You Might Be A Nikon Geek If....
by Craig L. Zeni

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From a posting in on March 6th, 2000 in Nikon MF Mailing List:


* You have more than one 'E' grid focusing screen

* You have the exact factory screwmount lens hood for every Nikon lens you own

* You have a finder illuminator clip for your F2A

* You have all the battery pack options for your F4

* You have actually used an action finder

* You are depressed because you already own every Nikon lens you can afford

* You get almost as excited over a Nikon F as over a Highliner F

* You believe Canon needs an extra N and makes HO diesel parts

* You think interchangeable finders are cool

* You know why its not a good idea to change the battery on a loaded motor-drive F2

* You know what NAI, AI'd, AI, AIS, AF, AF-D, and AF-I mean, and care

* Your F waistlevel finder will fit your F2 but you buy the F2 waistlevel anyway so the nameplate will match

* You have PX625 mercury batteries in the freezer for your FtN meter

* You know the difference between a Photomic, Photomic T, Tn, and Ftn meter

* You know what "Nippon Kogaku" means.

* You have duplicate items - both with and without "Nippon Kogaku"

* You have little black plastic finder caps for almost all your F finders

* You bid $10 on Ebay for a little black plastic finder cap... and lost

* You can watch a TV show with a motor drive Nikon being used and identify the camera and motor drive by its sound

* You know what to use black electrical tape for when on the road with your camera bag

Andy.... guilty as charged

"Might not get what you want but you'll always get what's coming" - Tom Maxwell

[ Cribbed from another mailing list that's made up of mostly model railroaders:]

Craig Zeni - REPLY TO -->> clzeni at mindspring dot com

How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?