through the park, hand in hand with his wife. "Sounds like you finally decided for sure." "Yeah. I don't want my dad trying to control me all my life. This is the best chance for me to leave that behind." Tracy let go of Javier's hand, wrapped her arm around his waist, then slid her hand into his back pocket. "You're sure? Once the decision is made we can't go back. You'll have to lose contact completely as soon as possible. It has to be your choice." They had wandered into another part of the park, complete with another playground. Vachon sat down on a swing and lifted Tracy onto his lap, facing him. "I'm sure." Vachon smiled and began to undo Tracy's vest. "I'm glad we took the bikes tonight." Tracy ran a hand through her husband's wild curls. "You are?" She tried to look innocently at him. Vachon had his wife's vest open now and caressed her. "Definitely." He deftly began undoing two sets of zippers, explaining, "I saw this in a video once, Trace. I'd like to try making love to you this way." ---- As they let the swing slowly bring them down, relaxing together until it stopped, Vachon whispered, "Definitely. You won't usually wear this except when we take the bikes someplace." Suddenly Vachon whispered, "Shhhh" and seemed to be listening. Tracy felt them lift off of the swing, straight up in the air. As she gasped, Vachon put his mouth over hers, muffling the sound. He held Tracy tightly so she wouldn't fall. Just then a pair of police officers pushed through along another path into the clearing where they had just vacated and the swing still moved, now empty of it's occupants. Both Tracy and Vachon could hear them discussing how they were sure they'd heard a couple of kids back there, and since the swing was moving they were certain. They watched as the two officers searched them out, not ever thinking to look straight up - why would they - and finally left talking about how they should go and impound the bikes they saw back there. Vachon lowered them to the ground long enough to get their clothing pulled back together properly. He lifted his wife in a more secure manner and flew back to the motorcycles, getting there before the two cops got back to their patrol car parked next to them. They would be half way home by the time the cops returned to the parking lot, or at least far enough as to not be worth following. As Tracy and Vachon raced back to their house, Tracy wondered absently if the two patrolmen would have had the foresight to take the licence numbers of either of the two bikes. If they had, she might possibly have some interesting explanations to come up with at work tomorrow. ---- It was November 30th, and Nick held the computer generated message in his hand and read over it... read over them, actually. They were letters of resignation for himself, Tracy, and Natalie, according to the story they had come up with. It was the truth, after a fashion, but only the parts necessary to be told, with absolutely no extras since that might require embellishments, and Nick and Natalie still felt that Tracy couldn't lie very effectively. This way, if there were any questions, they would have to be directed to Nick, or possibly Natalie, but they wouldn't have to be answered by Tracy. Each letter was tailored to the individual and their respective job, but it came down to Nick had inherited some land and a minor title in Europe, and Nick and Natalie were moving to the other side of the Atlantic as a result. Because of the children, and not wanting to seperate them, Tracy was resigning as well, and her family was crossing the world with them. Dec. 30th would be their last shifts with the police force and coroner's office. Captain Reese had been pleased for Nick but concerned over the fact he would be losing two of his best detectives. He pointed out to them that in the time they had been partnered together, he had seen them progress from where he was constantly having to remind them of the fact they were partners to where they now were; where they were the most common recipient of the partners of the month award, and the others pairs of officers were always competing to see if anyone would give them any competition for the award. "You two have gotten it 7 times in the last 18 months. You're good at what you do. I remember when you were constantly reminding people, Tracy, of the fact that you were a good cop. Now there is no question of it, as everyone knows how hard it is to get that award, and you two get it more often than anyone else. Not just in this precinct, either. It'd department wide. Only one other pair of officers have gotten it at this precinct in that time, and they were day shift. You're sure this is what you want? Both of you? You've both worked really hard to be the team that you've turned into." Tracy and Nick looked at each other and smiled, somewhat wistfully. Nick answered first, "Well, Captain, for me it would be pretty much impossible for me to not accept the inheritance. I know this has been a tough decision for Tracy to make, but she does have the choice. As for myself and Natalie, well, as much as we'll miss people here, we're both looking forward to it. It's going to be a new life for us over there." Nick put his hand on his partner's shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. Joe looked at her and asked, "What about you, Tracy? We've watched you grow so much over the time you've been here. Are you sure this is what you want to do?" "Yes, Cap. I really enjoy being a part of the police force, but now that I've got my wonderful family, my work has to take a back seat to them. Nick and Nat adopted Richie because of his health problems, but thanks to them Richie and Bonita have still been able to grow up together, still family. Richie and Bonita know they are brother and sister but that they have different parents. I don't want to split them up. I'm going to miss everyone here, but I have to do what's best for my family, and keeping Richie and Bonita together is what I want." She reached across the desk and put her hand on Joe Reese's arm. "Yeah. I'm sure. It's a hard decision to make, but it really is no decision at all. And it's exciting too, since it'll mean getting used to a whole new way of life for us. I don't know what I'm going to do over there yet, but I know whatever I do, that I'll enjoy it." Reese nodded. "Okay then. If you're both sure, I'll send these in right away." There was a knock on his door, and then it was opened by another officer. "Sorry to intrude Captain, but we're getting several reports for the same address. One reports a couple of jumpers on a roof, a couple report people fighting on a roof, and a retired RCMP who called said he thought it looked like a domestic gone real bad. We've already dispatched several cars, but the last call just now said the guy had pushed the woman off and is now acting like he wants to join her. You finished with these two yet? Looks like we'll need 'em." Reese shook his head. "Yeah." He grabbed his 'lucky mug' "Santa" had given him last Christmas that was supposed to be 'guaranteed' to make the water cooler work and headed towards it. "Go on. I'll fax that over tonight. But we're going to make you work for your last month. Go on, now. Get outta here." He tried vainly to get a mug of water. Much as he liked his 'lucky mug', it didn't help when the cooler seemed to hate him. By the time Nick and Tracy arrived on the scene, there were a few officers up on the roof trying to talk the man away from the edge and a whole lot more trying to keep the rubber-necks back. Because of the threat of the man jumping too, although there was a body lying there smashed on the sidewalk, as soon as an officer had gone in long enough to ascertain the woman was indead dead, everyone had again been moved back until it was safe to get in to the body. Natalie was already there waiting to be allowed in to examine the body, so Nick and Tracy joined her. In a very hushed voice so none but her husband and Tracy could hear, she explained she had been here for almost 10 minutes and had managed to hear more than anyone else ground level could. The man was raving on about how his wife was a "slut," and he couldn't stand that she'd let anyone with enough money have her. Because he loved her too much to let her continue on with being any man's lover, he had "destroyed her and sent her to hell." "God. I can't believe what some people do in the name of love. Sounds like something your creepy... father... would do a show on." Tracy turned to Nick and whispered to him. Just then the man's voice keened loud enough in spite of the wind that even Tracy could here him, "She'll be mine in Hell!" As they watched, horrified, the man lunged over the low ledge on the building roof and plummeted toward the ground, toward his own death. Tracy saw his body hit with a thud and the immediately visible result of such a fall, and turned away, retching. She ran behind Nick's car, where she was blocked from the sight of most of the onlookers as well as unable to see the two dead bodies, and unceremoniously emptied her stomach of all contents. Natalie and Nick went over to check out the bodies, then Nick went in search of his partner and found her leaning against the trunk of his car. "Watch your step, Nick... Sorry. I don't know why it's getting to me this much. I mean, I didn't feel great when I got up, but it seemed to have passed so I thought I was okay. Maybe I have a flu or something. I've seen jumpers before, Nick." Tracy looked at Nick and smiled, sheepishly. "It shouldn't get me this bad." "Don't worry about it, Trace. It can hit anyone harder sometimes, especially if you're not feeling well to begin with. I'm going to get a uniform to take you home. Tell Vachon to get your car if you think you might need it, otherwise Nat and I can pick you up tomorrow. But you are going home to get some rest. Wait here. I'll get a uniform for you, and I'll book you off." He smiled reassuringly and then left. The next night was Natalie's first night of her 'weekend', and she received a phone call from Tracy, who was off sick again, asking if it would be okay to come over. "I wondered if you could take a look at me, Nat, and see if there is anything wrong with me besides having the flu?" It was less than an hour later that Vachon sat watching cartoons on Nick's giant TV with Richie and Bonita and keeping them out of mischief, while Natalie examined Tracy upstairs in the master bedroom. "I'm not seeing anything that makes me think flu, Trace. Any chance you're pregnant again?" "I shouldn't be. I mean, yeah, I've been taking that new medicine you gave me to help my chances, but I don't think I've been on it long enough. It's funny... We had the twins before, but then when we were trying, it wasn't seeming to happen. But I'm sure I haven't been on it long enough to be that." "Well, have you had anything else, any changes in your body's rhythms or anything?" There was nothing to make Natalie think anything was wrong, but Tracy was definitely ill for some reason. "Well, some. It's slowed down, but it's still happening. You can't be pregnant then, can you?" "In theory, no. But I've known people who've had it happen, and what you're taking is a hormone, Tracy. It could be artifically causing things to occur... I'm going to run a lab test on you, since the medication you've been taking might make a home test less accurate." Natalie patted the mortal woman's shoulder then went in search of her medical gear. After getting a sample from Tracy, Natalie took off briefly into the night sky, taking the sample with her so it could be tested as soon as possible. After she had begun the test, she flew back, having asked Grace to call her at home as soon at it gave a definitive result one way or the other. Just before dawn Grace called. Natalie got off the phone and turned to face Tracy and Vachon, whom she had invited to stay the day. Nick, who had just come home from work, looked at her puzzled. "Well, Trace, I hope you've still got Bonita's baby furniture and stroller around. You're going to need it." Natalie grinned at the surprised and excited couple sitting before her. "Oh, and stop taking those pills. You don't need 'em.." Natalie sat beside Nick, as they both watched Tracy and Vachon unconsciously put a hand on Tracy's stomach. "For people who aren't supposed to be able to have kids without medical intervention, you two sure have a knack for the impossible." Nick looked at his partner and smiled. "Congratulations," he added. ---- Christmas came and went, and Joe had informed them that the precinct was having a good-luck & bon-voyage party for them on the 30th, instead of that being their final shift. A hall had been rented for the event, and without the Knights' or Vachons' arranging it, it had somehow managed to have a bartender from the Raven "moonlighting" as the bartender for the event, mysteriously with beverages available for Nick, Natalie, and Vachon. Natalie knew it had somehow been the doing of either LaCroix or Janette, but the bartender was refusing to say. It turned out to be a fairly big party, since the precinct had extended the invitation to the previous precincts of both Nick and Tracy, as well as inviting Natalie's co-workers. There were going away gifts for all of them, including some nice toys for the kids, annonymously donated via the bartender, since the children were too young yet to understand if their parents got gifts and they didn't. Nick whispered to Natalie that it had to be Janette's doing, since that was the sort of thing she would do, but not LaCroix. They both knew that Janette was keeping a watchful eye on them, but they didn't know if she was actually in Toronto or just had the aide of others who were. ---- By the end of January the Knights and Vachons had settled into their new lives in the Dublin area. Nick had acquired an estate with a residence big enough to hold two wings, sufficient in size for allowing privacy for two related families while still housing enough common area for comfortably hosting guests. The way the building was designed it seemed intended to house at least 2 generations or branches of a family with ample enough space for easy privacy. It was perfect for their needs. Under the surname of Vasquez, Tracy and Javier opened a little country pub, since Tracy had decided not to attempt to get on with the local police due to her pregnancy, or after because of her children. Natalie had expected something like 'Cavalier' or 'Cheval' for their new surname, but Nick had surprised her. The paperwork that Aristotle had provided for them was, at Nick's request, in the name of 'de Brabant'. Natalie was settling into her new job working as a night shift emergency room physician at a charity hospital, and Nick was really enjoying his 'new' career teaching Archaeology. ---- Bonita and Richie celebrated their 5th birthday. Tracy and Vachon, with Nick and Nat's approval, gave Richie a dog of his own. Richie opened the box by ripping open some of the air holes. When he saw the small pup inside, he gasped, pulled her out, and cuddled her. It was an Irish Setter pup. She was a beautiful coppery red and had a black collar with rhinestones set into it. "Auntie Tracy! He's so pretty. Does he got a name yet, or can I name him?" Still cuddling the dog, he clambered into Tracy's lap, in spite of her swollen belly, and hugged her tightly. "What do you say, Richie?" Natalie prompted. Richie blushed. "Oh.. Sorry. Thank you Auntie Tracy and Uncle Vachon. Thank you lots!" Tracy smiled and added, "No, she isn't named. We thought you'd like to do that. Oh, and she's a little girl puppy." Richie looked up at her briefly before leaning down and hugging and kissing his new pup. "She's almost the colour of a new penny. Can I name her Penny?" Soon, after the excitement of the rest of their presents had worn off, the adults took the children outside. One of the help for their estate that was pre-arranged by Aristotle before their arrival, stayed inside with the little pup. Richie had wanted to bring her but was told it wasn't a good idea yet, so until they got out to the stable he had a little pout on his face. When they all entered the stable, two previously empty stalls near the door were now occupied... Inside each was a shetland pony... While they were all enjoying the occasion, Tracy had to leave to go back to the house and rest... Natalie estimated she was a month from due, but Tracy figured she was a month overdue by the way she felt... She hadn't felt that big even when she'd had the twins... Oh well... She remembered how the twins had been a surprise last time, and wondered as she lowered herself down if she was in for another surprise this time... "Well, this time we're prepared in case," she said absently to no one in particular. ---- It was just a couple of days into summer when Tracy went into labour. Vachon called the hospital, and Natalie spoke to her supervisor. Since Natalie had previously warned him that her "sister" was due anytime, he had already made certain to have sufficient coverage so that Natalie was able to leave. It was late afternoon on June 24th when Tracy gave birth to another daughter. Whereas Bonita had looked like a little female version of her dad, the new girl looked like a miniature Tracy. She was a big 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was tall, or long for a newborn, at 23 inches, with long thin limbs, at least for an infant. She seemed bald at first glance, but in truth had a very fine, very blonde fuzz on her head. As soon as she was born, and