Apologia: The Fullness of Christian Truth

``Where the Bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be;
even as where Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church'' Ignatius of Antioch, 1st c. A.D

Trads: Take Back the Net!


(Note: offsite links below will open in new browser windows)

In the spirit of St. George, I present a few things Net-loving traditional Catholics can do to bring a little sunlight to our situation. We can either sit around and talk amongst ourselves, or we can also slay a few dragons. I say, let's use the grace given to us in Confirmation, live up to our promises to be true soldiers of Christ, and defend traditional Catholicism! Bring the Protestants to the Church, teach the pagan, and explain to neo-Catholics how our post-conciliar hierarchs' presentation of the Church's teachings are false. Focusing on the "conservative Catholics" is the most important thing we can do in this regard! Below are a few ideas...

I. Wikipedia

This, I think, is extremely important: Wikipedia is -- get this -- an encyclopedia that is written by visitors to the Wikipedia website. It may sound ridiculous, but the results, over time, aren't as wild as you might think, though one must read the associated "Talk Page" for controversial entries to get the whole story.

Now, Wikipedia is fast becoming a much-used source of information, especially for students -- and Wikipedia entries get very high-ranking returns at places like Google. For ex., as of this writing, if you type "Catholicism" into Google's search engine, Wikipedia's entry on the topic is the seventh return. This means that if someone goes to Google to do a little research about "Catholicism," chances are good that what he will learn is what appears at Wikipedia.

What this means is that we have an opportunity here to try to ensure that the accurate information about traditional Catholic practices are available. When all these high school students and college kids cramming to get papers done use Google to learn about "Catholicism" or "Vatican II" or "Traditional Catholics," we can have some input into what they learn to ensure balance. Finally! So get to it.

Make sure any writing you do there is fair, reasonable, balanced, organized, well-written, and that it reflects well on the honesty, integrity and intelligence of traditional Catholics. Read Wikipedia's Policy and Guidelines, and their basic instructions -- how to actually add or edit articles. Or click here for my quick, one-minute guide to Wiki that will turn you into an editor very quickly.

Some existing entries you might be interested in:


Traditional Catholicism
Vatican II
Novus Ordo Missae
Tridentine Mass
Society of St. Pius X

Pope Pius XII
The Passion of the Christ
Papal Infallibility
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Blessed Virgin Mary
Assumption of Mary
Immaculate Conception
Perpetual Virginity of Mary
Persecution of Christians
Christian-Jewish Reconciliation
Noahide Laws
Sign of the Cross
The Real Presence
Latin (Ecclesiastical)
Middle Ages

Thomas Aquinas
Da Vinci Code
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
Magdalen Asylum
Christian Views of Homosexuality
Christian Views of Women
Church and State
Primacy of the Roman Pontiff

II. Message Boards

We all know what message boards are, no explanation needed. But let's focus on popular, high-traffic ones that center on religion, especially ones set up for Catholics, or for Catholic-Protestant dialogue. I beg all to remain charitable above all, to lose the ego, and avoid name-calling and flame wars. If you're prone to that sort of thing (as I am), sometimes you just might want to post information, leave, and let others hash it all out.  Use URLs to great traditional Catholic websites in your sig lines, and remember that for every person you might "talk" to one-on-one, there might be a hundred reading your posts.

A few boards to try:

Catholic Answers Forum
Steve Ray's message board
Planet Envoy Envoy Magazine's forum
PhatMass Phorum slick, nice-looking neo-con site for young Catholics
Christian Forums: Catholic
Christian Forums: Interdenominational
BeliefNet Catholic Discussion Boards
Free Republic home of the "Freepers." A widely-read, mostly politically-oriented site (very neo-con), but with forums for religion.

III. Pal Talk

Pal Talk is a free program that allows you talk in voice and/or text to others in chat rooms that are organized by topic (e.g., Social Issues, Religion, Judaism, Christianity, etc.). You can make your own room in any given category and then keep it public or lock it with a password that you give out only to those you want to enter. If you open your own room, you have the power to silence people if they are disruptive, or to ban them entirely. If you don't want to open your own room, you can go into the public rooms of others and talk or debate. All you need is a microphone and the PalTalk program, which you can download here after registering.

