about me

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 @ 11:30 PM

i am feeling The current mood of cee at

people reading my diary: online

talk to me: Yahoo Online Status Indicator

hold the applause

The typical dinnertime ritual is that i either prepare something i think Master will enjoy or He tells me ahead of time what suits His fancy. Then, i try to time it so that we can eat about a half hour after He comes home, which gives Him time to relax, have a drink, flip through the mail, or ocassionally have His way with His slave. That last delays dinner somewhat.

He prefers the table set neatly for two, with placemats and ambience -- lit candles, no pickle jars or mustard bottles on the table, maybe background music set to soothe. i serve as waitress and companion as gracefully as i can manage the dual role, though He does enjoy a little fuss with me popping up to get more water for His glass or toast some extra bread. If the phone rings i'm expected to answer and take a message or deal with the telemarketer myself.

i never begin eating until Master gives me the nod which has become a game for us. Sometimes He gives it immediately and we both dig in, and other times He might eat for ten minutes while i wait, my eyes on Him waiting for permission from Him. There are rare occasions when He tells me to set the table only for Him, or points to the floor by His chair where i am to kneel and attend Him while He eats and hope my meal comes soon. That tends to slow down the evening because i'm not cutting calories and eventually need time to eat a full meal, but the temporary deprivation and total control it implies is exciting for me.

When we eat out, Master usually orders my food as well as His own, which is amusingly seen as gentlemanly and quaint. He may also tell me to quit eating at any moment He wishes, when He decides i have had enough. Never is obedience more tested than when eating a chocolate double-fudge brownie in a public setting where He tells me to put my fork down because i am done. This type of control over me is something of a game, i suppose, though it is a practice of discipline for me, reminding me that obedience to Master precedes even my basic desires.

The formality of our average dinner at home makes any break from it lots of fun too. Tonight He had me eat alone ahead of time, a simple sandwich and soup, then sit on His lap and feed Him each bite of His meal, which was potatoes and pork chops, broccoli and salad. As i fed Him i told Him about my day. It wasn't the neatest meal since i'm not so handy feeding someone else, but it was an interesting new way to serve Him and offer my full attention after missing Him all day.

Later, He had me pleasure Him orally while He watched the political show of the State of the Union speech. That was unexpected, as was the deepthroating expected of me whenever there was applause. May i just say the Man talked way way too long? my jaw aches tremendously and Master was devastatingly demanding for the whole hour with no intent of having me finish the job. i love very much to suck cock, and Master was making a variety of points with me, but this was the longest hardest blowjob of my life. More on that tomorrow.


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