Natalie had cleaned up the child and ensured both child and mom were ok, she took a small blood sample from the little girl to analyze. Before the results were back, however, she noted when checking back with Vachon that as soon as Tracy had tried to feed the girl she had latched rather firmly to her mother's breast and had seemed not to have any problems feeding. Unfortunately Tracy wasn't yet producing enough milk to satiate the hungry child. Later, when Natalie came back from her lab, set up in an unused room in her and Nick's wing of the estate, she was able to confirm that Tracy's new daughter was healthy and totally unaffected by the vampire virus. Early the next morning, once Tracy had managed a little rest, Nick, Natalie, and Vachon sat on chairs brought into the bedroom, with the two men holding the twins on their laps, reminding them to be quiet because the noise might scare the baby. The two older children watched, fascinated as Tracy nursed the infant. Bonita asked, "How can babies live on just milk?" Natalie smiled, imagining the images of milk cartons she was sure were in the child's mind, and explained that babies' bodies were intended to live on just milk til they were older, which seemed to satisfy Bonita's curiousity. Richie then asked, "Does she got a name yet?" "We've decided to name her Kelsey Ann." Vachon reached over and stroked Richie's puzzled face. "What's wrong, Richie?" He added. "Bonita's my sister even though we gots different mommy & daddy 'cause I got 'dopted, right? So is... is... is Kelsey... Is she my sister too? Or is she just Bonita's baby sister, not mine?" ---- It was about 9:30 on Christmas eve when the butler came in and announced the arrival of a guest. Although both Natalie and Tracy were getting used to the idea of having hired help around, neither of them was yet comfortable with it. Both women felt, to varying degrees, like they didn't belong, like the poor relative of the rich family whom they visited occasionally. When Nick told him to show their company in, the man disappeared briefly. Tracy looked at Nat. "Will you ever get used to this?" "I doubt it, Trace. What about you?" Tracy shook her head. "I wonder who's here? Were either of you expecting company?" She looked around as both Nick and Nat shook their heads. Then Natalie nodded at Vachon, who was looking idly at the fireplace, avoiding eye contact. "Vachon! Who's here?" Just then the door opened and the butler showed in Screed, followed immediately by Urs and another young woman. "Merry Christmas, Matey!" Screed spoke up, looking around for Vachon. Seeing him, he rushed over, hugged him, then began punching him in the shoulder. "I 'eard yous 'ad anodder one, ya ol' dog!" He looked for Tracy and saw her sitting quietly on the sofa, nursing Kelsey. He walked over and sat beside her. "Congrats, Tracy. Bein' a mom suits ya. It really does! Wot's 'er name?" Before Tracy had a chance to answer, Bonita had scampered over and climbed up on Screed's lap. "My little sister is Kelsey. It's her 6 month birthday today. But you know what? Both me and Richie got dogs now, and on our birthday Uncle Nick and Auntie Nat got us both ponies! Come and see 'em." Bonita hopped off his lap and began dragging him towards the door. "You coming, Daddy?" She tossed over her shoulder at Vachon. As Vachon and Screed left with Bonita and Richie, Urs turned and introduced the rest of them to her young friend, whom she introduced as Carly. "After you came out here, Screed wanted to go back to the London area, and I decided to stay there for a while myself. While I was there, I ran into Carly. She was a school teacher for a few years, until she came across about a year or so ago. Anyway, she'd been figuring it all out on her own since whoever brought her across I don't think realized they had. She was left for dead. I've been teaching her as much as I can since." "Hello." Carly smiled shyly. "I had been a vampire for only about 6 weeks when Urs found me. When she told me about your children, she wondered if I might like to teach them, since it would be too dangerous to send them to school with other children at this time. If you'd like a teacher for the kids, I'd love to. I really do miss teaching, and I love children." She shrugged and looked toward the two moms. "Urs thought a vampire could teach them about both the vampire and mortal worlds, and teach them the need for secrecy with anyone else." ---- Life was fairly uneventlful for a while, until late one evening a year and a half later. It was early fall and Natalie had been at work for only an hour or so when she saw that she was being watched. As soon as she was able to take a couple of minutes, she walked towards the distinguished looking gentleman and saw him remove his reading glasses to his shirt pocket. "Liam." Natalie wasn't certain what to make of the fact that he was observing her but chose to be courteously neutral. "I usually try and take my dinner break around 11 or so. There's a little place still open at that time around the corner. Would you care to join me on my dinner break?" She hoped he wasn't aware enough to be able to tell that her heart was pounding. It wasn't something a vampire usually did, inviting a hunter to dinner, and understandably she was rather nervous. "'Twould be by pleasure." Chief Inspector O'Neal reached out and grasped Natalie's hand, which he drew towards his mouth and kissed her knuckles. "I look forward to seeing you later." He smiled then, turned, and walked towards the exit, whistling softly as he left. Later, as Natalie saw him waiting for her in the lobby, she smiled then turned to one of the nurses nearby. "Christine, my friend there," she gestured towards the inspector, "and I are going around the corner to Keiran's for dinner. Since I'll be off the premises, I wanted to let you know where I'll be." Christine nodded, then looked at Liam and waved. Whispering very quietly, she said "He's kinda cute, Nat. Think he might go for a widow? My Aunt's been alone for a few years, and my mom thinks it'd do her sister good to find someone. He looks about her age. Tell me more about him later?" Natalie rolled her eyes. "Maybe." After they had seated themselves, Liam ordered a Lager and Lime and a light meal and was quite surprised when Natalie ordered and sipped a chocolate milkshake. "I know you chose to join Nick. I could sense the change in you when I first saw you here a few months ago. I've been watching you both since then." Natalie slowly took a sip of her shake. Natalie refused to show her inner panic. "I'm here now talking with you. I hope that's a good sign." "I must admit that was a rather ingenious way of making sure you'd be safe to have dinner with me, telling your young friend. If I'd been uncertain before, I wouldn't be now." He took a bite of his dinner, then added, "But it was an unnecessary precaution.." Natalie refused to allow her body to tremble from her nerves. , she thought. Instead, she took another sip,and said simply, "Meaning?" "Because Nick saved my life before when it would have been in both of your best interests not to, and the fact that both of you are working in fields that benefit humanity, I have decided not to do what I would ordinarily." He sipped his drink, then continued, "I know that Nick's partner is here too, although she hasn't... joined," he euphimised because of nearby patrons who might possibly overhear, "and I believe she is in a similar situation to what you previously were. But as long as you and your party are benefiting society rather than preying on it, I have decided to leave you alone." He drained his glass. "But I will be checking on things periodically. I sincerely hope you will not give me cause to have to change my mind. If either of you stop acting benevolently towards us, I won't hesitate to do what I normally would. I want you to understand that." Natalie watched in stunned disbelief as the now elderly gentleman smiled, placed enough money on the table for both his dinner and Natalie's milkshake, and pulling his coat about himself, hurried out into the night. After she was sure he had left, she began to shake. By the time she returned to the hospital, she was visibly upset, and on seeing her in that state, her superior told her to go home and rest, thinking she was the latest staff to be hit by the flu. Natalie didn't argue, she was in no frame of mind condusive to treating patients at the moment. -------- It was about a month later when LaCroix arrived. Just after sundown the butler announced a visitor. As soon as LaCroix was shown in, Natalie gestured to Tracy to join her. As soon as they had gotten far enough into one of the wings as to make it unlikely that the elder vampire could hear them without deliberately trying to, Natalie asked Tracy to take the children and Carly and head into town. "The only thing I expect from that man, Trace, is the unexpected. He can go from best friend to worst enemy in less time than it takes to exhale. Or back again just as suddenly. But the one thing I do know is that he thinks Richie should have been destroyed at birth. Take the kids, especially Richie, and go. If he plans on staying any length of time, take them to visit Urs and Screed. I don't want him anywhere near Richie. He wouldn't do anything to Bonita or Kelsey, since they're mortal and not Nick's.... but I don't exactly trust him at the best of times, and where Richie's concerned it's worse..." Natalie handed Tracy her gold visa. "I need to get back and see why he's here." She hugged Tracy quickly, then turned and headed back towards their surprise visitor. "... persist in joining your precious Natalie in this folly, then you had better at least be responsible about it." LaCroix stood before Nick, neither one even looking up as Natalie re-entered the room. Natalie walked over to sit beside Vachon, giving him a quizzical look. Vachon whispered into her ear at a level geared to be a whisper with other vampires around, "The way he's raving on, I expect you'll get it too." As if on cue, LaCroix turned to the two on the sofa. "You doctor, I can understand having this folly. You were a mortal when you learned of us, and due to your... outlook, you seem to think of vampirism as some sort of treatable disease. But you, my young spaniard, ought well to know better. You may not be of an age with my Nicholas, but you are certainly old enough to know the truth about us... Why you persist in your playing at mortality with a mortal wife and family is beyond me. Even my poor deluded son knows better than that!" LaCroix turned back to Nick. "Remember what I said, Nicholas. *If* you must persist in this foolishness that your beloved Natalie has taken upon herself, then you *will* at least take your responsibilities about it seriously. I do not want to have to do what you yourself should have again. I hope you understand this Nicholas. You *are* responsible for them." Lacroix opened the large window and disappeared into the dark night. "Nick?" Natalie looked at her husband, querulously. "I don't know what to tell you. He's done something which according to him, I should have. I have no idea what. I can't tell you even what to prepare for. And all I can ever sense from him anymore is his general reaction, but I can't tell to what the feeling is in response to." Nick got up and began pacing. "What's he done that we're going to have to cope with, Nat? What's in store for us now?" .... The next night when Natalie showed up at work, Christine raced over as soon as she saw Natalie. "Doctor de Brabant - I need to talk to you." The nurse grabbed Natalie's arm and ushered her towards a small office and closed the door. "Natalie, have your heard yet?" "Heard what?" "That friend of yours, that cute older man whom you had dinner with last month... he... were you close?" Natalie noted the use of the past tense. "Not really. More like one of those `under other circumstances' sorts of things. By the time we became friends we were of already differing viewpoints." "Sometimes you can work past that. My mother's family is catholic and my dad's is protestant." Christine sighed. "He was rushed in this morning. I recognized him when I came in and relieved the nurse who'd been working on his case. There was nothing we could do." Christine reached out and put her hand on Natalie's shoulder, trying to comfort her. "We did all we could. He never came to. It was as peaceful as could be expected, given the circumstances." Natalie had a sudden realization. "Given what circumstances?" The nurse squirmed awkwardly, having opened a can of worms she'd rather not have. "Ahhh... well, he was assaulted... The police are looking at all his known associates. They'll probably want to talk to you too, since although I didn't think to mention that you were friends with him, someone else possibly did. It looks like it was probably on the grounds of his religious beliefs." Natalie switched into her old inquiring coroner mode. "Why do you say that? And what exactly *did* happen to him?" "Well, he was definitely mugged. His wallet was torn, and his wallet was empty of money. But it was particularly violent, and whomever did it, they think after giving him a knock-out blow, slashed his throat. They wrote some disparaging remarks about catholics with his blood. I don't know what, though. Do you know, was he catholic? I know he had a crucifix in his pocket. Anyway, I wanted to let you know... and to offer my condolences. I gotta get back to work. Sorry." She gave Natalie an impromptu hug, and then hurried out of the room. Natalie pondered over what Nick and Vachon had told her. Before LaCroix had started his verbal assault on his son, Vachon, and herself, he had spoken cordially for a few minutes with them, informing them of his latest project in the mortal world. He told them about his new club that had struck him as 'reminiscent of the Raven with a decidely London punk flavour' when he first visited it. Upon seeing it once, he decided to purchase the Belfast business and establish a similar relationship with a radio there as he'd had with CERK in Toronto. As a result, he was now running a similar program to what he had as the Nightcrawler, in a similar type of club. Natalie sat thinking... Was it what it appeared to be? Or was this the work of LaCroix? The more she thought about it, the more she decided it was likely LaCroix. This was likely what he was referring to about having to do what Nick should have. If it really were a mugging, why make the religious slander... and if a religious attack, then why take the money? And the slashed throat... That had LaCroix covering for fang marks written all over it. There was only one person who would go to such trouble to make sure that they would be safe from the hunter and go to such pains to ensure that it looked like a religiously motivated event. She sighed and made a phone call from the phone in the office she was still sitting in. She could tell Nick what she had been told, and he'd come to the same conclusion she had. Should anyone be listening, they'd not learn anything new from either of them. -------- Time passed rather uneventfully as the children continued growing. Because of the fact that Richie and Bonita both loved to swim but almost never had the opportunity to do so since most of the evening pool time was spent in lessons and swim club practices, Tracy was very pleased for the children when some mysterious foundation, choosing to remain anonymous decided to build an indoor, public recreation facility with a lap pool, a shallow splash & game pool, and a big pool designed like a beach, complete with a wave machine. The little indoor lake had one area of the big pool roped off so that there was an area for the half dozen waterslides to terminate in, as well as a designated area for diving boards of 3 different heights and a rope swing. Tracy thought for not the first time as she helped the now 5 year old Kelsey into her swimsuit that the foundation that owned and ran the place must be operating it at a loss for some sort of tax dodge, since she was sure it couldn't be making money. It was well known that if you couldn't afford the listed user fees, all you had to do was pay a token amount, even a single coin, to gain admission. And it was open 24 hours a day as well. "It must be nice to have that kind of money. Even Nick couldn't afford to do this." "What?" Tracy smiled at Kelsey who looked up at her, wondering what her mom was rambling about. "Nothing, sweetie. Mommy's just thinking out loud." Soon they were all congregated around one of the picnic tables sat around in such a way that you could easily forget you were inside a building and think you were really outside somewhere. Natalie took Kelsey over to the play pool and watched as the others disappeared to various areas. Carly was with them and had been on a diving team when she was in university. Whenever she came with them, she'd go and spend hours practicing her fancy competition dives. The kids and Vachon loved the whole complex, and Nick seemed to favour the wave pool while Tracy seemed to favour the slides. It was as if the complex had been designed with their needs in mind. "Look Auntie Nat! Who's that?" Natalie followed the youngster's finger and saw Bonita standing beside one of the other benches a little ways away, talking with a boy who looked to be just a couple of years older than her own 10 years. She perched on the edge of the table and leaned forward rather flirtatiously in such a way that if she had any cleavage yet it would have been being emphasized to