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Thursday, January 22, 2004 @ 01:11 AM

i am feeling The current mood of cee at

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the neverending job

Master's marathon blowjob last night was a pleasurable experience for Him and He really needs no other reason than His wish to keep me busy sucking and licking for an hour. But because i know my Owner, i also know He was expressing several other things to me by requiring my mouth to serve as an eager wet sucking cunt for Him. i've been restless and somewhat begrudging in my submission to Him at times in the last couple weeks. It's a resistance in myself i don't fully understand but i think is linked to my new work outside the home.

Also, left to speak completely freely, i might rant about all things political for quite some time. Politics is a fascination of mine. i think of election nights as something similar to Christmas Eve -- you have to wait until morning to see what presents you got, but in the meantime there's excitement, drunken speeches and party balloons. But as a slave i am not always free to speak, and since my political opinions often don't line up with Master's, He's not especially interested in any long rants from me. In fact, this is one reason His collection of gags are so well used. (i'll take any congratulations you wish to offer on my keeping politics out of this diary so far. It's been a tremendous feat.)

Despite our different political views, there are two votes from this household to be cast in the upcoming presidential election, and Master will decide them both. In the two-plus years we've been together, my vote hasn't been cast at all, and this new plan is more of a challenge to me than any planned absence from the voting booth. In practice, i expect more than half the married females in the country vote as their Husbands do, and many of those because the Man decided who was the best candidate. So Master's conviction that He controls my vote is no different except in the blunt way my slavery to Him justifies it. i am His property, so is my vote.

That's not the extreme coercion it seems like, it's more an extreme agreement He and i made that i now honor with Him. This was something He explicitly discussed with me before i became His full slave, so that i could decide if i wanted to be His. Still, planning to give up something i value and actually doing so are two very different things. i want to do this, much more than i want to vote for any candidate or express a human right, even. Yes, i want to be fully owned by Master, and used, more than anything else -- and this is an example of an extreme price i will pay.

So. The neverending State of the Union blowjob. It was making a point. i wish voting was something i could give up every day to get used to it, instead of a rarer and celebrated event. (Okay, i'm a nerd, i find elections reasons to celebrate.) i know i will submit myself to Master's will when November comes, but it's a long hard wait until then and i'm itching to rant about politics in the meantime. Master is trying to help me embrace what i've agreed to do. If He told me today that i didn't need to give up my vote for Him, i'd feel bad now and like a failure. This is part of my vow, my expression of devotion to Him, as crazy as it sounds. (BTW, if Master was a member of the John Birch Society i would never have consented to being His slave. The level-headed intelligence that makes Him a trustworthy Master is what also makes Him a suitable custodian of my vote.)

Keeping me on my knees, back to the television, lips around His cock while a major event of the presidential election year unfolded was a calculated move by Him. And i won't tell this to Master directly, lest He think my aching jaw is asking for more, but having me suck Him into the soft meat at the back of my throat obediently every time i heard applause pretty much made everything but the applause unimportant to me. Long before President Bush finished, Master's cock became the most important event of my night. As, i expect, it should be.


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