Now, get a few traditionalists together, have them download the program, open up a room, and wait for people to wander in with their questions about traditional Catholicism. Have the answers for them! Be prepared for the evangelical fundamentalists who might throw verses at you; have the verses to throw back. I have an apologist's "cheat sheet" (13 pages, Microsoft Word document) you can download that has quickie Scripture references so that when they yell out "Ephesians 2:8-9!" you'll know to yell "James 2:24!" I made it for personal use, and then added a few explanatory notes for a friend, so it's nothing fancy, but you're welcome to it.

IV. EWTN's Expert Forums

I know, I know.. But once in a while, go check out EWTN's Experts, and ask them a question that might make forum readers "go hmmm....." EWTN has a lot of "reach"; a lot of people read this forum! One idea is to ask an expert about a great traditionalist book, asking if he's read it and what he thinks, all while giving it a great review but not mentioning that it would be categorized as "traditionalist."

Note that Fr. Echert there in the "Scripture, Divine Revelation" forum seems to be relatively traditionalist-leaning, so be nice to him. Well, be nice to everyone, of course, but be extra nice to him.

Also while you're at EWTN, visit this page, fill out their survey, and tell them you want traditional Catholicism.


V. Become an Expert

There are various websites out there which invite those with expertise in various areas to answer questions from the general public. Sign up and become one of those experts! If you don't, the Novus Ordo Catholics will (well, they do!). Some relevant websites:

All Experts
Abuzz NYTimes readers answer questions for each other

VI. Use "Comments" Feature at Popular Blogs

If you don't want to start your own blog, visit high-traffic neo-conservative blogs that allow visitors to post comments, and speak your mind. When you do, include URLs to traditional Catholic sites, if applicable to your comments, so readers can find more information and so that traditional Catholic websites increase in rank with regard to search engines such as Google (note, I am not encouraging spamming here, but the simple inclusion of URLs if it is relevant to do so).

Forget about the radically "progressive" "Catholic" blogs; just stick to the popular neo-conservative ones. Readers who read the former type of blog and believe what they're seeing have far to go before a solid argument from a "trad" will convince them of anything -- but neo-conservatives are at least trying to do the right thing and can be persuaded with logic from a charitable soul. Blogs to post to:

Amy Wellborn's Open Book
Mark Shea's Catholic and Enjoying It!
Envoy Encore
Patrick Sweeney's Extreme Catholic
Catholic Light

VII. Write Reviews

Let the Catholic voice be heard over the din of the culturally Marxist critics paid by the owners of the media conglomerates. Traditional Catholics go to movies, we read books, we hear music -- what do we have to say about what's coming through the channels of culture? Make yourself heard, especially at websites like these:

Internet Movie Database

Some General Tips in evangelizing

Always be charitable, and try to be pleasant, too. As my Mamma used to say, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. And as St. Francis de Sales wrote:

If you wish to labor with fruit in the conversion of souls, you must pour the balsam of sweetness upon the wine of your zeal, that it may not be too fiery, but mild, soothing, patient, and full of compassion. For the human soul is so constituted that by rigor it becomes harder, but mildness completely softens it. Besides, we ought to remember that Jesus Christ came to bless good intentions, and if we leave them to His control, little by little He will make them fruitful.

Let the true peace of Christ be reflected in you.

On the other hand, Jesus had to knock over a few moneychangers' tables and didn't mind calling men "vipers" and such when the case called for it. And there is this, attributed to St. John Chrysostom by St. Thomas Aquinas:

He who is not angry, whereas he has cause to be, sins. For unreasonable patience is the hotbed of many vices, it fosters negligence, and incites not only the wicked but even the good to do wrong.

Know when you truly "have cause" to be angry, and when you should be mild, soothing and patient -- whether the person you're dealing with needs the "balm of sweetness" or a swift kick in the pants. And if you're dealing with the outright malicious, know when to shake the dust off your feet and move on, or at least know when not to get trapped in a go-nowhere, pointless discussion. Don't cast pearls before swine, and don't take idiocy personally. Remember that, ultimately, if someone is outside of the Faith, he is to be pitied and prayed for, for the loss is his.

If you don't know something, say you don't know and don't pretend you do. Keep your ego chained up in the basement, and just tell the person you will do your best to find an answer for them.

Define terms that are "iffy" before trying to come to an understanding. Words and phrases like "born again," "Bible-believing," Tradition," "anti-semitic," etc., have to be defined before anything good can come from using them with various groups.

Define their premises before trying to build your argument. What do they accept as true? Is that premise true or false? If it's false, disavow them of it; it if's true, build on it.

Finally, keep a sense of HUMOR!