the young boy. As Natalie watched, Bonita looked around to see if she was being observed, and obviously thinking she wasn't, took the boy's offered hand. He pulled her off the table and pulled her close enough to kiss her quickly, then they walked over the stairs heading up to the platform where the various slides began. Later, once the night was nearly over and they were watching a movie at home, Kelsey blurted "Boni gots a boyfriend! I seed him kiss her and she let him!" The adults all looked over at Bonita, who was turning bright red. "I do NOT, Kel. Mind your own business!" Bonita got up and walked over to where Muppy and Penny were curled up together with their puppies and began petting them, ignoring the rest of them. "You kissed him. Boni's got a boyfriend, Boni's got a boyfriend!" Bonita walked over to her little sister. "Shut up! He's not my boyfriend. And so what if he kissed me? He's not my boyfriend or anything. He was just... nice!" Bonita punched Kelsey. "Shut up or I'll make it hurt next time!" She stormed out of the room and ran to her bedroom. The adults looked at each other, but when Nick opened his mouth to speak, Vachon put his finger to his mouth, then turned to Carly. "Would you take Kelsey and get her ready for bed? Maybe check on Bonita too?" He looked over at Richie. "I know. I'm going. G'night." After they had left the room, Tracy asked, "Did anyone see what really happened?" Natalie sighed. "Kelsey pretty much summed it up. Some boy probably 12 or 13 seemed to be pretty taken with her, and she was actively flirting with him. He did kiss her. Wait til puberty actually hits. You're going to have a major boy-magnet on your hands, and I think she's going to like it." Tracy sighed as she snuggled closer into Vachon's arms wrapped around her. "God, I feel old." While the other adults were discussing the situation, Carly slipped into Bonita's room after settling the younger girl into bed. "So?" Carly smiled as Bonita jumped. Entering and exiting seemingly locked areas without being observed was something she had picked up from Vachon, and in spite of her vampiric youth, she was nearly as adept at as was he. Bonita shrugged. "What? You want me to tell you I done something wrong and how sorry I am and it won't happen again?" She looked at her teacher/nurse/friend, pouting. "I liked him. He was a nice boy. So he gave me a kiss - that's not a big deal. Why's Kel trying to turn it into something I can get in trouble for? I didn't do anything bad, so I'm not apologizing!" Bonita rolled over on her bed, face into her pillow, hoping her tutor would leave. Carly sat down on the bed beside the girl and pulled her up to a sitting position beside her, putting her arm around Bonita's shoulders. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. Neither did your sister. She's your little sister, and that's what younger siblings do - try and get their elder brothers or sisters in trouble or embarrass them." She looked down at Bonita and wiped the girls tears away. "You know, your mom used to have a boyfriend." Bonita perked up, interested. "Really?" "Yes. Well, actually two at least if I understand what your Uncle Nick mentioned correctly." "Two? Really? Who? Does Daddy know?" "Nick told me about some guy who used to call your mom 'Button'..." Carly waited while Bonita giggled. "That's one. Who else?" "Your dad." "Daddy? No way!" Bonita grimaced. "There was a time they weren't married, you know. A time when they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. And I'm sure before that a time they just liked each other." Carly smiled as Bonita looked practically ill. "You know, this is normal sweetie. You'll end up with a boyfriend and Kel, being younger, will think it's gross. But then when she gets past the boys being 'yucky' stage and has a beau of her own, you can remind her about how much she's teasing you now and repay her in kind. It's human nature. It was that way when I was a little girl, I think it was that way when your daddy was a boy, and you know how long ago that was. And it will be that way when your grandkids have grandkids." She kissed Bonita's forehead. "Sleep now. It's nearly dawn, and I need to get myself to bed." ---- Between Richie and Bonita's 11th birthday and Kelsey's 6th, Richie made friends with a small group of boys of approximately his own age. The boys were all pretty well behaved, although they did occasionally get into the more innocent types of boy trouble. One evening Natalie returned home to find Richie sitting in the dark cuddling Penny. After a little prompting, she discovered that the boys had gone to a mall and had gotten in trouble from the mall security for throwing spitballs at pretty girls who were walking past. Natalie sometimes wished that Patrick wouldn't drag the other boys along when he got into mischief, but then she'd think back to the case where they had the gang killing done by a child far younger than Richie, and decided that Patrick and his horde were far less an evil. Richie also seemed to be getting better at socializing with his peers since taking up with Patrick's little group, and that was definitely a good thing. A co-worker of hers had reported seeing Richie and his friends standing right beside the glass sided escalator at the mall once, and that the boys were watching for girls going up the moving stairs in short skirts and trying to look up the skirts. Natalie sighed. Most often now the boys were going to the recreation center, no doubt watching the girls in their swimwear. At least it was harmless fun, not the murderous gangs it could be or the teen auto theft rings that were beginning to come to prominence in Dublin. ---- Tracy had taken Bonita in to the mall. Since Natalie had to work for someone who was sick, she had first dropped off Richie and his friends for their game. The boys had decided to join an evening soccer league, and this was supposed to be Nick and Natalie's week for the boys car-pooling, Natalie's since Nick had a lecture on Wednesdays. Now it was just her and her 11 1/2 year old girl, who was in need of a new bra. Tracy had bought her a couple nearly 2 months ago, however the girl's development was fast enough that she now needed new ones. Bonita had brought her own money and wanted to buy more than just what her mom was prepared to get her. Tracy was trying to encourage her towards plain and comfortable cotton sports-type bra's, which she finally took one of for sports. But the other one she chose in spite of her mother's protests was a sheer black push-up style. After convincing Tracy to go and pay for those and meet her at the foodcourt in half an hour, she tried a variety of other styles of underwear and tops, and finally buying for herself a sheer lace camisole, a padded strapless bra, and a stretchy white tanktop of thin material for 'next summer or as an undershirt'. She knew her mom would be upset with her choices but figured it was her money so why not get what she liked? Bonita had always been a bit of a rebel, encouraged by her dad. Now that she liked boys and had a body they liked as well, she was going to attract their attention whether her mom liked it or not. She'd go out wearing clothing that was designed to make the boys ogle and things that would emphasise her better than average endowment for her age. Bonita still favoured her Uncle Screed, however, and although if asked would have denied it, she was now acting like she had a big crush on him. Prior to his planned arrival for an all winter visit, with false ID Bonita went into a body art studio and got second pierces in her ears and rings in each nipple. She managed to hide this fact from everyone until the night he arrived, when she decided to come out and say goodnight after changing for bed, wearing a pair of sweat shorts and just her white tank top, which pretty much hid nothing and clung to the blossoming figure of which she was so proud, emphasizing the rings underneath the thin fabric. As Natalie and Tracy looked on, shocked, Bonita practically rubbed herself all over Screed before heading to bed. Natalie thought Tracy was going to have a heart attack then and there! She nearly did herself! ---- It was only a couple of months after the twins' 12th birthday, when Natalie got a phone call at work. Natalie had to get hold of Vachon at the pub to go and pick Richie up and take him home. Apparently Richie and two of the other boys from the little group, along with Patrick, their leader, had been caught trying to sneak into a strip club. When they had been told they were underage and to go away, each of the boys had produced fake ID. Bad fake ID produced by Patrick scanning his dad's driver's licence into the computer, then printing it out with each of the boys' own photo replacing the real one. The bouncer called the manager out when presented with 4 different people obviously underage all with the same name and address claiming to be 42 years old, and the boys each had their parents called by the manager. --------- It was getting close to Christmas, and preparations for the holiday were well underway. Nick was at the university teaching his last class before exams, and Natalie was at the hospital. Urs, Screed, and Carly had taken the 3 kids to the pool. Bonita was no longer coming on to Screed, after he finally had convinced her that while yes, she was an attractive young lady, two things meant that he'd never be interested in her that way. When she questioned him further, he had explained that while he definitely did love her, he felt the *very same* way towards her as he had towards his sisters' children before he'd left for a life on the high seas so many years ago, so being called "Uncle Screed" was something totally appropriate to his feelings. Bonita had then asked what the second reason was, and had been the indignant recipient of a hair tousling for her efforts. "If oi ever changes me mind on the way I feels fer ya an' oi does likey ya that-a way, yer dear ol' daddy'd kill me, 'e would! An' Screedy likes 'imself jus' fine a-livin' the way 'e is now, thank-ee voiry much!" Bonita had pouted but decided she didn't want her dad to kill his best friend and her favourite uncle so had finally stopped trying to seduce him. Screed smiled and shook away the intruding memory, looking out to see where the kids were. Richie was relaxing in one of the hot tubs, Kelsey was playing in the wave pool, and Bonita, true to form, was busy flirting with a couple of older boys. Screed looked at Urs and Carly. "Oi does love 'er, but she shore is a handy-full. She's got ol' Hav-ee-ar-toe's devil-may-care attitudes, an' 'er mother's stubbornness. Deadly combiny-ation, ladies; jus' a right might deadly." A few minutes later Bonita came over and sat down between Urs and Screed. "They want me to go up on the high diving board like them. No way! I'll sit back here at the table with you guys and watch them." As Bonita watched the two older boys showing off for her benefit, she added absently, "Oh, Richie asked me to tell you that he needs to see his dad, and since the university is just a few blocks from here, he's left to walk over. He said he'd get a ride home with his dad. *** Nick was just finishing giving a lecture when there was a small rap on the door. The student who sat nearest it went to answer it. She returned a moment later, raised her hand and was immediately acknowledged. "Professor de Brabant, there's a boy out in the hallway. He says he's your son and that it's very important that he speak to you." A snicker rose from several of the students. Nick smiled and nodded. "Okay. Well, the lecture was over for tonight anyway. If you have any questions before your exams, you may wait here for me, and I'll be back in just a couple of minutes to answer any questions. Otherwise, good luck on your exams." He took the stairs to the door where Richie was waiting two at a time. "What's the matter, Richie?" Richie looked around to make sure no one would see. "Thith." He opened his mouth sufficiently for his dad to see his extended fangs. "A foo timeth in the latht foo weekth I've vit mythelv vy ackthident vecauthe ov them. Thith ith only jutht tharted thinthe I've got the latht ov my adult teeth. Vut thith time they won't go vack." The door opened a few feet behind Richie, and the students not waiting to ask questions began to stream out. Most waved, one stopped and mentioned how much she had enjoyed his class, and one fellow came out grumbling how he'd only taken the class to impress his girlfriend, and that since they had just broken up, he wasn't going to even bother with showing up to write the exam. Richie whispered quietly, hand over his mouth so no one would see his fangs and knowing his dad's enhanced hearing would still be able to discern what he said, "Tha'th a pwetty dumm weathon ta take a courthe. Even if I ever did take a courthe fa tha kind ov weathon, I'd at leatht have enuv thenthe ta w'ite the ecktham ahn get my cwedi'ths." Nick ruffled his still damp hair. "Good. Come on in with me, and find a seat as far away from the students who've stayed as possible. Hopefully, that way none of them will get too chatty and put you in the spot of having to talk too much, okay?" Richie nodded and followed his dad into the lecture hall. By the time that the last student had left, Richie's fangs had receded. "They fixed themselves, Dad," he said, "I guess I bothered you for nothing. Sorry." "It's not for nothing, Richie. If it's happening, then you need to learn how to consciously control them so that if it happens sometime when you're out or something you just have to go someplace alone for a minute, like maybe the bathroom, until you can control them enough to retract them yourself. Let's go. We'll discuss this more when we're enroute home so that no one can accidentally overhear us, okay? And I'm really glad that you came to me, Richie." ---- There was a couple of times in the past that Richie opened a door or window before the sun had completely set, and although it was painful for him, his burn used to be more akin to an ordinary sunburn, just in a rather significantly shorter length of time than any mortal would get. This late May morning Moonbeam (one of Muppy and Penny's pups that they'd given Carly, and she had named him that because while he looked like a red malamute, he had a snow white tail, that if the moonlight shone on it, seemed to reflect in an almost shimmery way) had gotten out during the day, and Richie heard him barking outside his window. He knew he had previously burned a little, but he didn't want the young house dog to be outside for the day, and had decided to bring him in. As soon as he opened his window, he could see the dog, but he realized his window was too high up for the dog to jump in. His window was barely in the shadow at this time of day, but he figured he'd be ok long enough to jump out, lift the dog up, and then climb back in himself. As Richie lifted the large dog, he shifted his weight and his stance to be more comfortable. In doing so, he moved his leg into the edge of the sunlight, and let out a howl of agony. As he looked down, not only was his leg smoking, but it was turning a seered black instantaneously. Crying from the pain, he climbed back in, secured his window against the now deadly sun, and went looking for his parents. Nick had been awake and heard his son crying before he knocked on the door, so was already up and trying to rouse Natalie, who slept more soundly because of her vampiric youth, by the time Richie knocked on the door. "Come on in, it's open." Richie pushed open the door, red tears running down his face, and limped into the room. Nick saw the state of the boy's leg and picked him up, carrying him over to the bed. "Nat! Richie's hurt!" He spoke quietly but forcefully, knowing that she'd sense from him the simple fear held only for one's own when they're hurt, as well as hearing his voice. "Mommy..." Natalie was waking and instinctively put her hand towards Richie's voice. "Mommy, my leg hurts..." She sat up, forcing herself awake. She looked at Richie sitting on the bed beside her and at Nick who'd gotten her medical bag from the closet shelf and stood holding it. Then she looked at Richie's leg and winced. "He'll need blood, Nick. Then I'll need to do some more tests." Nick started to go for a bottle, but Natalie reached out. "No." Instead she reached for a a small knife. "This is like when he was ill as a baby. He'll need one of ours, and his body knows my blood." She lifted Richie into her lap, wrapped her arms around him, then drew the knife across her wrist, presenting it to him. "Drink, sweetie. It'll help the healing and the pain." She began to gently rock her son as he drank from her. The door pushed open a little further, and Bonita came in. "I knew Richie got hurt. What happened? I was looking for him." "Bonita, if you feel anything like that again, let one of us know. Right now you'd be okay, but depending on how bad of an injury he's received, you might not be safe." Nick looked at Bonita who looked sullenly at them. "If you'd like to help, Bonita, you can go get Auntie Nat a bottle of blood because after this she'll be hungry too. Maybe a couple of them." "Will Richie be okay?" Nick nodded. "Okay, as long as he'll be okay. I'll get some. Be right back." By the time that Bonita had returned, Richie had stopped drinking from Natalie. The burn on his leg was still as bad, but he seemed not to be in such severe pain. She brought in 3 bottles, which Nick took and gave to Natalie. Bonita came and sat beside her