Northern Berkshire Game Group: Stack Chess

NAME: Stack Chess

TYPE: Chess variant - standard board, standard piece types

DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of how to play chess is suggested/required. This variant of Chess uses Icehouse ( pieces. The pyramids (the Icehouse pieces are small hollow-bottomed pyramids) are placed in stacks. A stack of a given size represents a specific chess pieces. Stacks are created and split apart in the course of play.

Definitions and Background- The pyramids are size 1 (smallest) to size 3 (largest). There are 5 pyramids of each size for each person. A stack is one or more pyramids stacked on top of each other on a single space, with all pyramids higher in a stack being smaller than or equal to all pryamids lower in that stack. The size of a stack is the sum of the sizes of the pyramids in the stack. A stack of a given size corresponds to a specific chess piece:
The notation for stacks is the chess piece symbol and a comma seperated list of the pyramids that make up the stack, from bottom up (largest to smallest). E.g. A rook made of a size two and two size ones would be R[2,1,1].

Setup- There are not enough pyramids to make a full compliment of chess pieces, so the board is a bit sparser a the beginning. The set up is:

     |R BQKBN |   With initial pieces being
    2| #ppppp#|   p - p[1]   - a pawn
     |# # # # |   N - N[2]   - a knight
     | # # # #|   B - B[3]   - a bishop
     |# # # # |	  R - R[2,2] - a rook
     | # # # #|	  Q - Q[3,3] - a queen
    2|#ppppp# |	  K - K[3,2] - a king
     | NBQKB R|	  2 - an extra size 2 pyramid on the side 
     |--------|       (may be used for promotion)
A few things of note:
First, these are just the starting stacks. You can easily make a new/additional rook R[3,1] or bishop B[1,1,1] or whatever over the course of the game.
Second, the sides are not symmetrical. Presumably this means one side gets some sort of advantage in the initial set up (don't know which one, though). Which ever side has the set up advantage should be black.

Play- Each turn you make one move. A move is ONE of

A few other rules


COMMENTS: It's wacky. Some strategy considerations: