The Wayback Machine -

Welcome to The Oz library - A (almost) complete readable online library of OZ magazines - Enjoy!

If any of the copyright holders of any of this material would like it removed or have any comments / complaints please e-mail webmaster and it will be acted apon / replied to ASAP.

Please note that some people find that some of the contents of these issues IS UNSUITABLE for under 18's or minors as described by your country or state law. Please do not enter if you fall into this catagory. Parents - Please supervise your Children - These magazines are from the time of free love and good drugs, as such the images reflect this very graphicly!

Each page takes about 30 secs to load on a 150Kb Broadband connection.

Each Issue is in order, Please click on the image to go to the full issue.

Thanks to Gofffried for scanning Oz 1, 2, and 3 and Weed for some of the front covers.

Oz Magazine issue 1
Oz Magazine issue 2
Oz Magazine issue 3
OZ Magazine Isssue 4
OZ Magazine Isssue 5

OZ Magazine Isssue 6

OZ Magazine Isssue 7

OZ Magazine Isssue 8

OZ Magazine Isssue 9

OZ Magazine Isssue 10

OZ Magazine Isssue 11

OZ Magazine Isssue 12

Oz Magazine issue 13
Oz Magazine issue 14
Oz Magazine issue 15
Oz Magazine issue 16
Oz Magazine issue 17
Oz Magazine issue 18
OZ Magazine Issue 19
Oz Magazine issue 20
Oz Magazine issue 21
Oz Magazine issue 22
Oz magazine issue 19
Oz Magazine issue 24
Oz Magazine issue 25
Oz Magazine issue 26
Oz Magazine issue 27
Oz Magazine issue 28
Oz Magazine issue 29
Oz Magazine issue 30
OZ magazine issue 31

OZ magazine issue 32

Oz Magazine issue 33
Oz Magazine issue 34
Oz Magazine issue 35
Oz Magazine issue 36
Oz Magazine issue 37
Oz Magazine issue 38
Oz Magazine issue 39
Oz Magazine issue 40
Oz Magazine issue 41
Oz Magazine issue 42
Oz Magazine issue 43
Oz Magazine issue 44

Oz magazine issue 45

Oz Magazine issue 46
Oz Magazine issue 47
Oz magazine issue 48



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