brother. "What happened?" "Moonbeam was outside my window. I brought him in, but the sun touched me. It was never this bad before. What's happening to me?" Bonita put her arm around his shoulder. As soon as Natalie had replenished her own blood needs, she set to work dressing and bandaging Richie's leg. Bonita sat beside her brother, trying to think of something to brighten his mood. "Hey, we're kinda like the Addams Family. They're running the old black & white episodes on tv, again. Think about it. They're weird... if people knew you guys were vampires they'd think us as weird... We're just better at hiding it from the world!" Natalie and Nick exchanged glances as the kids bantered on, while she worked on her son's leg. "If we're them, then you're Wednesday! "Yeah and you're Pugsley!" Bonita quipped back. "Yeah, well, your mom's mortal, so that means my mom and dad are Morticia and Gomez. That leaves Thing and Cousin It for your parents!" "No way! My dad's spanish so he'd have to be Gomez. That means my mom's Morticia... Cousin It would have to be your mom, because she's got the longest hair of anyone here, and your dad would have to be Lurch, because Uncle Screed would have to be Thing. Thing's just a hand, but he moves like a rat, and so Uncle Screed would have to be Thing. Besides, your dad is quiet enough and imposing enough when he wants to be that he could be Lurch!" Natalie wasn't too pleased at being dubbed "Cousin It", but the kids' banter was keeping Richie's mind off his burn, which made it easier to treat him, so she said nothing. Natalie took a blood sample from her son, and left them bantering in the bedroom while she took it to the lab. By the time she returned, Nick had sent the kids back to bed and was waiting for her. "Seems that the benefits he's had from having some human DNA are lessening. I don't know how long it's going to take, but I think we can expect him to turn into a full vampire eventually. Last week he mentioned that he was beginning to get feelings about the people that the blood was from when he drank a bottle, but I didn't realize what was happening, that he was changing. He told me that the person had been very much in love with someone and was thinking of them when the blood was collected." Natalie climbed in bed beside Nick. "He'll be okay, won't he? If he does turn fully vampire eventually, he'll be able to handle it, won't he?" Nick pulled Natalie close and began carressing her. "He's tough. He'll be fine. He'll probably handle it better than we will." ---- May 19th came again, and this time it was the twins' 13th birthday. Vachon had bought each of them a dirt bike. And while Bonita thought it would be good practice for her for when she could get a road bike, Richie liked the idea of a dirt bike for it's own sake. He was quite excited about it, and although no one said anything, all of the adults present noticed that his eyes were glowing from the extreme emotion. By the time of Kelsey's birthday, Richie had already come and spoke to his dad, asking him how he coped with being around mortal women when it was 'their time'... Nick had explained how he handled it but suggested he also talk to Vachon, since he didn't know if it was something Vachon handled differently. At Kelsey's 8th birthday, they went to an ice cream shop, and Richie whispered very quietly after the waitress left their table, "Thanks for the lesson Dad, Vachon. I think it would be too difficult to stay here otherwise." Vachon had just put his finger to his lips, and Nick had said to wait until later. After the ice cream, they all went to the recreation centre, and Richie mentioned to his dad that he could smell the fear of a few of the people trying the diving boards. A few more months passed, and it was early fall when Natalie received a call at work. "Hi Mom... Are you on a speaker phone or anything where anyone else might be able to hear?" "No, Richie. I'm not. What's the matter?" "Umm... well... nothing I guess... except... I went out to hang out with my friends tonight when the others went to the pool... But I've gone home now and they're still out, so there's no one here for me to ask." Natalie frowned, but he continued. "Mom, how do I get down from the ceiling?" Natalie rolled her eyes. She knew that his vampiric abilities seemed to be increasing according to how strongly puberty was affecting him. She sighed, not sure if she really wanted to ask but needing to know. "From the ceiling? What were you doing that put you up there?" Richie paused, significantly. "Ummm, watching television." "Uh huh. Watching *what* on television?" Natalie already had a pretty good idea, but since Richie had put himself into this predicament, she was going to make him have to be honest about it. Richie sighed. "I was watching a video, Mom." "And what video were you watching, Richie?" "Ummm... One that I borrowed from Patrick." Natalie couldn't keep the smile off her face, in spite of herself. "Uh huh. Is this video of your friend's one that he is *supposed* to have?" "Ummm...No, probably not." "I see..." Natalie grinned as she heard Richie groan. "Just stay put Richie. I'll see if I can get home right away and if not, I'll get a hold of your dad and send him." "It's not something you can explain over the phone?" "No. But don't worry, I'll be home right away. Bye." She hung up the phone and burst into an odd laugh somewhere between a laugh and a cry. The situation was funny, but she felt badly for laughing at her son's predicament. She auto-dialed, and got Nick. "Any chance you can go home early tonight? I told Richie I'd come home, but if he's been doing what I think he's been doing, I think he'll be a lot more comfortable if you go home to him." Natalie explained the call and how she expected to find half his clothes still sitting on the sofa out of reach. "I think he'll be less embarrassed if you find him that way than if I do." --------- About a month before Richie and Bonita's 14th birthday, someone contacted Tracy and Vachon as proprietors of their pub to cater to a fund-raiser community dance. Since the dance would be beginning around dusk and preparations would need to be made prior to the event, they declined on the grounds that they had never handled catering before and suggested someone else. They did promise to attend the dance, however, in support of a worthwhile cause. The dance itself was on the first Friday following the twins' birthday, and so they decided to all attend. A couple of days prior to the dance, Richie told his parents that he had asked Patrick's 13 year old sister to attend and wanted to know if they could go past her house to pick her up. It was during one of the band's intermissions when Bonita came up to Tracy and Vachon, dragging a tough looking fellow along with her. He was dressed in a cross between the fashion of a stereotypical English punker and an American Hell's Angel. As he removed his leather jacket that Vachon recognized as being in club colours, he sat down beside Bonita and lifted her onto his lap. Tracy gasped and tried hard to turn it into a cough, when the boy reached over and grabbed her beer, chugging it back, displaying the tats on his arms in the process. One arm was not yet completed, having the blackwork only done for a particularly lewd and crude, if artistic, design. The one on his left arm was complete and had a less crude though still offensive pictoral of what appeared to be a cartoon of a gang rape. From her perch atop this young man's lap, Bonita cuddled against him as she spoke, "Chris, I want you to meet my parents. This is my mom," she gestured to Tracy, "and this is my Dad." She now gestured towards Vachon. "Mom, Dad, this is Chris. He's from Manchester, but he mostly grew up here. He's 17." Bonita pressed a kiss onto her beau's mouth, not caring what her parent's reaction to the young man was. Meanwhile, as Tracy was recovering from the shock of Chris and seeing him slide his hands under her daughter's blouse, Natalie was having a little excitement of her own. Richie had come back to his parent's table and asked Natalie to come outside with him telling her it was urgent. Once outside, Nat found Patrick's sister Moira standing staring at absolutely nothing. "What's wrong, Mom?" he asked, worried about his first date. Nat looked the girl over, but nothing seemed wrong, physically, that she could determine. "What happened, Richie?" She sat the girl on a bench and listened to her son. "The music was loud and was hurting my ears. That wasn't an excuse, it was real. Anyway, when we came out here, we were talking until they played that last slower song. We were holding hands, and I was thinking about wanting to give her a kiss, but then I could hear her heartbeat. I'd never noticed someones heartbeat before, and I followed it. When I tried to ask her if I could kiss her, she just looked at me like this and repeated my question.." Richie shifted his weight, squirming slightly. "Mom, did I do this to her? Did I hurt her somehow?" "She'll be fine, sweetie. Really. You've just developed another ability that you didn't have before." "Mom?" When Natalie wrapped her arms around him, he continued, "I'm turning into..." seeing a mortal couple not too far away, he whispered, "a real vampire like you and Daddy and Uncle Vachon and the others, aren't I? All these changes started happening around the same time when my friends voices started cracking. Mine hasn't done that, it's just getting... stronger and a little deeper without cracking. But I'm doing all this weird new stuff instead. What do I do, Mom? What do I do?" Nat kissed his forehead and swept his longish hair out of his eyes. "I think so, Richie. And all you can do is learn as much as you can about things as they develop so that you can live as normal a life as you can. Coming to get me was the best thing you could have done." She stood up and stepped before Moira, pulling Richie to stand in front of her even closer to the girl. "Now, we're going to give her a memory - she's had a wonderful time here and enjoyed your kiss," Nat ruffled her son's hair, "but now she's getting a headache and in a few minutes is going to tell you she needs to go home early in spite of enjoying herself. You're going to give her the memory, and I'll walk you through it." Nat put her hand on Richie's shoulder and leaned forward to whisper into his ear the things he'd need to know about whammying as Richie set to work. ---- It was late July when Tracy got a message left on an answering machine which was the only way that anyone from their past lives in Toronto could contact them. Commissioner Reese requested Tracy call immediately, regardless of the time, and speak to him about "an urgent matter." When Tracy called, she was informed that her father had been in an accident, that it looked like he'd had a fatal heart attack at the wheel. "Of course we won't know for certain until the M.E. gets finished with him, Tracy, but I thought you should know. I know you tried to avoid your dad at times, and I don't know what state your relationship with him was in when you left, but I didn't know if your ste... if your dad's wife would have any way to let you know or not." Tracy began to cry in spite of herself, so Vachon took the phone and finished speaking with his wife's one time captain. It was a few minutes later when he re-emerged from the study, a sad smile on his face. He looked at Natalie, who was holding a sobbing Tracy, and then at Nick. "Reese thinks it important for you to go back for the funeral, Tracy. And I think under the circumstances, it would look odd if we didn't all go, since we were all there when... you know." He flashed back to the memory of Tracy's mother at the morgue but pulled himself out of that memory very quickly. "I already told him we'd come back, and I took the liberty of arranging for the loft to be in a habitable condition when we get there, since that's the only place big enough for all of us that's safe. I hope you don't mind, Nick." He smiled wanly and looked at Nick and Nat. "Now, it's time for make-up aging lessons before we have to leave, because we have to leave tomorrow night." *** As was to be expected, since Tracy had no contact with her dad since having gone to Ireland, she was virtually left out of the will, with nearly everything being left to her 9 year old half sister and the child's mother. Tracy was left all of her father's police awards, however, and a box of odds and ends that must have been important to him, although she'd never seen them before. It contained photo's and clippings of Tracy throughout her life up to the point she'd left for Ireland. Although they had come to Toronto for Tracy's father's funeral, during the month they were there, they all made visits with old friends and co-workers. Natalie had to arrange a visit with Grace, who was now a new grandma. Grace met Natalie at a Dairy Queen store, and after they had visited for a while, Grace's son and girlfriend and their 2 month old baby joined them, and they all met up with the rest of Natalie's family for an evening at the CNE. A few nights later Nick, Natalie, and Tracy went to visit Commissioner Joe Reese. They arranged that on his next evening off he and Denise would meet them and Vachon for a late dinner at another Dairy Queen, then to go to out to a club for a couple of hours while the kids went to a movie. There were other friends and co-workers that they visited with, while Vachon spent most of their visit showing the kids the sights that Richie and Bonita didn't remember and Kelsey had never seen. The last evening before they headed back home to Ireland, the members of the 96th who'd been there when Nick and Tracy had left, took Nick and Tracy's families out for dinner, having arranged for members of the 96th who had transfered in since to trade shifts as necessary so most could attend. They were rather impressed with the children since until the visit none had known about Kelsey, and Richie and Bonita had been pre-schooler's at the time they'd last seen them. One of Tracy's casual friends from so long ago couldn't get over how they had all begun to pick up an Irish accent somewhat, and Kelsey's was so strong some had a hard time understanding her at first. ---- It was early spring a number of months later as Bonita & Richie approached their 15th birthday when Tracy's 45th birthday came around. To celebrate, Vachon decided to take Tracy to London, just the two of them, to get away. Vachon hoped their time away alone would bolster Tracy's waning morale. She had put on a few pounds over the years, slowly mind you, but was now about 25 pounds heavier than when she'd met Vachon back in Toronto. She also had a couple of places in her hair where she was noticing grey, although with her being blonde, no one else was really noticing it much. Vachon thought she still was slim and thought there was nothing wrong with having filled out a little bit after having given birth to 3 children. Tracy didn't see it that way, however, and worried she was 'getting fat'. Vachon smiled, remembering back to new years eve, when Tracy had made her diet and exercize resolution. @>--->--->--- As Tracy had made her resolution, Natalie had whispered to Urs who was up with Screed for the holidays, that she was envious of Tracy who had nothing to worry about. "The only reason I don't look older than my age is because of the vampire," she'd explained, "since ladies in my family tend to age in fits and starts. Presumably my mom was the same, but since I was a kid when she died, I don't know. But both of us would likely have been like my grandma, looking early 30's from about 25 to somewhere between 35 and 40, then over the course of a few weeks suddenly looking 50 something. Then late 50's suddenly looking 70 or so. I'm enough older than Tracy that were it not for the vampire, people would probably think I was her mom and the kids' grandma." Tracy had overheard in spite of their whispered conversation but took it the wrong way. "I can't help that I'm the only God damned adult around here that's aging!" She spat, furiously. "How the hell do you think *I* feel watching you all in your eternal youth? It's hard enough on me as it is without having you two laughing your fat asses off at me about it! I don't need this shit! I thought you were my friends!" Tracy began to cry in spite of herself. "I really thought you were my friend, Natalie." She'd left hurriedly for her own bedroom, Vachon close on her heels to comfort his wife. ---<---<---<@ That was the first that any of them realized Tracy was now uncomfortable with herself. Vachon hoped to spoil her in London for her birthday, and that in doing so, she'd feel better about herself again. When they arrived at their hotel, Vachon took her into his arms. "Tracy, I know you've been upset lately. I want you to know that I think you are beautiful. To me you're more beautiful than the day we met. I don't want you to think your gift is because I don't like the way you look or something. I do. To me the changes that have happened to your body are the result of you giving me some beautiful children, and the only way I'd dislike the changes would be if I thought the children were a mistake. They weren't. But I know *you* are unhappy with yourself now, Tracy, so this holiday is for you, in the hopes that this will make you feel better about yourself. I'm doing this because I love you, and I want *you* to be happy." He leaned over and pulled Tracy into his embrace. "I love you, Trace. Happy birthday." The first week of their visit to London was spent