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Monday, January 19, 2004 @ 08:56 PM

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my world whittled down

What do i need a Master for? i know there are countless people who just don't get the point of my relationship with my Man. i met one such person today.

i need what a Master is. A Master is in control, and it is that sense of control over me that makes me feel secure. (It's more than that, since i love this particular Master, but already i digress.) One of my favorite movies is the odd and esoteric Adaptation written by Charlie Kaufman and based on the book The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean. i happened to read the book long before the movie was made, and it's a lovely extended essay on the botany of orchids, an unusual man in Florida in trouble for orchid poaching, and many musings on life.

The movie is entertaining and challenging in itself, but also does a fair job of conveying Orleans thoughts on the nature of passion and why people tend to develop fascinations or passions about certain things. Why would someone devote their life to tramping fetid swamps to find rare and delicate flowers? Why would someone collect stamps or vintage cars? Why do people get so passionate about particular things?

Orleans muses that it "whittles the world down" into something manageable. You can't possibly care about the whole of the universe with intense and serious love, but as humans we need to care about something -- it's how we're built. A passion for teapots allows the collector to point and say "This! This much of the world is what I can concentrate on and find time to fully love."

Master has that same effect on me -- He is my passion, my focus, my purpose. He calms me and makes the rest of the unmanageable universe feel safe. i can point to Him and say, "Him. He is what i exist for and He is the part of this wide world i will fully and completely love." The rest of the universe will whiz by our window at a dizzying speed anyway. This is what my time is for.

Any lover can do that, but slavery whittles down my world in a way that allows me to focus my passion and revel in it all the more. A Master calms me and gives me clarity to see and enjoy the rest of life while keeping my purpose firmly in my heart and mind. What do i need a Master for? i am still learning how He helps me to expand my sense of self while i live within His collar and under His ownership. i need Him because when the world is whittled down, His control and ownership are what i love the most.


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