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     New development director brings passion to fund raising

Debra Lethlean fills roles of minister, educator

By Maryangela Layman Román, Catholic Herald Staff

ST. FRANCIS — Debra Lethlean is all business as she rattles off the totals of the Catholic Stewardship Appeal and the work of the development office. But ask her about the work her office supports financially and her face softens and her passion for her work is unmistakable.

In mid-December, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan announced the appointment of Lethlean as director of development for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. She began her career with the archdiocese in August 1990 when she was hired as an administrative assistant in the department for parishes. Two years later, she became campaign coordinator and in 1994, she became director of donor relations. For the past seven years, she’s headed the Catholic Stewardship Appeal as director.

In an interview with the Catholic Herald, Lethlean described her work as development director and shared her passion for her job.

As she explained, the millions of dollars that Lethlean and the archdiocesan development office raise each year have a direct impact upon people’s lives.

“I have a passion for archdiocesan fund raising,” said Lethlean, adding, “It is so much more than asking for money. It is educating people about the wonderful work, the wonderful ministries the archdiocese offers. The fun part of the job for me is being out there with the supporters. I am proud to be part of the ministry of the church.”

Lethlean, a member of St. Alphonsus Parish, Greendale, said she enjoys being able to tell potential donors about archdiocesan programs such as Theology on Tap, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Catholic elementary and high school education, and what she described as “one of the best kept secrets: Catholic Charities as the social ministry arm of the church. She noted all of the programs exist because of donors’ support.

During her tenure at the archdiocese, Lethlean admitted there have been fund raising challenges, including the pedophilia crisis, a downturn in the economy, and other financial crises throughout the world such as the Asian tsunami and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

“Fund raising has not been easy, but I consider it a ministry,” she said, adding she’s proud that in spite of the challenges, the 2005 Catholic Stewardship Appeal has exceeded its $7.4 million goal by more than $100,000.

She attributes the success of the appeal to generous donors, support from pastors and Archbishop Dolan who she said “has done a wonderful job of restoring people’s trust and of helping put the pedophilia crisis in perspective and helping people be proud to be Catholic.”

Lethlean said, in reality, in 2002, following the onset of the pedophilia crisis and the retirement of Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, the stewardship appeal lost a significant number of donors. In spite of that, the appeal exceeded its goal, thanks to supporters giving larger gifts, she said.

As she prepares for her new position, Lethlean said her office will be challenged to find ways to encourage younger Catholics to take ownership of their church by contributing financially, as their parents and grandparents have done.

“Our younger generation of donors are generous but they want to know where their dollars are going. They want to be involved and informed,” she said.

As development director, Lethlean oversees not only the Catholic Stewardship Appeal, but parish stewardship and school development, major and planned giving, Catholic Charities development and Saint Francis Seminary development.

When away from the duties of raising money for the archdiocese, Lethlean said she and her husband, Bill, enjoy spending time with their two grown children, Tim and Marissa and their spouses who live in the Milwaukee area.

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For the rest of this week's news, visit the Catholic Herald web site.

 Article created: 1/12/2006