taking Tracy to to the best spas, salons, and boutiques London had to offer. The second week of their visit they spent seeing all the sights and nightlife that interested Tracy in the historic city. When they returned 2 weeks later, Tracy had once again had her hair, which had grown out over the years to be almost as long as Natalie's now waist length waves, cut and styled in a slightly longer version of the page cut she had worn when she first met Nick, Natalie, and Vachon in Toronto about 20 years before. It was slightly longer, being just below the shoulder rather than shoulder length, but it really did suit her well, and she'd had her hair coloured to match her own natural colour so the grey of which she was so aware was covered. Vachon had purchased a pair of top of the line french bicycles, because Tracy wanted to start riding to work for the exercize. After talking with the dietician at a couple of the spas, they had recommended more exercize rather than an actual diet for her, since from their talks they felt she was eating healthy and not overeating. They had also put together a weight training program designed to tone and redefine her muscles, and since Vachon had spoken to Nick, by the time that Vachon and Tracy returned to their home, a weight machine with all of the apparatus included in Tracy's workout routine had been delivered to the house. With the new make-up and clothing, as well as the total make-over, Tracy was very pleased when Richie came up to her on her return, hugging her in greeting, and told her she looked like the way he remembered before they moved from Toronto. Vachon had to agree, the make-over, etc. had made her look close to 10 years younger. --------- It was late summer after the twins 15th birthday, when a nurse came to Natalie's office at the hospital. "Sorry to bother you, Natalie, but there's a young lady out here in the emergency room insisting she needs to see a doctor and equally insistent she won't see anyone but you. Do you mind taking another patient tonight?" Natalie smiled wanly. "Sure, Christine. If she doesn't look injured or ill, send her in to my office here. I have a pretty good suspicion as to who it probably is." As Christine opened the door a few minutes later, Nat spoke without looking up. "Hi Bonita. What's the matter?" "Natalie, how do you do that? It's eerie!" Christine shook her head as Natalie smiled enigmatically. After the nurse had left and closed the door again, Bonita spoke. "It's the heartbeat, isn't it? Daddy says each person's heartbeat is almost like a signature or a fingerprint." "Yes. But that isn't why you came to see me here, is it. Tell me what's the matter, Bonita." "By me coming here, you have to see me as a patient right? And that means you can't go and tell my folks, right?" Natalie shook her head. "Bonita, unless something is life threatening or of earthshattering importance, even at home if you ask me to keep your confidence, I will. I want you to know that." "I know, Auntie Nat. But this way makes it easier for me to know that. You know?" She smiled at Natalie in a way that reminded Natalie of the look that Tracy used to use occasionally on Reese so many years ago when he was annoyed at her for some reason; usually back then it had been for not knowing where Nick was. "Okay, I'm not going to tell your parents. Now that you have my solemn word, will you tell me what's the matter?" Bonita looked down at the floor, fidgeting. "I think I might be pregnant, Auntie Nat." Natalie wasn't really too surprised. "Well, we can run a test to find out for sure." As Natalie wrote up the labwork order, she asked, "If you are, is it Chris's?" "Well... yeah." Bonita spoke hesitantly. "Okay, take this to the lab." She gave her the directions to get there. "After that, I want you to come back here and we'll talk. The test they use here now takes about 20 minutes. I've put on the lab request for them to call my extension with the results." *** Bonita knocked on the door, pushing it gently when Natalie called, "Come in." "Okay." Bonita looked rather nervous. Like she expected to get into trouble. "Bonita, I want you to relax a little. I am going to ask you some questions, but they're the very same questions I'd be asking any other girl your age who came to me for a pregnancy test. I'm not going to be any harder.... or any easier... on you because your my niece. Got that?" When Bonita nodded, she continued. "Why were you hesitant to answer when I asked if the child, if you're pregnant, would be your boyfriend's?" Bonita shrugged, then said in a very quiet whisper directed toward the floor, "'Cause one time I did it with one of his friends, just to get even when he was being a jerk, you know? But I don't think I coulda got pregnant then 'cause... well, I've had... well, *it's* happened since then, and it shouldn'ta if I were, right? So yeah, it'd be Chris's if I am." Natalie sighed, and began her standard safe-sex speech, complete with the standard "not only are you sleeping with your partner, but you're effectively sleeping with every partner they've ever had and that each of those partners has ever had", etc. Natalie was just finishing her lecture when the phone rang. "de Brabant." After Natalie listened to the information, she hung up. "Well Bonita, you can relax on that score. You are not pregnant. If you're expecting to continue to be sexually active, though, I would like to get you on birth control pills. But you need to remember that's exactly what they are. Birth control. They are not STD control pills. They haven't developed that yet. So if you are unsure as to where Chris, or anyone else you might end up with, has been, you still need to make sure he wraps it. Understood?" She gently tapped Bonita's forehead, eliciting a slight smile as she nodded. "Good. But before we can get you started on the pill, we need to do an exam. Good idea anyway because we want to make sure you haven't already picked up anything and just don't know it yet. Come on, we'll get you into an examining room and into a gown." ---- During the year and a half to follow, Natalie followed Richie's biological and blood chemistry changes with renewed interest. By the time Christmas came around when the older kids were 16, Natalie realized she had partially been right about her theory way back when she had been so shocked that first time Tracy had told her she thought she was pregnant, before Tracy had miscarried. Richie had lost the last of the benefits from his human DNA a few months ago, and his labwork showed him fully vampire now as well. Natalie now realized that the effects of the dead virus on Richie WERE like an immunization, just not in the way she had once anticipated. Instead of making the body resistant to infection by the vampire virus, it had held back the full effects of the vampire until such time as the vampire virus seemed to consider the host to be physically mature. Natalie muttered under her breath as she looked into the microscope, though no one was around to hear her, "Personally I'd consider 16 a little on the young side, but hey, it obviously doesn't, and it's not like there's anything I can do about that." It was now obvious under the microscope that the vampiric DNA was asserting dominance over the human DNA, and that symptomatically, Richie was now fully vampire. Natalie speculated that as the vampire genetic code strengthened, Richie's abilites, which were currently on par with her own, would probably strengthen right along with it. Of course, this was just an educated guess, but she felt certain enough about it that if something else different were to happen, she would be extremely surprised. Natalie was even more sure as time passed, since by the twins' 17th birthday, Richie's abilites were beginning to surpass her own, although her learned skill with using them was still beyond her son's. --------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------AUTHOR'S NOTE------ For this PG version I don't know how to rewrite it without the severe language and graphic violence that caused me to put the original version as ADULT... So what I'm going to do is put one section with little arrows (--> ) at the beginning of each line and sumarize what transpires without the course language or graphic nature. Hope this makes sense. -Micki -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It was ony a few days after Kelsey's 12th birthday and little more than a month past the twins' 17th, when Natalie had another visit at work. Christine came into the room where Natalie was stitching up some nasty looking cuts and punctures in a teenage boy's arm caused by getting stepped on with metal cleats when he slipped and fell during a soccer game. "Sorry to interrupt, Doctor, but you've someone asking to see you. Did you want me to take her to your office again?" Natalie smiled. Christine had such a wonderful knack of telling you things in a professional manner without telling your other patients anything and still without having to be rude and whisper. "Sure. Tell her I'll be there when I'm finished up here. We're just about done." A few minutes later, Natalie entered her office. "Hi Bonita. What's th..." She didn't get a chance to finish before she was cut off. "Auntie Nat... I need to see you. I'm really scared this time. I..." Bonita grabbed a tissue from Natalie's desk and wiped her tears. "I think I messed up really bad." Natalie pulled her chair around so as to sit beside her distraught niece and pulled her into a hug. "Tell me." "Well, I messed up one month on those pills... But only missed a couple of days so I wasn't too worried. When it didn't happen, I just figured because it's a hormone that missing it had screwed me up, you know? Well, the next one should have started on Kel's birthday, but it still hasn't and I didn't mess up this time on them, I was really careful. I'm scared, Auntie Nat. I'm really scared now." Bonita began sobbing and leaned in to Natalie's embrace. After a few minutes, Bonita pulled herself together. "Don't tell anyone I was crying... please? I don't want anyone else to know. I gotta stay tough, you know?" "I promise I'll not tell, Bonita." Natalie stroked the girls face and pushed some of her wild locks from her eyes. "Now we need to send you down for a test. Will you be okay?" Natalie was concerned about how Bonita's tough facade was crumbling away tonight. Even as a baby she'd been `tough' and could handle anything. It was strange to see this girl cry, and it worried her a little. "Yeah, I'll be fine." She wiped her face once more and suddenly put on a nonchalant mask as she reached for the paper to take to the lab. "Want me to come back here again after?" "Please do, Bonita." "'Kay, back in a few." She waved at Natalie then turned and hurried down the hall. After Bonita got back, Nat took her to the cafeteria, having noted on the req for them to page her to phone for the results. While Bonita sat eating her cheesburger from the Doctor's Cafeteria, the page for her to call was announced. "Want to bring it with you to my office, Honey?" Bonita nodded, and they headed back. When they were back in the office with the door securely closed behind them, Natalie called. After she got off the phone, Natalie put her hand on Bonita's shoulder. "I want you to stop taking the pills, Bonita. You were right, Sweetie, you are pregnant." She watched as Bonita sat the last of her burger down on her fries and began sobbing into her hands. "Don't tell mom. Please don't tell mom. She'll kill me!" "She wouldn't kill you, Sweetie. She won't be happy, but she won't kill you. You really should talk to her." "No way! Mom's too old and stodgy. She doesn't know what it's like to be young! It's so much different now from when she was young! I'm not talking to her 'bout this. No way. She'll kill me!" Natalie bit her lip and tried not to laugh. She could picture a young Tracy having the same reaction to telling her Dad if this had happened to her at that age. "Okay, so what about your dad?" "He won't be pleased, but I don't think he'd kill me. He's pretty cool as far as parents go. Most of my friends think both him and Mom are pretty cool, but they don't know her. I think Dad can handle it." "Okay, want me to phone him and get him to come down?" Then you can talk with him. Your mom'll have to know, but maybe he'll be there with you when you tell her." "Yeah... Okay. I wish she didn't have to know. I wish nobody had to know." About 5 minutes after Natalie called Vachon, he arrived at the hospital and was shown in to her office. As soon as Christine closed the door, Bonita stood and hugged her father tightly and began crying again. "Do you want to tell him, Sweetie, or do you want me to?" In answer, Bonita stepped back away from her dad and looked down at the floor. "Daddy, I'm sorry. I... I'm pregnant. Don't let mom kill me!" Vachon was stunned. He pulled his daughter to him and wrapped his arms around her and stood blinking. ~Why would she think Tracy would kill her?~, ~My little girl? pregnant?~, and ~I'm going to be a grandfather?~ all ran through his head, but instead he looked at Natalie and asked, "You're sure?" After he saw Natalie nod, he stepped slightly back from his daughter and turned her face towards him. "How'd this happen, Bonita?" Natalie looked at Bonita, smiled, and asked her, "So why is it that a good number of the fathers or uncles or other concerned *males* ask that question when some relative get's pregnant?" Bonita giggled, though it sounded like she was also about to cry again. Natalie nodded and gestured to the chairs in her office, sitting in her own chair as they both sat. "Bonita needs to decide what she's going to do. Educated guess, I'd put her about 6 or possibly 7 weeks along." She lowered her voice to a bare whisper, "Abortions aren't done here, but there are other places they are, so that is an option. If it's what she chooses, it'll have to be really soon because arrangements have to be made, and it's not good to do them past 3 months. Or she can carry it and keep it, or carry it and give it up for adoption. But it has to be her decision, and I think you and Tracy too. She's scared to tell Trace." Bonita looked up at her dad. "Will you tell her for me? And there is no choice for me. I couldn't get rid of it, and by the time I carry it 9 months I'll be attached to it, so I won't want to adopt it out." "Let's go tell her together?" He looked at Natalie. "So when is she due?" "Like I said, it's best guess right now. But I'd estimate mid February. She's still got a long way to go." Natalie stood and gave both of them a hug. "It'll be okay, Bonita. You'll see." Then she watched as they left. ---- It was about a week into July when Bonita arranged to meet Chris alone, without the gang he usually hung out with. It was late afternoon on a bright sunny day, and they had met in a somewhat deserted area of a local park; deserted for the reason that come dusk it turned into a sort of lovers stroll area, but being that this time of day were mostly people with families and this area had no picnic sites nor playground equipment, the families were elsewhere. As Bonita got off her bike, Chris pulled up and climbed off his own and pulled Bonita into an embrace, kissing her deeply. She pulled gently away and took his hand, leading him towards the railing from which they could see the pond and the children playing on the far side of it. "Hey Bon, I know you know I like it when there's a risk of discovery, but isn't this a little too public for you? You've never been this brave before." Chris began to unbutton Bonita's blouse, but she put her hand over his, stopping him. "I need to talk to you, Chris." "Talk? About what? We're good together. What's there to talk about?" "Chris, I... I... I went to the doctor. I'm going to have a baby, Chris... Your baby..." --> --> Chris beats the living daylights out of Bonita, accuses her of the --> child being someone elses, and leaves after trying to cause her to --> miscarry. --> Bonita lay in the dirt, sobbing from both the physical and emotional pain for several minutes before a young man came running into the clearing along the path. "My kids were playing by the water and saw him attack you. I've called the ambulance, and my wife is waiting to direct them over. Are you okay?" Bonita shook her head, sobbing. "No. No ambulance." She winced with the pain of breathing. "Take... me... home... Aunt... is a... doctor... we... live with... them." "It's not a good idea to move someone with such bad injuries. I gotta send you to the hospital. I've got a cel, you want me to call your family?" Bonita nodded, slightly. "Most.. work night... might... not... be up." Bonita told him the number that was only known to family and passed out before he finished dialing. *** When Bonita awoke, she was in the hospital, the nurse Christine sitting beside her. She tried to speak, but her throat was too dry. "," she rasped, and Christine jumped, surprised she was awake yet. She filled a cup with water, put a flexible straw in it, and held it where Bonita could sip. "Can you tell me your name, dear?" "Bonita," she spoke groggily and hoarsely, but clearly. "Do you know why you're here?" "Chris... he beat me up for being pregnant... God, my stomach... he kicked me... my baby?" "Natalie phoned and told us you were pregnant. As far as the baby goes, you should be fine, but we've started you on a medicine to help insure traumatized pregnant patients don't miscarry. You'll also need to stay in bed for while. He kicked you higher on your abdomen and broke a couple of ribs. You're going to be pretty sore for a while, dear. Your nose was also broken but they think it'll set straight. Your mom is already driving in, and Natalie is arranging for some time off so that once we know you're okay to be moved, she can care for you at home. She says she and the rest of your family will be in as soon as possible. But your mother should be here soon." Christine looked at her watch and began taking vitals again now that Bonita had woken. *** She had only been in the hospital for a couple of days, but it had been longer than she cared for. Now she had been lying in her bedroom for 3 days, Tracy and a couple of the servants doting on her during the day, Natalie and the rest of the family at night. Tonight she was angry. Not at her family but at her decidedly ex-boyfriend. "What a jerk," she said under her breath as she reached for the telephone and dialed. *** Urs answered the phone and was surprised that Bonita was calling. "Hi Bonita. You sound... tired? Are you okay?" "No." As Bonita began to cry on the phone, Urs grew very worried. "What's the matter?" "Auntie Urs, do you know how I can get hold of Screed? It's really important." Bonita sniffled. "He's here. Wait, I'll put him on." Holding her hand over the mouthpiece of the handset, she spoke, "Screed, Bonita. She wants to talk to you, and she's crying." As Screed stood and walked toward the phone, he said to Urs, "Wot, me litt'o Boni cry? Never! Mus' be bad, poor girl, mus' be right bad." Taking the receiver from Urs, he spoke into the phone. "Wot's a matter wit me litt'o Boni, now? You okay?" "Uncle Screed, I'm pregnant, and when I went and told Chris, he beat me up so bad I was in the hospital, and if Natalie wasn't a doctor I'd still be there." She started sobbing hard, while Screed made soft comforting cooing sounds into the phone. After a minute or so, she continued, "Chris took off." She elaborated when Screed prompted, on what exactly Chris had said and done, filling in the whole picture for him. As Bonita and Screed spoke, Urs was watching Screed's eyes change and his fangs drop. She didn't know what Bonita was telling him, but she had never seen him this angry in the hundred or so years she'd known him. When he hung up, he turned to Urs. "Still got 'at snap-a-roonie of Boni and Chris from yer last litt'o visit?" When Urs pulled it out and handed it to him, he replied, "Oh, goody... 