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August 2005 Contest

This month's contest was based on the inspirational video from Matt Harding. The tag of the month was wherethehellismatt.

Who won?

Title: What is love?

Description: music video to haddaway's song 'what is love?'

just a note to all the sites that are linking here:
i didn't mean to offend you with my horrible dance moves. this was intended as a joke to show my friends and stuff. i never meant for so many people to see it. ps, im not a stripper. and i love doing bad dance moves. dont take your life so seriously.

Tags: dance : music : wherethehellismatt

Judges' Comments: Having accumulated nearly 100,000 views, COURTIZZLE, with grace and style, takes the crown in the August 2005 dance video contest. With an enviable lightness of heart, the video description also answers our question, "is she dancing seriously?" :)

User: JimmyKets
Title: Dancing with Myself

Description: Here's my one and only real entrance for the wherethehellismatt dancing video competition. A must see! Since my dancing capabilities are rather limited, I had to use some big budget effects to make things more interesting.
Dancing with Myself... performed by myself and my twin brothers :-)

 wherethehellismatt : dancing : myself : funny : music : dance : clones : rock : effects : performance : fun : jimmy : kets

Judges' Comments: It was a difficult task in deciding between this and the contest winning video. It's difficult for any one man to possess such levels of grace; it's simply astounding when this feat is repeated by identical twin brothers! It is with pleasure that the runner-up prize goes to JimmyKets. JimmyKets, please distribute the honor and privilege of winning the contest fairly three ways!

User: epretze
Title: Adiemus

Description: Sarah, Austin, Will dance randomly in Austria to spiritual music. Filmed by Erich

Tags: Wierd : Austria : Video :

Judges' Comments: Uhm, a celebration of the ideologies of spiritual bliss, a harmonious bridge of dance and music, a juggernaut of an acrobatic performance, a demonstration of physical prowess nonpareil, an enviable asylum of retreat and security, uhm.

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