'at's a nice clear glossy of the bloke, 'tis. Oi'll be needin' 'at a while." He took the photo and disappeared. --------- Screed found the London branch of the gang by matching it's colours to those worn by Chris in the photo. From there it was little work to 'convince' the leader he owed Screed a big enough favour from a few years ago to tell him where he could find Chris. Although the carouche wasn't as adept at whammying as the so-called 'real' vampires were, he could still pull this off. He was just glad the fellow wasn't a resistor. Of course, it was just a matter of convincing him of the past favour. Screed knew enough people from that crowd over the years to know they had their own code, and so as soon as he convinced the fellow of the owed debt, he released his control. "So wot d'ya want wit 'im, anyway?" the man had then asked, in the same accent as Screed. "Me niece is... was a member in Dublin. 'e got 'er pregnant. 'at's their business, even if she is a kid. Bot 'e put 'er in a 'ospital, 'e did, after 'e beat 'er an' tried to git 'er to miscarry. 'at's crossin' family, 'tis." "Your niece was a member? She wasn't just 'is doll?" Screed produced the photo of Chris and Bonita both in matching jackets, though he wasn't certain if the jacket she wore was her own or not. "Wot d'ya think, mate?" The gang leader looked at the photo, frowning. "Wan' some 'elp on 'im?" When Screed shook his head, the fellow went on, "Yeah, family. I know. Bot I 'ave a favour... Bring me 'is jacket.. If 'e lives an' comes lookin' fer it, 'e'll 'ave to see me, and I'll 'ave a thing or two to *say* to 'im meself." He gave Screed the address willingly. ---- Summer passed, and Bonita had recovered from her physical injuries. She was still deeply troubled by the beating, however, and had frequent nightmares about it in one form or another. Sometimes she was just reliving it as it actually happened, sometimes it went further and he killed her or did make her miscarry, and sometimes they were even worse. By mid September Vachon and Tracy felt that a little holiday might make things a little easier for her. After speaking with Urs and Natalie since Nat was her doctor, they decided to send her to stay with Urs for a little while in London. Nick presented Bonita with an international debit card of the type that was now beginning to replace traveller's cheques at many banks, with 50,000 pounds on it. Of course, they could be used to draw funds in whatever currency the machine they were being used in dealt with. That was the big draw with them. He had kissed her and told her not to ask when she had asked him how much was on it. After she had left, Nick had phoned Urs and told her how much he'd given her, and that both Bonita and Urs were to spend it frivolously, but that he wanted to see Bonita come home with at least a few items of designer maternity clothing, now that the girl was beginning to show. Nick figured from all he had heard that if shopping was supposed to be therapeutic for many women, then he'd indulge them. *** It was Bonita's 3rd day with Urs when her the nightmare hit. Both Screed, who was staying in Urs' basement for the duration of Bonita's visit, and Urs woke up to a horrible thrashing and screaming coming from the livingroom. Urs got there first and realized Bonita was dreaming. She was already trying to wake her when Screed came in. Just then her eyes flew open, wild in their terror. Both Screed and Urs were trying to comfort her, as she slowly realized that whatever had been terrorizing her was just a dream. She clung to Screed, sobbing. "Tell me, Boni, me litt'o chick-a-dee, wot it is wot's frightened ya so?" He sat rocking her, stroking her wild dark hair and pushing it's tangled locks from her eyes. Bonita sobbed. "I dreamt I already had the baby." She stopped and took a drink from the glass Urs handed her, then continued, "My baby was just a couple of weeks old when Chris came back. In my dream I wasn't living at home, or if I was, they were all away or something." Bonita frowned, trying to recall her nighmare before it slipped away completely. "Someone knocked at the door, and I opened it. It was Chris. He came in, pushed his way in because I tried to stop him. He was trying to kill the baby." Bonita started sobbing against Screed's chest. "I'm so scared. What if he comes back? What if that's not just a nightmare, what if he really does come back, you know, a premonition? I won't let him kill my baby!" Tears streamed down her cheeks, spattering both Screed's shirt and her own. "Bonita, I'm only going to tell you this once." Screed looked up at Urs who was shaking her head in the background. "Ya don't 'ave ta worry about 'at. Chris'll never come back an' 'urt ya or yer litt'o baby ever again. Never. Do ya unnerstan'? Never again." Bonita looked at Screed, wide-eyed, her expression eerily like one of her father's. "Screed? What did you do? Is he dead?" Bonita was trying to imagine what Screed would have done, since she knew he preferred rat blood to human. "Doesn' matter, me litt'o sweetlin'. He won't be a-botherin' ya ever again. 'At's all wot matters." Screed kissed her cheek. "Oi'll stay 'ere wit' ya while ya sleep if you like. I gotta look after me litt'o Boni right." He moved to the end of the sofa and tucked her pillow against his hip. "'ere now, ya put yer 'ead down on tha' pillow and tuck yerself in, an' Oi'll be right 'ere if ya needs me." *** By the time Bonita returned in early October, her nightmares had stopped, and she was in a much better frame of mind. True to Nick's instructions, Urs had taken Bonita shopping and out to see the cultured side of London's nightlife. They had gone to several plays, seen a couple of concerts, and shopped like Bonita had never shopped before. Urs wouldn't tell her how much was on the card either, although she did tell Bonita she didn't need to worry about 'can I afford this' at any of the shops they went to. Urs told Bonita she was keeping track and not to worry, she'd let her know *if* she needed to cut her spending, but Bonita never heard. When she returned, she had a half dozen designer maternity outfits as well as many non-designer ones, and surprising to all of the family was the fact that there was no bike leathers in the ensemble. One biker-style jacket, but the dressy style rather than an actual one for wearing on the road. ---- It was Christmas time again, December 17th, and preparations were well underway. Screed and Urs had come up for the holidays, and Bonita was very excited about seeing them again. Tracy was sitting on the sofa, feeling very tired. One of the house staff came in looking for her, but stopped when they saw her, their question forgotten. "Excuse me, Tracy, but are ya okay? You're not looking well. You haven't really looked proper for a few weeks. Is there anything I can do?" The older woman stood looking at Tracy, worriedly. "I'll be fine, thanks. I think maybe I'm just fighting a flu or something." The woman walked over and pressed her hand to Tracy's forehead. "Ya don't feel hot or anything, dear. Can I get you anything?" When Tracy shook her head, she left, now in search of the doctor. *** "Natalie, I don't need to go to the hospital for tests. Really. I don't." Tracy looked at her with the same look she once use for Reese when she thought she was about to get in trouble. Natalie opened the car door. "Yes, Tracy, you do. And I'm not going to let you ruin my reputation by doing something rash like dying or having a heart attack on me when you live in the same house. What do you think my co-workers would think?" Natalie knew that Tracy still, after all this time, related well to what other people thought and figured she'd argue a little less. Once they got to the hospital, Natalie sent Tracy to see the heart specialist. After a whole battery of tests, he came to the same conclusion Natalie had by allowing her vampiric sense free roam with her medical knowledge: Tracy had developed a heart condition for which she would need to take medication, and until they knew if the medication had stablized it, would need to really watch her activites so as not to push herself too hard. They drove most of the way home in silence, before Tracy finally began to speak. "Nat... I'm getting old, aren't I? I mean, my uncle Sonny, he was around 40 when he first started having trouble with his heart. And you know what happened to him. When I saw my brother at my dad's funeral, he had to take something for his heart at one point. It's our family's way of our bodies telling us we're old isn't it? What about Bonita and Kelsey? Will they end up sick like this too? Maybe I shouldn't have had them? This isn't fair to them." Tracy began to cry, so Natalie pulled the car over and hugged her. Once Tracy seemed okay again, she resumed their homeward drive. "First off, Tracy, many people have heart conditions, whether they're older or not. I don't think your uncle's was caught in it's early stage from what I understand, and that might have made a difference. But even if you are right, you've got to look at it this way, and I'm talking about from your own perspective here, not from worrying about your kids. -Do you regret any of the choices or decisions you've made? Any of them?-" "No. I love being a mom, and I love Vachon very much. I don't think I'd be as happy as I am if I'd ended up with anyone else. I just can't imagine being with anyone else. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my kids' dad." "So you wouldn't change anything?" "No. Well, yeah, there's always the things that if you had more information at the time you might have handled differently, but I don't think that's what you mean. You mean choices like marrying a vampire, having a family, being a cop, choosing to stop being a cop because of the kids. Those sorts of things, right?" When Natalie nodded, she answered again, "No. I'm happy with my life, that way. I just don't like getting old. First Bonita's pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about being a grandma, but it's scarry too. Grandparents are a symbol of age. Now my heart. I don't want to get old, Nat." "Trace, there's always the other option, the one you don't like to think about. It would fix any ailments, like your heart. And it'll stop you from aging. But you've always purported to want to stay mortal. If these things are that important to you, it might be time to re-evaluate if you still feel that way now in light of... recent developments. But that's something only you can decide. In the meantime, keep on your medicine. You don't want to screw that up and then decide to stay as you are. But it's something you'll want to think about and that you'll want to talk about with Vachon at least, maybe your family too." As they climbed out of the car at their home, Kelsey came running out to meet them. "Mom, Mom!" She threw her arms around Tracy and hugged her tightly. "Are you okay?" "I'll be fine, Kelsey. I'm just a little tired is all." "While you were out, Corey phoned. He's the younger brother of one of Richie's friends." Kelsey blushed slightly. "He wants to know if I can go see a movie with him tonight. Daddy said I'd have to ask you." Tracy looked at Natalie. "It's inevitable, isn't it?" When Nat nodded her agreement, she sighed and turned back to her younger daughter. "So what happened to boys being yucky and wanting to get a scholarship to medical school, hum?" "I can still do that, Mom. We're just talking about a date... sorta. I'm not planning to go and marry him or anything! I still want to be a doctor like Auntie Nat." "Yeah, go ahead. But I want you to phone your dad after the movie. Maybe he'll take you guys for pop or something." After Kelsey ran off back into the house ahead of them, Tracy turned to Natalie. "I *am* old, Nat. Kel's going on a date. Bonita used to be the one we had to watch out for... Kel hated boys and has been studying extra hard in hopes of a scholarship to medical school... Now she's going on a date." She shook her head and headed towards their wing of the house when they entered, away from the common area. *** Between Christmas and New Years Eve, Tracy seemed somewhat distant. She seemed to enjoy the company and companionaship of those who sought her out, but unless someone went out of their way to encourage and include her in their activities, Tracy seemed alone and rather introspective. Slightly after midnight of what would make it technically New Years Eve, Tracy asked Vachon to go for a walk with her. After bundling up for the weather, they headed out towards the little brook that ran through one of the pastures. Once away from the rest of the family, Tracy spoke. "Vachon... I've been doing a lot of thinking this past little while..." "I know." He kissed her nose, gently. "And?" "The kids are getting so grown. Boni's going to be a mom soon herself. Kel has herself a boyfriend now, of sorts. I know she says otherwise still, but you've seen how she practically glows when he calls or she speaks of him. My babies aren't babies anymore." Tracy shivered, and Vachon couldn't tell if it was only because of the chill air. "I'm nearly 50, Hon. You've been making yourself look older to match me for my benefit, but..." She saw her husband open his mouth but put her finger over his lips and continued, "I know... You, Nat, even Nick say I look more like 40 than 50, but I'm still closer to 50 whether you guys think I look it or not. Now this thing with my heart. I'm really scared. I want to live to see my grandkids grow up. I want to see Kel's children when she has them, though I hope she waits til she's a little older than her sister... I don't know if that'll happen. I'm tired all the time. If we didn't own the pub, if I was working there rather than being able to hire the help I need with it, I'd have to quit or take a leave of some sort. I..." Tears began to form in her eyes and course down her cheeks. "I guess the main reason I always said no before to becoming a... " Tracy looked at Vachon, blushing slightly after all this time as she whispered, "a vampire," her voice rose back to normal. "I guess a big part of it is because I'm scared of it... of what I'll become. What if I can't handle it? But now I have to face other fears. What if my heart gets worse quickly? What if I don't live to see my grandchildren, never mind see them grow up? I have to look at which is more important to me...." Tracy took her husband's hand and pulled it tightly around her. "I think, if you don't mind having an old lady for a fledgeling, I think I'm more scared of not seeing my kids live out their lives." Her tears ran freely down her cheeks, unchecked. "I'm still scared, but will you... will you bring me over?" Tracy put her head against Vachon's shoulder and cried. "You'll never be an 'old lady', Trace. But yeah. If you're sure that's what you want. Do you want time to get things in order?" "Not really. I think I'm better to just do it and get it done." "You want to do it tonight?" "Yeah. Make it a New Year in more ways than one. Let's go home?" In answer Vachon picked her up and flew back to the house with her, touring the estate slightly in the process. "Next time you won't need me to carry you, Trace, unless you want to be carried." --------- As soon as Tracy had adjusted to the bare basics of life as a vampire, she and Vachon spent a couple of weeks with Urs in London so that when she returned looking younger, she could say she'd been to a 'health clinic' in London. Let people think that the light wrinkles that had begun to form on her face had been removed by the new medical procedure that everyone was raving about. They needn't know that in truth the circles below her eyes had disappeared once the vampire had 'fixed' her heart and she was no longer constantly tired, or that the wrinkles, with the exception of a few little laugh lines, had almost spontaneously disappeared because they had only just begun to develop, and as such, her skin was not yet etched beyond what the vampire could repair. Tracy's greatest relief, however, had nothing to do with the physical benefits or the fact that she now looked a healthy early 30some; it was the fact that since she had become a denizen of the night, she didn't have to worry about being left behind, growing old, and dying alone. Vachon wasn't certain if Tracy was even aware of this fear, but he'd know it from her blood when he had drained her and brought her across into his world. ---- From about the time that Bonita had begun to be noticeably pregnant, Richie's friend, Patrick, had begun to dote on her, and by about the time that Bonita's parents returned from London, they had begun to date. As a result, it came as no surprise that when Bonita delivered a healthy baby boy on Valentine's Day, she chose to name him Patrick Michael Vasquez. Anyone seeing Patrick and Bonita with 'litle Paddy', unless they had reason to know otherwise, were congratulating the young couple on 'their' new baby. He was little, at 6 pounds even, and had dark hair like his mother, although his seemed to have a hint of reddish highlights. Patrick was quite pleased by this since although little Paddy got them from Chris, he had the same reddish tones and was quite pleased whenever people would assume the child his. By the end of February, there was once again discussion of 'moving on'. Bonita wanted to stay with her family, but she also wanted Patrick in her life since things had gotten pretty serious between them, and he had taken to calling himself "Daddy" or "Da" to little Paddy. After a lengthy discussion with Richie during which she told him she and Patrick were even talking, though just talking, of maybe getting married, they decided to take Patrick out for a midnight barbeque. Once they got out to the lake, Bonita decided that it would be warm enough for little Paddy so long as he was bundled up for the chill. As Richie set about preparing the hibatchi and lit it carefully, Bonita sat in the back of the car beside the basinette and changed Paddy before bundling him up to go outside. She strapped on the snuggly and placed the sleeping baby in it then walked over to join the other two. Richie looked up, and Bonita nodded as she watched him place some weiners on the grill. She sat beside Patrick on the log they were using as a bench. After her discussion with Richie, they decided that the best way to tell him would be pretty bluntly, but let him see the proof at the time, much like the tale they had both heard of Nick & Nat's first meeting, although in a more relaxed environ. Richie saw them sitting and knew it was time. He let his eyes glow slightly and his teeth drop. Turning towards them, he asked with only a slight lisp past his fangs, "Phatrig, will you take thith over? I'm getting hungry mythelf and I need to feed.." Patrick jumped up, startled, but Bonita put her hand on his arm. "It's okay, Patrick. Really." "Holy Mary! What in the hell is this? Some sort of sick joke?" He eyed the two skeptically, then turned to Bonita. "You're alright with this? I don't know what's going on but you do and it's okay with you?" "You know how Richie was adopted by Nick and Natalie because he was sick as a baby? This is why. They were better able to look after him than my mom was." She knew Patrick loved puzzles so waited giving him time to begin putting it together. "They're like that too?" Patrick asked after a moment. When Bonita nodded, he added, "and your dad I assume? But you and your mom aren't, what about your little sister?" "Kel isn't, but mom is now." He watched, stunned, as Richie came back from the car with a blood-bag, sunk his teeth into it, and drank. When he'd emptied it, his fangs receded, and his eyes returned to their normal colour. "Was that really blood?" he asked. Bonita answered, smiling. "Yes. They don't *have* to kill now, you know. Except in a real emergency, maybe. And it's not like lots of people believe. They can't turn into bats or mist or stuff." "Vampires? You're telling me your whole family is vampires?" Patrick plunked back onto the log while Richie put the weiners into buns and added cheese and some slices of cooked bacon he'd packed. Richie handed Patrick and Bonita both hot dogs, then sat beside his sister. "Yeah. None of us should have happened because mom shouldn't have been able to get pregnant from my dad as I understand, but she did and we're here. Richie was the only one born with the condition though. But neither me nor Kel have the vampiric genetics." Richie added, "Ever wondered why you never see me eat anything besides ice cream things? Well, now you know. Dairy is the only thing we can tolerate besides blood, some more than others. I was like this when I met you, Patrick. Some of my abilities didn't develop into useable skills until I hit puberty, but I'm still the same person you met and became friends with. We're not supposed to be telling you any of this you know." "Then why are you? Aren't you scared I'll tell others?" "Without seeing it, who's going to believe in vampires? But there's more than that. I trust you. My sister loves you, and I think you love her and little Paddy. We're going to have to move soon. A bunch of people who don't age can't stay in any one place too long or they draw attention to themselves. We have to move... soon." Paddy woke and started to cry. Bonita reached under the snuggly, opened her jacket and blouse, then unbuttoned a little flap in the underside of the snuggly which allowed her to nurse him. Her son latched onto her firmly, very hungry tonight. "I asked Richie to tell you so you'd know. That way when we have to go, you'll know why..." She reached out and grasped her boyfriend's hand, "and maybe if you think you can handle living with a pack of vampires, maybe you can come too? I hope you'll consider it because I know I love you and I know Paddy does too. Think about it, but figure it out soon because we'll have to leave very soon and if you want to come along, preparations for you will need to be made too. Bonita slid under Patrick's arm and snuggled against him as she fed her son. ---- They were all ready to leave by early July, except for Tracy and Vachon who had to stay a little longer to make new arrangements after the buyer for their pub fell through. They would be following as soon as they could, however. Patrick was making plans to legally adopt Paddy once he and Bonita, whom he'd proposed to on her 18th birthday, were married. Urs and Screed were making plans to follow as well, although exactly when no one but them knew, if even they. Nick and Natalie settled onto a farm just a little outside of Perth, which had several houses on it as well as accommodations that reminded Nat of university dorms for the farmhands. Natalie wasn't having trouble calling their accommodations a bunkhouse, but she was having a hard time getting used to calling the farmhands jackaroos. She'd been told that women in that occupation were jillaroos, but there were none on their farm when they took ownership. Nick had already arranged that he, Nat, and Richie would have one of the houses, another for Tracy, Vachon, and Kelsey, although Kel was staying with them until her parents came out, and a third was now occupied by Patrick and Bonita with little Paddy. There was a small guest house as well, which they expected Screed and Urs would inhabit whenever they were around. There was also a trailer on the property not far from the bunkhouse, which belonged to an older couple. He was the foreman of the Jackaroos, and his wife cooked for 'the boys' and generally looked after the cookhouse. Their new identities, in spite of Nick's protests to Aristotle that it would be too hard for Natalie yet, were as Nathan and Nicoleen Chevalier. Nick had no doubt that LaCroix had called in a favour of some sort for Aristotle to be that unrelenting on the names this time around. Nick was quite pleased and quite surprised with the way Natalie took it in stride. She had said "Colleen, I guess I'll go by. I had a cousin I lost contact with after my parents died whose name was Colleen. I can handle it Nick. Don't worry." And Natalie was able to handle it well. She'd read over the identity information Aristotle gave them, for all of them, and memorized it all. Richie was no longer Richie; he was Erik, their nephew whom they took in when his mother Nicolette, Nicoleen's twin, died in a traffic accident when the boy was 2. Aristotle had arranged new identities for Tracy and Vachon as well: Teresita and Juan Valdez. Nick smiled thinking about Tracy's reaction to that when they had first gotten their identity package from Aristotle before leaving Ireland. "Juan Valdez! Who in the hell is going to believe that? Anyone who drinks coffee will laugh their asses off! Jeez... And Teresita? What kind of name is that?" Nick couldn't help but smirk when Vachon had told her it was one of the Spanish forms of her own name, and she had turned bright red and began apologizing to her husband. Nick knew that if someone had told him 25ish years ago when he'd first been partnered with her, that she'd be a vampire now and she, the spaniard, and the carouche would be more his family than his own maker or sister, he'd have thought the person telling him was crazy. With a little bit of whammying to assist his credentials of having gone through a police academy elsewhere prior to moving to Australia, Nick was able to get on with the local police department, although the only position available on steady nights was at the central dispatch. They did transfer him from desk duty to traffic violations about 6 weeks later when someone retired from there. Natalie was settling into a teaching post, teaching forensic pathology at the University of Western Australia. Tracy and Vachon were finally able to come out in early September. They settled into their new home on the ranch with Kelsey, though they found it a little quiet without Bonita under the same roof. Tracy was glad of the changes that her elder daughter had undergone, seeming so much more mature and much less wild, although she was unsure if it were motherhood or the beating that had caused her to change. Either way Tracy was pleasantly surprised by the maturity she saw in Bonita on her arrival. After a month relaxing and doing nothing, Tracy decided she really missed being a cop and decided to see if she could also get on with the local police. She was initially told there were no positions available, but when told she had gone to the same academy as Nick had, said they'd keep her in mind. A few weeks later after a vehicle accident because of a high speed chase, one officer had died and another on long term disability, Tracy was contacted and hired. She was a little dissappointed not to be partnered with Nick, until she found out that they didn't have the partner system that she had known in Toronto. Being that she was at the same precinct that Nick had been transfered to after his brief stint answering phone calls, it did mean that they were able to work together sometimes, however, which helped make it easier to hide their true natures from the other officers. ---- Urs and Screed showed up for Christmas, and having known Vachon much longer than Tracy, Nick, or Natalie had, were not fooled by his innocent expression. Urs drew Vachon aside. "Tell me, Vachon. You've got something planned." "It's a surprise. You won't tell anyone, especially Trace?" When Urs looked at him that way, he knew she'd never betray his trust, so smiled and continued, explaining the store he was in the process of buying out, and how once he actually owned it, it would run at night too with a manager and a few staff during the day and himself and an employee at night. "Urs had looked at him aghast, "You! Really? No way! You're pulling my leg, right?" When he shook his head indicating the negative, she had burst out laughing. "No one will believe it! Screed will think you're crazy, you know. Where did that idea come from?" Vachon had only shrugged. *** It was only a few weeks into January when he did anounce to the rest of the family that he'd bought a store and made some changes to the way it was running. Since it was in Fremantle, he explained, he figured it would be a good market for 24hour operation and took them to see it. It was a bookstore with an attached coffee shop patterned after a large American chain although smaller and nothing to do with it. The focal point of the coffee bar area seemed to be a capuccino machine that given the rosy glow of the light above, seemed to reflect dark pink. He called over a woman for introductions. "This is my wife, Teresita, my cousin Nathan, and his wife Nicoleen. Like me, they all have nicknames so you'll likely hear them as Trace, Nick, and N.. er.. Colleen." He smiled, shaking his head and introduced his staff. "This is Anne, and she'll be working the nights with me." Natalie smiled, seeing Tracy's expression. Anne was fairly short with long dark hair. It was obvious that she really admired Vachon, and Tracy seemed more than a little bit jealous. Natalie smiled as she reached out to shake the woman's hand, listening as Anne said how much she liked books and was so glad that Juan seemed to care more about the customers and books than the money than most other business owners she had met. Although it might or might not include a physical attraction, Natalie was sure that Anne's interest in Vachon had more to do with his knowledge and caring about people than anything else. Natalie also realized that Tracy would realize it soon herself, but until she did, she knew the young vampire would be incredibly jealous and trying not to let anyone know. --------- As the twins 19th birthday approached, Natalie ran another series of tests on her son. It seemed to all that his innate abilities seemed about on par with his biological father. Natalie was able to confirm that his human DNA was now entirely non-dominant, still present to host the vampire element, but totally inactive in any other way. ~Just like Vachon and Tracy, as well Nick & I,~ Natalie thought to herself. As he was learning more about what he could do with his abilites, they were now close to matching Vachon and definitely surpassing the younger vampires. ~He's inherited 450 or 500 years of the vampire abilities without having had to live it, yet. By the time he's that age, his abilites will likely be on par with what Nick's are now,~ she thought to herself. May 19 came, and on her 19th birthday, Bonita announced that she and Patrick had set a date. Since they wanted a spring wedding, they were planning the big event for Oct 21. Patrick said that most of his family would not be able to afford to come out, and that with them all having new identities, he felt it might be best if after their wedding, they planned a little trip back to Ireland. He knew his parents would find a way to come out for the wedding, so wanted to let Bonita's family know now to expect them, giving them time to prepare an explanation for him to tell them on their arrival for why they no longer used the names they had been known by in Ireland. Patrick also filed to legally adopt Paddy so it would be done by the time of their wedding. ---- It was just after Kelsey's birthday that Natalie was at the university preparing for her next class when there was a rap on her office door. "It's open..." "Dr. Nicoleen Chevalier," her department head spoke, "this is Dr. Andrea Jacobbs. She's here to tell you about a new project involving both her hospital and this university." "Hi." Natalie stood, and reached out to shake the new arrival's hand, then began to gather her notes. Dr. Jacobbs smiled. "Well, we're not the only parties involved in this project, Nicoleen, but we're it, locally. The U.N. is trying to set up a global network of disease research centres. Under their guidelines we are establishing the ADCC, the Australian Disease Control Centre, but it will have 2 separate research facilities, one here in Perth and the other in Sydney. We'd love to have you join us. You'd have facilities at both the hospital and the university here. You probably don't have much time right now, as I understand you are preparing for a class. But give this some thought, and get back to me. I can give you more information any time you need it. It was nice to meet you, Nicoleen." She handed Natalie a card with her work and pager numbers printed on it but quickly wrote her home number as well. *** A few days later, Natalie met Dr. Jacobbs at the Creamery, a wonderful little ice cream establishment and part of a small chain of such businesses. After Natalie had ordered a small shake & her companion a coffee, they drove back to the farm, engaged in friendly converstion. Natalie introduced her family and Tracy's by the names they were now using and explained that theirs was an extended family. As such, before she made any decisions about a change of occupation, she wanted her family to have the opportunity to hear all about it too and to ask questions as well. During the following hour, Andrea explained in greater detail the types of things that they would be involved with and the types of duties Natalie would have as one of the senior research co-ordinators. Tracy and Kelsey were most impressed with the fact that if Natalie agreed to the position, she would be the person to whom each of the researchers or research teams would report to. Her main responsibility would be to evaluate the research already done and evaluate if they should continue on the same track or not. She would also look for overlooked or prematurely discarded research angles to see if any of those needed to be followed up on, and if exclusively or in conjunction with the current research paths. Natalie was very interested in the position but was concerned with the hours. After receiving assurance that she could choose her own hours, Natalie explained the reasons she had established for the necessity of working nights. She was reassured that would not be a problem, and that she could still work nights if she preferred. Nick asked if his wife would have opportunity to work on research herself, or if she would only be handling administrative duties. Andrea explained that an effective senior research co-ordinator was expected, under current guidelines, to get 'hands-on' involvement with each of the projects they were overseeing, just not the labourious and time consuming 'leg-work'... "If and when a breakthrough occurs because of one of your researchers or research teams, you'll have the responsibility of co-ordinating that information with the researcher and adminstrator, presumably myself, and preparing it for both dissemination into the appropriate medical fields as well as, if necessary, preparing media packets explaining the results and effects for the interested laymen." After Natalie had again driven Andrea back to pick up her car, she returned home to discuss the matter with her family. By the time she and Nick were ready to retire for the day, Natalie felt it was time for a career change. ---- Preparations were underway for Bonita and Patrick's wedding, when Urs and Screed arrived with Miklos. With him present it came as no surprise to Nick and Natalie or to Vachon when LaCroix showed up a short time later, unannounced, with a reluctant Janette. LaCroix's first duty, he insisted, was to 'examine' Richie, Kelsey, Bonita, and Patrick the way an enforcer would, to see if there was any sort of danger to the community at large because of them. He refused to say anything more, although Janette was reassuring one and all that LaCroix was not an enforcer, just wanting to ensure he wasn't apt to lose his 'wayward' family to the sometimes overzealous judgement of one. Tracy finally asked the awkward question plaguing her since LaCroix's insistance on interviewing the children, in spite of Vachon's whispers not to. She asked in a tone which refused to be artificially placated, "So if you are *not* an enforcer as we've been told, what gives you the right to examine them all like that, and how do you know what criteria the enforcers would have were one to come knocking right now?" Tracy folded her arms across her chest and stood her ground as the one time Roman General tried to stare her down. As much as she felt like crawling away to hide somewhere under that cold glare, Tracy stood her ground, glaring back her best. Urs, Screed, Vachon, and Miklos were now half expecting LaCroix to kill the young vampire. "I know how the others all act around you, and I assume I'm probably being stuborn and headstrong in challenging you, but damn it, the girls are my daughters; although Nick and Nat adopted Richie, I still gave birth to him; and Patrick is about to become my son-in-Law. You bloody-well better believe I'm protective of them. If someone you had little dealing with came and began examining Nick or any others of your children, how the hell would you feel? I'm just demanding my right to know, just as you would!" LaCroix began to smile. "Touche. Just as *I* *have* done." He stepped back and took a seat at the end of the sofa, gesturing to Tracy to sit as well. "I chose not to accept the position as I had a young fledgling of my own to ensure the adequate training of," he nodded in Nick's direction, "but I *did* establish the guidelines that the enforcers would use, and therefore, I know their guidelines better than many of them. It was expected I would take the position of Master Enforcer, in part because of my experience as a Roman General, however, when the system was established, I was not able to take those responsibilities... But I *do* know the rules better than most of the enforcers do, since, as I said, *I* established them. Had any of the children been a danger to us, I would only have insisted on correcting that danger through teaching them whatever had been overlooked, or if necessary, with the mortal ones, through hypnosis. I would not have hurt any of them... Tracy... Or should I say, Teresita." He smiled at the young blonde vampire, took her hand and kissed it, then stood. "I wish to retire now. Where are our rooms?" *** It was about a week later and just a few days before the wedding that Patrick and Nick drove out to the airport to meet Patrick's parents. Accommodations were getting interesting, but the foreman of the jackaroos had told Nick they had an extra bedroom since their daughter had married, and if they needed it for wedding guests, to feel free to use it. This was where they had decided to put up Patrick's parents. Carly was still with Tracy and Vachon, so Screed was staying on their sofa. Urs was staying on Nick and Natalie's sofa so that the house usually occupied by herself and Screed when they were around, could be used by LaCroix, Janette, and Miklos. While they were driving back to the farm, Nick explained that it was important that they remember that the names they would hear people called by would not be the names they were used to hearing. "I'm not supposed to even say this much, so please forget this, but one of us saw something and are now in witness relocation. We've all chosen to participate so as not to break up the family. My wife and I are no longer de Brabant. We are Nathan and Nicoleen Chevalier. I go by Nathan and my wife by Colleen usually. Richie is our nephew Erik, whom we adopted. While Bonita and Kelsey are still Bonita and Kelsey, their surname is now Valdez, and their parents -you remember them from the pub?- they are now Teresita and Juan. Those are the names we are known by here. So if you forget any of our names, please feel free to ask any of us, but if there are others around whom you do not know, please do so discreetly." Nick looked at Patrick who smiled, before adding, "That said, how was your flight?" *** end of part 15a of FAMILY 3: Revelations comments are welcomed by the author at: =================== ____________________________________________________________ / 'Micki' Lynn McCormick \ < T+Vpack-listmom Vaq. N+N DP LP#6 LCfp FoSiL NKB > \ NVC closet-NA UA Seducers Ravenette Cousin FoRP / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subject: FAMILY 3: Revelations (15b/15) *** Patrick and Bonita's wedding went smoothly. Among the guests who were not family were Anne from the bookstore, a few of Nick and Tracy's co-workers who'd had the opportunity to meet the kids on several occasions, Natalie's supervisor - Andrea Jacobbs, and a few young people of similar age including one young family just slightly older than Bonita and Patrick whom they had made friends with in their year and a half in Perth. Of course most of the jackaroos were there too, since Patrick had been learning to be one. The reception was being handled once again by LaCroix, although Mrs. Whitley was not pleased about having people who were not her mucking about in her cookhouse. Miklos was tending the drinks for all, once again ensuring that the mortals and vampires kept their beverages straight. The gift opening was held as part of the reception, but before any partying really began. There were many cards and letters and gifts from friends and relatives back in Ireland that had been brought with Patrick's parents. Both Bonita and Patrick were totally shocked when they opened the envelope from Nick & Natalie, which held a card and a letter wrapped around another envelope. Patrick and Bonita read the letter, then looked over the contents of the inner envelope. "Uncle Nathan, Aunt Colleen?" Bonita was careful to use their current names in spite of her excitement. "This must be some mistake..." Bonita looked over at Nick and Nat, quizzically... Seeing them shake their heads, she smiled and added, "You're really giving the farm to us?" Nick smiled. "The document sealed inside explains in more detail, and we can go over it with you later. Until Patrick has learned enough about it to take over the full responsibility of running it, we'll continue to be the trustees for it... But yes, once you sign the documents, this place is yours... It'll be in name only still for a while, as long as we are still your trustees." After everything had been opened, the reception began to pick up, turning into a full party. During Bonita & Patrick's dance, Paddy came toddling out to them. He pulled on Patrick's pantleg, holding his arms up, repeating "dada". Without even thinking about it, he scooped up Paddy, and the dance continued with them holding their son as they danced. Urs caught the bouquet, which made Vachon smile. Most of the rest of the night Urs was pretty much inseparable from Richie, while Carly and Screed seemed to be having a pretty good time of things themselves. Next evening when people began to rouse, Nick was surprised (although Natalie wasn't), to see Urs coming out of Richie's bedroom with him, clad only in a long t-shirt. Natalie ended up taking Nick aside and reminding him that although the kids had grown up calling her Auntie Urs, she was *not* their aunt. When this didn't seem to reach Nick, she added, "Don't forget, Richie is now *fully* vampire. He's going to have to live as one. And while we have tried to minimize their contact with the community for their own safety while they were growing up, that also means that Richie doesn't know any others of us than we've let him know. What 'single' female vampires are here, Nick? Think about it... Besides Urs, there is Janette whom he doesn't really know and is here with LaCroix, and Carly, whom he's grown up with her as his teacher... Besides, he could do a whole lot worse than Urs. They're both happy around each other. Vachon's noticed it. Watch the way he smiles when he sees them spend any time together. If they're happy then what's the problem?" When they returned, Urs had found some jeans to pull on but was still sitting beside Richie with her feet curled under her, leaning against him on the sofa. ---- It was only a few months later, early January, when Urs spoke to Vachon about something that was concerning her. "We both know how Nick and Natalie are trying to get back their mortality... Richie is happy as he is, though. But I do not think it's likely that they'll teach him to hunt. I know we don't need to very often any more, but it is something I think both Richie and Tracy should learn... " Urs smiled up at Vachon, "just in case. It'll just make them weird if you talk to them about it. You know how they are. Javier... will you take them out and teach them?" Vachon sat a moment, thinking about what Urs had said. ~She's right, they do need to know. I should have taught Tracy before this.~ He chugged back the rest of his bloodwine. "Yeah." A few nights later, Tracy and Richie found themselves accompanying Vachon on an outing. Vachon took to the skys, touring the city from the air and enjoying the lights and nightlife. From above, they soared through the Northbridge district and its seedier sights. They passed above Garden City shopping centre where there was a night crew repairing a broken water main with a small section of the parking lot dug up. They passed above both Murdoch and Edith Cowan Universities before Vachon finally decided they were ready to pursue his true agenda. They finally headed along the Swan River and then up the cliffs and past the War Memorial, coming to ground among the Gum and Eucalyptus trees towering high above within King's Park. Vachon knew Tracy would balk at hunting if it were pointed out she might need to someday hunt a human, so chose not to point it out. He knew full well that both Tracy and Richie were smart enough to transfer the skills to human prey if necessary. Instead, he picked out a Wallaby and began to stalk it. He explained what he was doing quietly, knowing that the others' vampiric hearing would catch it. Eventually he captured the creature in spite of the valiant fight it offered, including a painful shin resultant from it's kick that would probably have broken his leg were he mortal. Although animal was not his preferred choice for a meal, he drank his fill, then took the carcass out over the river to dump it. Vachon knew that such a precaution wasn't as necessary with an animal's body but figured it better to establish good habits from the beginning. After they had rested and relaxed a little, Tracy spotted a big kangaroo. Nudging Richie's shoulder, she gestured in its direction. Whispering so quietly that her two vampire companions had a hard time hearing her, she asked, "So, wadda ya think, Richie? Think we can handle him?" When he nodded his agreement, Tracy and Richie took off in joint pursuit of the large creature. They had times of chase interspersed with the animal turning and fighting them. Tracy took a kick from a muscular leg that broke her arm. Her eyes began to glow. This was no longer a game. Very soon thereafter, between her and Richie, they managed to capture it, and both fed from the beast. Tracy took more blood than Richie because of her injured arm knitting itself back together. Afterwards, Richie took the animal's body out over the river and disposed of it the same way he had seen Vachon dispose of the wallaby's remains. When they returned, Richie was all excited about the evening's events and ended up telling first Urs then everyone else all about it. Once everyone had gone to bed for the day, Natalie cuddled into Nick's arms. "Nick?" Nick brushed a wisp of hair out of his wife's eyes, and saw a troubled expression on her face. "What's the matter?" He kissed her nose gently. "I know you don't want to think about this, Nick, but we need to. Richie is happy being a vampire. He's happy with Urs, and we both know she loves him too. But... I have made some significant breakthroughs in my research over the last few years... Nothing significant in being the actual cure, so I've not told you, because I didn't want to get your hopes up until such time as we can actually come back from this... I now know I'm on the right path, Nick, and I expect that from the point I'm at now it'll be less than 5 years to an actual cure that'll work for us both..." Natalie began to cry. "I hate to ask you this... I want you to understand that I want to be mortal again too, *with you*, but I think we have to look after our son's needs first... And I think that right now, as he's beginning to revel in his vampiric nature, to continue to work on our cure will give him the message that we disapprove of vampires and, therefore, of him. We can't do that to him... After he's had a few years living as an adult vampire, I think it'll be easier for him to accept that after over 800 years you've tired of it, and that I want to be with you regardless of as a mortal or as a vampire... That our desire for mortality doesn't mean we are unhappy with him in any way, simply that the lifestyle is no longer for us. But right now I think he'd feel we were abandoning him, emotionally at least. Nick... I want to ask you to let me put my research aside for a few years... 20 maybe, not abandoning it, but merely putting it on hold for what will be a short time for us as vampires. I know now I'm close. I said within 5 years... It could possibly even be less than a year if that's all I concentrate on. Let us finish out this 'lifetime' here, and then when Richie and Urs are ready to move on, we'll move on too, knowing that soon thereafter we'll be able to go for a walk in the park, enjoying the sunshine with our children... I will always love Richie and he is our son and always will be our son - were he not I'd not be asking such a painful request of you," Natalie's tears ran freely down her cheeks. "For our son?" Nick thought about it for several long minutes, the longest minutes of either his own or Natalie's experience. He finally cupped her chin and tipped her head towards his own. "Just until he's realized that our search isn't a condemnation of him, right? Then you'll work on it again?" When he saw Natalie nod tearily, he answered slowly and quietly. "Then yes. We'll wait a little while." He gathered Natalie into his arms as they both cried, tears of joy and sadness mixed: joy at the nearness of the cure and the knowledge it would actually become a reality, sadness at the necessity of the wait... And relief that he still had his Natalie and a future with her so long after Toronto. --------- end of FAMILY 3: Revelations Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoyed it.